Adams, George Phillips - Autobiography


I was born according to the Acount that I have had in Haverfordwest in the County of Pembroke in the year 1817. My Father at that period of time had two females pregnant at the same time and instead of marrying my mother he married the other and for that reason I was rather rejected and dispised for as soon as I was born I was put out to Nurse and was treated rather roughish and nockt about from one to another until I arrived to three years old in which time my Grand Father and Grandmother took me after which I was taken pretty good care of untill I Came to Care for my self. I was from 18 to 19 years of Age when I went to service to A farmer and after Awhile I went off like a Bird out of his nest to try my luck to the Iron Factories after which I went through many Difficulties Before I could get on properly through being strange and unacquainted with the Customs and forms of a strange Country but after A lettle time I got to work in the Iron Ore and then I got Along better and after A little I got familier with things and to get A little money so as I was Able to get my self some Cloths and other Nessasaries: I was About 20 years of Age when I went to the Iron Works and was between nine & ten years a nocking About as the general customs of youth are after which I got married to one after the name of Sarah Beynon in the year 1845 and I never was very much inclined to any of the religious partys. I was rather holding with the ideas of the Deist because I never Could see any Correspondence with the Different Creeds of the Day so I was rather opposed to them all. I was Aware that there must needs bee that A great reformation of things was Necessary to take place but I Could not see no union for the world for any Body of people would petion for any grant another would opose it so I was rather inclined to what they Called the Charter and the Denomenatians of the Day was opposed to it and this was the cause that persuaded me to A rather dislike to any of them. I wanted the Working Class to have their rights and I could not understand how it was going to come to pass without unionization and I saw that union could not be passed at all without seeing alike so in this Kind of way it passed on untill the year 1849 in which A great Harm took place an awfull malady Made its appearance called the colerah. This made A great measery Among the people and Numbers Joined relegeon some to one Sect and others to other sects some to the Baptists some to the Methodists asome to the independents and some to the Westleans but my lot fell with the Primative Methodists. I recieved A ticket on tryal to see if I had the composition in me that would compose A ranter but after I began to follow the Societese I also began to reade their Article which thay told me was the New Testament but I could not see the Article and the forms and notians that thay inbibd corresponding and the more I read the more contradictions I found so in this state of Meditatians my mind was called to reflect upon some princeples which I had heard through one and so the other that were embraced and cherished by a people called the Latter-Day saints.

Now I found that the Article that the Premetive held represented to me confirmed that principles taught by the Latter Day Saints and seemd to Direct all together contrary to what they profesed to believe which Caused no small stir in my mind so after the space of about Six weeks after my Forming them I felt A desire to see farther about it so I began to Discus with them on several points such as Baptizam and the Laying on of hands and so forth so they got greatly alarmed alarmed and began to inquire of me if I did mean what I said; and my Answer was according to the Advise of Paul which was to prove all things and hold fast in that which is good so I did intend to do so this Discource fast in that which is good so I did intend to do so this Discource fast in October on the 7th/ 1849 and on the 8th, 1849 I went and got Baptizd by A Authorized Servant of God and was adopted into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and from that time I am Able to rejoyes in the fullness of the Everlasting Gospel and in the glorious influences of the Spirit of the God of Israel and if I hapen to peruse A little in the old Article which is so much Cherishd by all Denomenations of people which is Called the Bible I am Able to Comprehend the Spirit in which it has been wreten and also what people it Aludes to so I am able to enjoy in the Age I live in: in which time God the Eternal Father is once More Communicating his mind and will to the Children of men so as they may understand his great purposes.



Adams, George Phillips


Copied as close as possible from a xerox copy of the hand written history of my great-great grandfather, George P. Adams. Joel L. Tapley December 10, 1980