Poem (April 1853) by Dewi Elfed Jones

Udgorn Seion, 1853 (Vol

Udgorn Seion, 1853 (Vol. 5):273-76




The earliest bards were accustomed to praising

The Priesthood which stood at the dawn of the world;

The sons of the Godhead were full of rejoicing,

As the world was created, and so sang as one:

The message of Moses remains a sound witness

To the saving in gladness that Israel received;

Yet glory shines outward a thousand times brighter,

In the radiant refrain of the Lamb’s epic song.


The old saints of Palestine so sweetly addressed,

In praise-laden psalms those who served well their Lord;

Yet sweeter to us, as the children of Wales,

Is payment of homage to our President’s post;

This Pastoral role wishes to give us our fill

Of holiest truth, to develop the flock;

Not life and not death of themselves will suffice

To keep us in safety from the jaws of the wolf.


You people of the Verdant Isle should now rejoice,

From the land of our bondage we shall be set free;

The dawn has now broken on the darkest of hues,

The sun has burst forth at the bright break of day;

The beast of oppression and the lord of mis-rule

Is left now in anguish, his hideout revealed;

Full rivers of tears and of sadness shall cease,

Old Satan himself will be swiftly constrained.


A period of joy has descended on Wales,

With vibrant Apostles of strength in our midst;

Her own sons, ordained, are thereby at hand

And thousands rejoice in receiving their news;

To Phillips and Davis and Jones we make hail

While Zion is clothed in a matchless array;

And blessings like dewdrops on meadows of green

On Jeremy and Daniels pour forth their refrain.


Oh, Wales, those false guardians of your ruinous walls,

Are made to feel shame in heaven’s bright light;

Oh, daughter of Zion your towers are manned

By excellent watchers, for which now give thanks.

If the Presidency is seen, to the Britons’ great pride,

Leading its armies to encounter the foe,

It’s a Presidency of life with Jesus its head,

His blessing a banner, for Wales now unfurled.


Gleaming and sturdy in Zion are built

Three well-ordered pillars, their aspect so fine;

In courage, as pride of the Britons, they stand,

And of Joseph’s God in bold facts they proclaim;

They stand as bright symbols of heavenly truth

And in their surroundings great wonders will grow;

Their message, like fire, will set Wales ablaze

To the envy and rage of the arrogant throng.


This noble Priesthood has clothed them in honor,

Sincerity of purpose is what swells their heart;

Their purposeful nature now sets them on course

To capture the leadership of Wales as a whole;

To them every bitter reproach is a boon,

And each persecution brings forth a broad smile;

The wrath of dark powers explains their delight,

At grim, hellish malice they respond with bold mirth.


The strength of God’s Priesthood, eternal and firm,

Overwhelms the vainglory of all earthly realms;

And powerful empires are seen to decay,

Their comforts all perishing as in a day:

Brave race of the Welshman, break forth into song,

The angel has stirred at the centre of heaven,

Eternity’s gospel echoes through Wales,

Salvation is come—it’s a day of new life.


Mount Cumorah stands now as the fountain of truth

And Justice from heaven has shown us its face,

Both mercy and peace to this world are made known

And a garden is made of a desolate place;

The darkest recesses in this land of Wales

Are governed by Truth to the blessing of all;

The stealth and oppression of sects is exposed

Its heavenly rays giving light to the land.


The stem of fairest Judah is brought low

By those who blacken its repute with many tales;

Their copious errors, like a river in its course,

Cover the earth with dark, polluted streams;

But see! the root of Ephraim, hidden long,

Rare gem of latter days, is now displayed;

By our Prophet’s hand it is brought into view,

Its texts once more by Joseph are revealed.


No sooner was its godly message known

Than worldly scholars swelled with furious rage,

For they could see an end to all their trade,

As Babel’s tower shook from head to toe;

Both tablets are now widely with the poor,

And they can read God’s word without a veil;

The God of Zion’s purpose is made clear,

To save the guilty to eternal life.


The covers that obstructed men are shred

Together with the darkness many knew,

And Joseph’s remnant, having been adrift,

From its dispersal is brought home again;

Lost northern tribes are homeward bound once more,

To icy cells true freedom will extend;

The Lord from heaven, in glory, will descend,

His radiance will melt even icy peaks.


And while a Welshman’s heart still beats he can’t

Forget our striving presidents at work;

Who else in Wales has been so brave, I ask,

Has worked so hard to raise this nation’s state?

A Presidency crowned—and still being crowned—

With matchless feats unlike all seen before;

A Presidency marked by highest praise

And standing by its monumental toil.


O, Wales, which other country is like you,

Beneath the highest heaven so richly blessed?

In Zion’s furthest cities your renown

Is celebrated and is widely famed;

Your literary stalwarts have excelled,

And wisdom by your press is widely spread;

From palace to the humblest, poorest home

Your writers’ voice is heard by one and all.


The heavenly “Doctrine” and the “Covenants” as well,

The “Book of Mormon” also—finest in the world;

Are read now in our forebears’ tongue,—

For which the Saints of Wales rejoice as one.

So many college scholars stand amazed,

And Babylonia’s bitterest pale in shame:

Their teaching gifts retreat and disappear

As with a vapor that’s dispelled by light.


This maiden once, in tender years, was viewed

With scorn and also cursed by Babel’s brood,

But now she is adorned to meet her Groom,

And stands in radiant beauty, finely clothed.

Her splendor drives and speeds a poisonous ire

In the sons of the beast who have such haughty ways;

And all the daughters of the whore are likewise pained,

With groaning, anguish, worry and dismay.


Philistine hordes in chaos and distress

Are scattered wide by “Zion’s Trumpet” call;

The voice of truth heard on the Britons’ lips,

Has caused them all to run in fear and dread.

Precious deliverance will soon become the prize

And crowning glory of the steadfast and the good;

Our enemy’s strength will thoroughly be trounced

And Zion’s daughter then will certainly rejoice!


Intent on printing this work—am I,

With no delay, and promptly;

This is my quest, and this is my song,

To be mindful of its completion.


Dewi Elfed.



Jones, David Bevan


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