Evans, John (1829) - Journal - 26 May 1881 - 31 Dec 1881







Cwmpen Main May 26, 1881

We lafte Cwrte y Bela and came hear - distance 3 miles and the weathear mild and cloudy raining a little.    Called at my Aunt Rachel Evans at Gway and head sumthing to eat then came on down hear talkeing to the peple and distrebuting tractes as we came along and head somthing to eat with this famely then went down to the Blackwood andheald an oute dore meating at 8 pm to about a hundred peopll and theay lisend veary good except one man that spoke out little disrespectfull and we bead food and lodgins and welcom at the house of Daniel Williams


Gallegare May 27, 1881


We came hear from Cwmpen Main throo Blackwood - distance 5 mills and the weathear beaing veary fine.    We came by flour De les.    Called at the Castle inn and head   us sumthing to eate thare.    She is the sistear of Edward Brayn.    But we did not see hur but hear daugtear then went to see Bengamen Dudleys wedow and William Howels daugtear then went to see Mary Danials or Mary Haskins.    Had somthing to eat thar.    Theay are Josuphites.    Then we came down by Mais y Cwmer and Hengard and at this place thear is a grate Raylrod Brig across the valey some 16 archis and is called the veyoduc then we went to the ystrand man og and called at Brouthear John Cridge then went to the Coopeass arms to see the daughtear of William Davis of Loagan and she head a daughtear about 16 year auld - veary sic and we head sumthing to eat with hur and hur uncle came in and invited us to hes place in Llanbradack then we went up to Galligate and head veary good welcom and food and lodgens at the house of Edward Lawis and William and Mary Lawis has childran.


Newport May 28, 1881


M. J. Thomas and my salph laft Galligar and Brouthear Lewis came with us a little wayes.    We came throo the ustrand. Called at Brouthear Cridge and talked to W. Davis's daughtear and she saw that she head auite a notion to gathear to Utah this sezon then came on to Pwll y Pant, gave som tractes and talked somed on the princepels of the gospel and a man by the name of Squiar W. T. Williams of the above place made heas will to Lord Brite of some 14 thousend pounds in stid of makeing it to hes relations then we came to Carffily, called at the house of William Davis's sistear.    Did not have eany welcom thare [End Page 1] then made some more inquires and then went to see the auld Castle paide 3 pence a pece for going in and we weare lent a boock or a guide to explaine many things connected withe it and one is a towar of some 50 or 60 fet high and have bin split in twaine one half have fallan down and the othear standes leaving ovear 6 fet from the per pendicular or it leaned one foot in six.    Another one is a large roome som 80 fet long and 35 fet wide and about 30 fet high and resantly bin coveared with new lumbear ruff and new flore and it semes that it is used fore partes and amusement and it seems to me to be the Castles of all the castels and we give one of our tractes to the Dore Keepear and tould him our names then went and made some more inqires and went to a shop and sould one of our tractes the Comprehensive Slavation _ ___ a child yestearday and weas angsouse to go to haven but he did not bleve that he could go bey watear baptism and we tould him that it was the only way that he could go then went down the street and met three Catholick preest and handed them a track the latear day prophat then went on a little furthear to a barbear shop and head a shave and we laft one of our tractes thare and tould who we wes and they said that thay in the papears that a grate many mishonaryes have come avear from amarica or utah then we mead some more inquires and found one Solomon Lawis, John L. Lawis is Broathear and we head somthing to eat thare then we came throo the Bedwast in tending to go with the traine but we came to late then wealked down 12 miles at the rate of 41/2 and oure come throo Machan and Beselake and RhyuDarin and crost the abov vale Rivear and arrived hear at ten o clock whare i bought this boock and we walked 20 mills this day and the weathear weas veary fine and we slapt at Mr. Watkins the Coffe tavern near the victoria Hall.


Newport May 29 1881


We went down comarcul road so far as 8 Lewis Street and called at one William Bary and we did not have eany thing to eate hear then we went down to the botom of the formear street and heald a meating thare and preech.    But the peopel did not take much intrest in what we said then we went to vew the rivear uske and whare the vasals cum up which weas close by and met William Bary at this place then we went up the street for it weas raineing and whan we came up to Lawis Street Mr. Bary Bid us good by and went home But we did not have eany home to go to hence we went up the road as fare as uske Bridge and vewed that a while then went down to the auld Dockes and vewed them then went down,to the Lowar Dockes or what they called the Aliczandria Dockes and the watear that came to feed thes dockes came from the Abwvale rivear throo the Treadigear Parke some three mills and thay are veary fool cokes and head things veary conveaniant for tiping the the veasals some 8 elavatead raile roads and cranes and High Drolic powars and anothear curiosety that i did not notic before wease and iron Boat to stop the watears from one Dock to the oathear in the place of a gate and is widear on the top than it is in the botom and they turn it lanthe ways a cross the Dic and thare is a holow place in the wall and some timbcars in the eand of the Boat that fites in it then they have a [End Page 2] way to let the watear in and sink it down and thus stop the watear and thare is frome newport down to the chanal some three or four mills then we went up town againe. Called at the Coffe tavarn and called fore our velecis and laft for Cwm Braine on the Canal Bank and thare is a grate many lockes on the way But the canall is not in use now for the raile road takes all the fraite and we   head food and lodgins at the house of John Davis and John Lloyed invited us to Dinar the next Day and we traveled about 10 mills.


Garn Siffaith M May 30 1881


We lafte Cum Braine and came hear distans 7 mills and the weathear veary fine and the coockhow singeing hear songe ase we ware going along eat dinear at John Loyed at No.  7 forge Row then came to pont y Drin called at Sistear Sarah ann Jones But she weas not home we sat Down little while and sang a hime up awake ye Defandears of Zion then went on our jurny throo a place called Sabastapoole and Sistear Davis and hur two Daughtars that came tosendus this fare turnt Back at this place then went on to pont y pool and Called at My Cusan Rees Prossear and head sumthing to eat and lafte them one of our tractes name the Lattear Day prophat and tauld them that we war mishonares from Utah then we came throo pont newgnid wich place I worke some 35 years ago and what wease then a canell is now a railroad and the worke that I worked in then is now then came throo Abearsychan to this place and head food and lodgens and walcom at Breathear and Sistear Scoot and____ and washed may salph allovear.


Abeartylary tu May 31 1881


we laft garn Suffaith toDay and came hear Distans 3 mills the weathear beaing quite warm we called at Mistir and Mistees Scidmar and famely then went and heald an oute dora meating and ase we ware about to bring our meating to a close thare wease a man by the name of Philip Johnes and weas lame asked a quastion and aftear we had closed our meating throo prayear we answared hes quastions wich he asked many of them and a grate many people gatheard to gathear to hear the argumentes many more than came to hear us preech and thay lesond veary atentevly and it semed that we answard them satisfactorly to the people and that we head the feelinges of the people on our side and that he head mad a foole of him salph then we head food and lodgens at Mistear Scidmour.


Rhymmey W June 1 1881


We lafte abartilary to Day and came hear Distans 12 mills and the wathear qute warm and the gwaw singen hur song we came throo the Blynai Nanty glo Bryn Mawr and Bufart or candle and ryed y Blaw and Sirhowi and Treadeagar and cald at Patric Grimly and head sumthing to eate then went and heald an oute dore meating near the Royal in _hall broathear grimly Barns and my salph adrassed the meating But the people weas rathear disordearly and some of them Drunke and moyse and acting as tho they did not want us to talke to them hence we asked them the quastion whethear they wished [End Page 3] us to talked to them or not and if thay did to show it by rising the wright hand.    But they did not raise thair handes so we toock it for granted that thay did not want to hear us hence we dismesd the meating and wear dismesed by prayar by M. J. Thomas then went down to Broathear Grimly and head somthing to eat and drinke then went to sleepe at Broathear David Charls.


Bargard th June 2 1881


We lafte today and the weathear warm little cloudy and walked aboute 6 mells to this place came throo Pontloting called at Broathear Jarymiah Williams then up the mountain and fawlowed the top of the mountain all the way down hear came past a little church called Capal y Bryther or Brithie chapel and beains that the gates and doors ware opend and thare wes a woman cleaning the graves and etc we went in side and stood in the pull pit for curyosety for thay do not keep survices hear now for many years then went on down to this place and called at one Mistreys Jinkens who weas an ant to M. J. Thomas and after talking a while on relations of ours she asked him what relegeon did he belong to and he sead that he belong to the same relegan as her fathear did then she asked him what religan wes that and he answerd the lattear Day

Saints and then she answard in a low tone in _ like this__ as tho she ment to say what made you joine

such a low relidgan as that whay dident you joyne some othear religon that is respectabel with the world in stid of one that is heated by all but she weas kind to us for all that and give us sumthing to eat then we went to the house of William Lawis who wease a Broathear in the chirch and we head food and logins and welcom hear.


Llwincrwn near Cymfalin or Coly farm   f June 3 1881


We lafte the Bargard to Day and came hear the weathear warm and the coockho singen distans 6 mills we called at my Cusean Ann Davis and head sumthing to eat and I laft the walch Book of Mormon and the Nom. 5 of the Devinety of the Book of Mormon for them to reed and it seemed to me that she did posess a bettear feeling than when i was hear be fore then we came and called at Sistear Hanah Lewis and head sumthing to eat then went to see Broathear David Thomas who lived in the Coly row and tould the people that we weas going   to preach and we invited the people all around to come and hear us and many did come and heare us and we head a good meating.    M. J. Thomas and my salph preech and we gave some tractes away and we head food and lodgeins and walcom at Sistear Hannah Lawis. us to talked to them or not and if thay did to show it by rising the wright hand.    But they did not raise thair handes so we toock it for granted that thay did not want to hear us hence we dismesd the meating and wear dismesed by prayar by M. J. Thomas then went down to Broathear Grimly and head somthing to eat and drinke then went to sleepe at Broathear David Charls.


Bargard th June 2 1881


We lafte today and the weathear warm little cloudy and walked aboute 6 mells to this place came throo Pontloting called at Broathear Jarymiah Williams then up the mountain and fawlowed the top of the mountain all the way down hear came past a little church called Capal y Bryther or Brithie chapel and beains that the gates and doors ware opend and thare wes a woman cleaning the graves and etc we went in side and stood in the pull pit for curyosety for thay do not keep survices hear now for many years then went on down to this place and called at one Mistreys Jinkens who weas an ant to M. J. Thomas and after talking a while on relations of ours she asked him what relegeon did he belong to and he sead that he belong to the same relegan as her fathear did then she asked him what religan wes that and he answerd the lattear Day

Saints and then she answard in a low tone in _ like this__ as tho she ment to say what made you joine

such a low relidgan as that whay dident you joyne some othear religon that is respectabel with the world in stid of one that is heated by all but she weas kind to us for all that and give us sumthing to eat then we went to the house of William Lawis who wease a Broathear in the chirch and we head food and logins and welcom hear.


Llwincrwn near Cymfalin or Coly farm   f June 3 1881


We lafte the Bargard to Day and came hear the weathear warm and the coockho singen distans 6 mills we called at my Cusean Ann Davis and head sumthing to eat and I laft the walch Book of Mormon and the Nom. 5 of the Devinety of the Book of Mormon for them to reed and it seemed to me that she did posess a bettear feeling than when i was hear be fore then we came and called at Sistear Hanah Lewis and head sumthing to eat then went to see Broathear David Thomas who lived in the Coly row and tould the people that we weas going   to preach and we invited the people all around to come and hear us and many did come and heare us and we head a good meating.    M. J. Thomas and my salph preech and we gave some tractes away and we head food and lodgeins and walcom at Sistear Hannah Lawis.[End Page 4]


Marthyr Sa June 4 1881


We lafte the Coly and came hear distans 5 mells and the weathear fine we mat a man coming up the mountain with aboute a dozen lambes with him and he lived in gilvach yr encil and we tould him aboute the gospell and give him a tracte the no.  5 of the Kingdom of god then we went on down and wente all throo the Plumouth or Panted Bach' iron workes wich is now in a grate rewins and it had some 12 roling mells in it and three of them wear raile mells and it head som 60 or 70 _ furnises and squerars and steme hamars and heateing furnases and etc etc then called at Lewis Thomas same place who weas an uncle to M. J. Thomas and thay loock rathear down cast and we did not eate eny thar for thay all laft the house exept him hence we lafte and came hear mat Broathear David Evans and soone Broathear John M. Bowen came then head somthing to eat then went with M. J. Thomas or rathear he came with me down to the town and went throo the Mariat house and called at D. J. Evans my cousen with the intantion to bey me a nack tie    But thay weas to beze to waite on me so I went down to Eran Maradith and baughe one and paide one shiling for it and wus _ bey wifes navew Thomas Davis then we went to Nomber 24 Mary Street to sleep.


Marthyr S June 5 1881


We went to the Counceal Meating heald at the railway inn long room head a veary good meating heard reportes from all the Brathern my salph, J. M. Bowen, M. J. Thomas, Thomas D. Rees, and David Evans adrassed the meatings then mat at 2 pm and peartook of the sacrament and head a veary good meating.    T. D. Rees, D. Evans adminesteard the sacramant and the saints bore their tastemonys and David Evans & J. M. Bowen adressed the meating then we mat again at 6 pm and the first spekear weas Brathear Davied Evans then T. D. Rees, M. J. Thomas, J. M. Bowen and my salph and all the brathern spoke veary well then we went to the Confranc house to sleep at Sistear Mary Harman and this eanding the firs month of my Presiding ovear the Confranc.


Marthyr M June 6 1881


We weas satling up our account all day and wrighting and setch and went up to the Caven to hould a meating acording to prevous apoint at the room that weas prevously couepide by the Lattear Day saintes but thare weas no wan scarsly came to hear us only aboute half a dozon childrean stood around the dore out side and would not come in But the saints came thare from fare off and the meating weas opened by sineing and prayars bey John Jones the precident of Marthyr Branch, singen then Broathears T. D.  Rees, David Evans, M. J. Thomas and my salph adrassed the meating and all of us fealt rathear gloomy to think that [End Page 5] we have took so much intress in thair wellfarce to come some five or six thousand mills to Preech to them and they could not aforde to come one hard to hear us and this indiffrance Broute the sayinges of our Savour to my mind veary forsefely whar he wayes I have bin hungry and ye fed me not and naced and ye cloathed me not, sick and in prison and ye did not visit me and a straingear and ye did not take me with you and thay did not know it hence thay asked him the quastion when did we see the the hungre and nacad sick and in preson and a straingear and we did not menestear to thay wantes and he answared well you did not do it to these my Brathern and then you did not do it unto me and then he sais unto them go ye cursad and inharit the Kingdom that is prepared for the Davel and hes angeals and in anoathear place it saise we have Piped unto you and ye did not Dance hency they fullfill the scripturs now as thay did in anchant dayes by disobeying the gospel and when the sarvants of the Lord weas thare to pipe unto them the gospeal masage thay did not come thar to Dance or to heare and the meating weas dismesd Prayear By Broathear Benjaman Allan Broathear David Evans and my salph caled at my cusean Ann Evan Evans is wife then went towards home or the Confranc house past the Cyfathfa iron workes wich weas all Blowed out and on stop and as silant as Daith and loock veary gloomy times and as tho that we lived in the dayes of Big eventes and that Babelon is falling and the people bigens to feel it but thay cant see it or thay dont want to see it about one year ago my salph and Broathear William D. Williams and my salph weas goin on our way from Marthyr to Llirwain we turned in to this worke as we past for a menit or two but we scarsly got in side when a veary small man in size but veary big in feeling came and demanded us to go with him to the offic befor Mr. William Crawsha and the man that we ware talken to sad to him why dont you know this man sad he this man is John Evans he hase bin raised in this work and what do you want with him to the offic yes yes I do but that my   ordors hence we head to go and the name of the little man that ordeard us to the office weas John Haris who weas a machman in the workes and the name of the outhear man wes John Morgan hoom I formarly worked with in this worke then we went to the offic and appeard befor Mr. Crawsha and he stood up behind the wrighten deaske with some othear man with him and he wanted to know what seas our calling and what bisness we ware on and we tould him that we ware mishanaris from utah in amarica and that we belong to the latear Day Saints and that we head som tracts to explaine the princepels that we beleve in and would be glad to presente some two or three of them before him on the daske but he refeuse to take them and sad that he would distroy them iff I did leve them thare hence Broathear William D. Williams tould me to take them back and so I did rathear than to have distroy them and he refeuse to let us to go round the workes for fear that we would give some of the tracts to the man but [End Pate 6] we tould him that we did not intand to do no such a thing and that we had ho time for we ware on our way to hirwain and only turned in for a minet or two ase we past and that the work weas not a new thing to me atall for I head bin raised in it from a boy and at the same time I head the impreshon on my mind that it weas the worst thing he eveary dun weas to regect this veary important message that we ware sent to beare to him and to all the world then Broathear Bengaman Allan and I went to see some partis in gorge town that weas about to imegrate and went on down to Confranc house met M. J. Thomas thare and slapt to gathear at No.  24 at Sistear Harman.


Marthyr tu June 7th 1881


We ware satling our accountes all day and in the eving we went up to the _ and held an out dore meating

M. J. Thomas preach in inglesh and I preach in welch and Bangaman Alean opened the meating bey prayer and William Richard closed bey prayear and then we head something to eat at Sistear Margrat Jones then went down to the Confrance house whare we stopt at.


Marthyr w June 8th 1881


We ware sattling our accountes and I went down to the bank with some mony to the about of L 6 and got a bankars draft for ir and


Marthyr th June 9th 1881


We lafte Marthyr at 3 pm and tooke the traine to Abearnant cost 31/2 half pany then waked up to ____      called at my cusean Cathrin then went up to hirwaine and had walcom and food and called at James Wittear then at Morgan Evans then on to Rees Price whare we had food and lodgens and welcom and road 3 mills and wealked 3 mills


Neath F 10th 1881


I lafte hirwaine and Broathear M. J. Thomas this morning and came down hear and called at Thomas D. Bowen and head sumthing to eat thare then went to this place came throo pont whalbeyand the Lamb & flag & Aberpargwm & the Rhyale &_______ and went and called at Broathear & Sistear Williams and head sumthing to eate theare then went to viset Broathear Easteman then went in surch of a plase to stop ovear night called at the Kingshead and at the people that used to live at the veale of Neath and did not get a place but went to the Coffe tavearn and thay allso weanted a shileing for my place then I sead that [End Pate 7] I must get my place for sixpence then they sad that thay would diract me to a place and so thay did directe me to Mrs. Tavilha No. 54 Waltear Street Neath and I head a vear god place for a sixpence all tho she wanted 9 pence and the othears wanted a shillin.    It weas raineing and I walked 18 mills.


Swansea S June 11, 1881


I laft neath this morning called at Broathear Lang and head sumthing to eate and then went up to ystalyvearra came throo the Glaise past ynispen llwch and ponte ar Dawceke and ynis Medlere and ystalvare then from thare hear came throo Clydack and Moristown and slapt at traboath at Mary Jones and the wathear fine and I walked 20 mills.


Swansea S 12th 1881


Met in counceal in the Baptist Court the usual place of warship and Moroni Watteas weas resotred to his place and weas reordained to the prestood then went to visit Elias Davis is sistear and eat dinar thare then mat againe at half past two pm and peartoock of the Sacramant and my salph and the two Broathears harman adressd the meating and the saintes Bore their tastemony and we head a veary good meating then we went to Broathear Williams gunear to have sumthing to eat then went to meating agane at 1/26 pm at the Baptist Court our usual place of worship.    Broathear Parkehouse John Lewis Edwin harman Bangaman and my salph adressd the meating and we head good meating then I went up to tra Boath to sleep at Mary Jones wealked aboute, 4 mills.


Swansea M June 13 1881


Called at Broathear Williams met B. S. E. Harman thare and Edwin and I went up stars to wright then went to meating at high street the usual place of worship my salph and Broathers Harmans adrassed the meating then we consecrate a botle of oile and adminestrd the laying on of handes on the sick even Sistear Parkhouse then we called at Broathear James and anointead him with oil on hes Brast and side. B. Harman wes mouth then we layed our handes on him my salph beaing mouth then we counceald to gathear as thay came to send me home Bengamen &    Edwin Harman & my salph that we would rebaptise and re organise the Swansea Branch then I went up to traBath and stopt at Mary Jones and Alvira Dix walked 4 mills.


Neath Tu June 14 1881


Came hear called at Broathear Gorge Lang at the Scewen and had somthing to eate thar then Broathear & Sistear Lang came with me down hear we called at Broathear and Sistear Williams and famely at the falin girthen and at Broathear Newham and [End Page 8] Esteman and head somthing to eat with them then went to the Castle Cap to sleep with the people that formerly lived in the veale of Neath and Broathear & Sistear Lang payed nine peance for my place walked 5 mills.


Glin Corwg W June 15 1881


I laft Neath and came hear called at Broathear John Williams and had bracfast then the little boy name Elias Came to send me aways towardes the top of the incline then toock the traine and road up to this place 12 mills free of eany charge for it is a cole traine and thay run one car Behind for the Benifit of the peopel and this road gose throo a veary ruff Country and one tunal a mill in langth I called at David Lewis house But he had Emegrat to Utah aboute a month ago But hes wife and two boyes weas laft Behind and one of the Boyes   have and is now veary sick had inflemation in hes side and weas lansed in two placis and a small panfull of maters have runed out But he weas bettear than he hve Bin then I head sumthing to eat and went aboute a mile farthear to Broathear David Jones and head food and logins & welcom thar and walked 3 mils and road 12   and I asked Broathear Jones if we could have a meating hear and he said that no one would come in for theay did not come in when Broathear Lewis & Bowen had a meating hear some month or tow Before and that he talked a good Deale to them But they Did not want to hear it nor have eany thing to do with it and seme to be veary hard headed Peple.


Glyn Corwg Th June 16 1881


I stayed hear to Day and roate a latterar to my famely to Utah and allso roate some of my jurnal then my salph and David Jones went toward the velay to see how Evan Lawis weas and he weas much bettear and he head bin lansed in two placis in heas side and in hes brast and thare weas silvear tubes put in the hols and I saw hes mothear take them oute and thay was in some three or fore inchis and he Dranke some five shilins worth of wiskey By ordors of the Docter since he head Bin Sick and when the tubes weas taken out of the hols they Put linsed meal Powltis to them then we went home to David Jones s and eat Super and slapt thare at David Johnes.


Mastag F June 17th 1881


I laft David Jones and Called at David Lewis for to see how Evan weas But did not find eny one round I thoath that thay weas in bed for it weas rathear early in the morning then I went towardes the traine so aftear stoping in the Car aboute halfanowar the traine started and I rode down to the Cymear with the Cole traine free of charge 2 mills then toocke a noathear traine to Mastag wich would aboute three mills then went and called at William Evans No.  5 Brown St and head somthing to Eate and he paide me for the Star and jurnals two shilens and nien pence then William Thomas Called in and talked a while and invited me to hes logins to tak sumthing [End Page 9] and I toock a walked down to the Town for I head a lattear    to poste and a famely to viset Sistear Shribear wich I did but this William Thomas soone unlooseaned himsalph and acured Presednt young of an aror and that weas that adam was our god and said I to him Do you mene to say that Preacedent young is an arar and he said yeas then I saw that he weas    on Doing rous ground I Did not think that eany good could be dun with him for this weas not the first Time for him to acuse the the athoritis and the Bookes of Morman & Doctine & Covenantes & the Bible of not beaing consistant with its salph then I put my letear in the post and asked Mrs. Howel how did liked the -tract that I gave him some month or two a goo and he sad that he like it veary well then I went to viset Sistear Shribear and head somthing to eat with them then I went up to sleep to William Evans and head somthing to eat and walcom.


Traorkey S June 18 1881


I lafte William Evanis house in Mastag this morning and came hear Distanc some 10 mills ovear the mountains and it rained most all the fore noone and William Evans came with me to the top of the mountain then I bid him good By for he Turned Back and I went down to Cwm garw and Called at Broathear Fradric Smith and head somthing to eat and a shiling in my Pockat and he sattled for the Bookes that he had then he came to sand me ovear the mountain in site of the Pgmor Valy on top of the mountain Betwene the Garw Valy and the ogmor valy thare weas a Land Marke thare and it consisted in a poste in the ground with rockes waled all a round it mid at the latern Drawn in at the top and we head prayears By it and Called on the Name of the Lord and from this place we could see the road that weas going from the Ogmar ovear the mountain to Troarkey for he intanded to go to Trayorkey next Sunday then we went on a little furthear and then parted and beard each othear good By he turned Back and I went on Down throo Cwm park called at William Thomas and head somthing to eat then went up to No 10 Rivar Row to Broathear Thomas Rees and hes Daughtear Glattis and head food and logins and welcom.


Troarkey S June 19 1881


Went in Company with Broathears William Thomas & William Williams and some more of the Brathern up to tea Hurbert to Preach at 12 n and head good Congreation of people and Broathear Thomas Preach and Bey the time that he got throo it came a veary havey raine and so we head to quit or als I intanded to Preach aftear him then went Down to traorkey and eat Dinar at William Williams then met againe at 2 pm in Saintes meating and Peartoock of the sacrament and the saints bore tastemony and my salph and William Thomas & William Williams adrass the meating and head a veary good meating then went with Broathear Rees and head somthing to eat and then back to meating at six a Clock againe and Broather Josaph Jones Thos & John Davis Wm Thos & Wm Williams & my salph Preach and had veary good meating then Called at Isiah Llywalin and Wm and Sistear Robeartes and eat supear thare and slapt [End Page 10] at Broathear Thos Rees and the meatings wes held at Broathear Radric.



24 Mary Street Mo June 20th 1881


I laft Traorkey this morning and came hear Distans some 10 mills and it rained veary hard the most of the time Broathear Robearts came with me to the tope of the mountain and then I bid him good By he turned back and I went on down and crossed the mardey or the rondo vach valy and rivear then ovear anothear mountain till I came to Abarvare then called at Mrs Dun and head sumthing to eat with hur then toock the Traine to Marthyr and found them all well at 24 and head kind recaption and head saveral lattears some from 42Islington one from Broathear Mathews from new york and one frome M. J. Thomas and one from my son Thomas M. Evans with the likeness of my son John G. Evans in it and I falt veary thankefull that thay ware all well at home and I slapt at No 24 at Sistear Harman and it rained part of the time.



24 Mary Street tu June 21 1881


reading and Wrighting and seaing to geat the saintes rady to imegrat and the wathear wes could and raine and I visetad my Broathear Richards house and gave the childrean some little prezentes to the childrun and slapt at No 24 at Sistear Mary Harman.

No 24 Mary Street w June 22 1881

reading and wrighteing lattears and geating the imegrantes rady and slapt at 24 at Sistear harman and the wathear weas could and rainey.


24 Mary Street th June 23 /81


weas reading the wrighting and viseting the Saintes and mat Broathear Thomas Morgan at the station then toock a walke round the town then went to meating at the roome had prayear and tastemony meating and Broathear Alan and my salph adrast the meating and slapt at Sistear harman.


Mountain Ash f june 24 1881


put some papears and lattears in the post and mat at the Marthyr station and saw the saints of with the half past 6 am traine then went up to my Broathears house to get my Calars and head somthing to eat then went to the Marthyr Station to meat the traine to gowith it to__ yard and mat the saintes thare - they came from Llanilly then went to pont y gwaith called at gorge owens and head somthing to eat then went near the Cafanglas mountain to mountain Ash and called at Thomas Evans and roat a lattear to V H E Harman and roate my jurnal and head somthing to eat thare and slapt at Broathear Thomas Evans. [End Page 11]


Mountain Ash SattearDay June 25, 1881


went to veaset isuc Evans and famely at No 24 New Tarrace Pen Rhew Kibear Near Mountain Ash and head good reception and food and a chiling in my pocket and his son David Evans gave me 6 pence then went up to Mountain Ash to sleep at Thomas Evans and Isuc Evans came to sand me all the way.


Mountain Ash S June 26 1881


My salph and Broathear Thomas Evans toock the traine and went up to hirawaine Broathear Evans paid for my traine arived at herwaine called at Josaph Rouleandes and Sistear Rowleand weas rathear Poorly having saveral stroockes of the paalse and she invitead us to come thare to tea then went on to Broathear Joneas whare the meating wease to Be and we found that he weas slitly Burnte on the fase and arms in the worke undear ground a Day or two a goo Bey the explosan of the gass then we went and held an oute Dore meating in the upear end of towen.    Broathears Evans & Morgan and my salph preach But the peopele Did not stop to lisend much But soone walke away when they found that we wer saints and bore tesemony that Josaph Smith weas a prophet of god then I went to Broathear William Price to Dinar then called at Mr. Rees Price then went Down to Broathear Thomas Jones and atended a sainte meating and peartook of the sacramant and the saints bore their tastemony and John Jones and Evans spake in tonges and prophesid to the   eadifecation of the saintes and that thair delevreanc from this Country weas ny at hand then my salph and Broathear Morgan adressd the meating then had a shorte Counceal for the Branch then went up to   Cefan Recos and heald a preaching meating.    James Wittear read the 24 chaptear of Mathews then I spoke on the 14 vears of the same chaptear then Broathear Edwart Morgan spoke in welch then welked back to hirwain the Distens boath ways 5 mills then toock the traine Down to Mountain Ash for wich I paid 7 peance and slapt at Broathear Thomas Evans.


Cwm Bach June 27 1881


I lafte Broathear Thomas Evans at Mountain Ash.    Called at Mrs. Jinkens and head somthing to eate then walked up to Cap Coch and it weas a fare Day and raineing a little fine raine.    I caled at one mortant josaph or rather Josaph Mortunt and head somthing to eat thare and welcom and tould me to call againe then went to Cwm Bach and called at Edward Morgan and head somthing to eate then Broathear Morgan and my salph went ovear to Abaraman to see Broathear John Price then went Back to Cymbach and called at Broathear Morgan Daughters haus and head something to eat then went and sleepe at Broathear Morgans house.


Abearnant Tusday june 28 1881


weas wrighting all the for none then laft Cymbach and came heare and stayed ovear knight and head food and logins and welcom at the house of Evan Evans Distans about 3 mills.  Hirwain   w June 29 1881 Laft Abearnant and came hear distanc about 3 mills and called at [End Page 12] James Witteker then went to the meating heald at W Price and my salph and Broathear Thos Jones and the above Brethen adrassed the meating then went and stopt ovear night at Mr. Rees Price.


Hirwaine th 30 of June 1881


visetad around among the people and the Saintes and heald meating at Broathear Thos Jones and the Brathern and Sistears Bore their tastemony and theair Desir to go on in the worke of the Lord and I opened Bey Prayear and taught and instruct the meating and red the 6 Chaptear of Broathear Woodruf Jurnal leaves out of the Star to the meating and Broathear W Price close By Prayear and then went home with Broathear and Sistear Price and on the way hone thar came two young man Behind us calling me Bey name and then I loock Back then thought that it weas some one ealse he mant then he called againe and I loocked Back againe and By this time anothear

young man weas thare who weas a ticet agant at one of the stations and thay seme to be veary angshous to talke to us about religion and wanted to By some of our Bookes that treated on the spirits in Preson for that subgect weas going to cum before the Clubs that thay Belong to them with the sactarians and we tould them whare it could be in the screpturs But theay weanted to now our vews on the subgect and it seemed to me that thay head more faith in our vews on the subgect then in their oune and we or I did talked veary langthey to them apan the princpels of the gospel and lisened veary atantevely and manefasted considrabel honasty and I slapt at William Price.


Hirwain f July 1 1881


I went to visit amoung the saints and the people and slapt at William Price.


No 24 Mary Street Marthyr S July 2 1881


Laft Hirwain to Day and came hear distanc 6 mills called at Broathear wittecar then walked 3 mills to abearnant Station then toock the traine to Marthyr and road three mills throo the tunal and arived Marthyr at 8 pm and slapt at Nombear 24 at Sistear Harman and the langth of the tunal beaing one mill and a quartear 11/4.


N 24 Mary Street Marthyr S July 3 1881


Mat in Cunseal at the Raile Inn long room the useual place of worship at 11 pm and the fowlowing Brathern from Utah weas prasant John M. Bowen, David J. Evans, Edwin Harman, Thomas D. Rees, Moroni J. Thomas and my salph and Fradrick Humfrass weas cut of from the Church for the sin of adultry and neglact of Duty age aboute 21 and a young girl bey the name of Margrat Thomas wes alowed to com back to the chirch againe apon doing hur first workes ovear againe [End Page 13] she head bin cut off for the same crime as the above one and the fowlowing Brathern reported the Difrant Branchis and Districts that thay labored in Breathear John Jones, the Marthyr Branch; Edward Morgan, the Cwm Bach and Thomas Edmunds the Coly Branch & Gorge Greenland, Tredegear and Edwin Harman the Swansea and Carmarthen & Cardigan & Rembroke,      & T. D. Rees the Monmouthshir District & M. J. Thomas, the Cardiff District and my salph the Abeardar & Traorkey and some ten reported Beaptised and amny weas re Baptised 8 new Taptisems in Swansea & one in Abeargavaney & one in Ton y Rafal Bey the name of Charls Richard & weas Baptised Bey M. J. Thomas and we met againe at 21/2 pm and weas to dinar at my cuson Baley Wattearman who lives in Gorge Town and then we pertook of the sacramant and all of the above Brathern and my salph adrassed the meating and head a good meating then we all went up to the Market Square and held an oute dore meating at five pm Broathears James Wittecear, M. J. Thomas, J. N. Bowen and T. D. Rees Prech and the people was rathear shy and few in numbear & stood a grat waise off then we all went down to the room the usual place and heald a meating thare at half past six pm and the fowlowing Brathern preach Evan Evans & David Evans & William Price and Edwin Harman & my salph and I red the 14 vears of the 24 chaptear of Mathew and spoke on it for one oure in Wealch then my salph and M. J. Thomas took a walke up the new Castel Street and called at Mr. David Jinkins with the intantion to see hes son and daughtear But thay ware not home they ware at a singing practic for the Estaddfad in angest and Mr. Jinkins took us around the house and showed us the floore of the house wich weas veary nice and wes made of concreet in the botom and brick of many colors and sise and thickness layered in sement and it loocked like a veary pete carpet and this house stands near the union then we went on down towardes no 24 and met my Broathear Richard on chirch Street then we all thr of us went to William William who is my Cosen sone but he weas not home and my Broathear Richard complaind of beaing nocked about a good deal on account of the Cybarthba workes stoping and I answard him and tould him that he allwayes would Be nocked aboute untill he would obeay the gospel and he replyed and so are you nocked about to and I sad yes we are for obaing the truth and we expect to have our reward for it and you Willi get yours for regecting the truth and that would hardly Be worth having then we went to the Confrance house whare we slapt to gethear at Sistear Harman.


No 24 Mary Street

Marthyr Monday July 4th 1881


We are hear to Day Salebrating the Burth Day of the amarican fredom By Satling up our acountes and Wile we was thus ingag the newes came that an atemt head bin made to assasenate preacedent garfelde and we fealte as tho that we lived in the howar of gods gugmentes and that he _________ the nations and about to show them who is who as the auld saing is or who is God according to the predictons of the prophats for this man have Brok against the lattear Day Saints and Dug thair grave But fell into it himsalph and in the evening we heald a preaching meating in the   Dufring and the fawlowing Brathern adrassed the meating John Jones, M. J. Thos., [End Page 14] D. J. Evans, J. M. Bowen and T. D. Rees and E. Harman give some trackes and we slapt at 24 at Sistear Harman. and M. J. Thos & J. M. Bowen & my salph veseted John Thomas and head somthing to eat thar and thay hopined a place for us to preach and we promist to come thar to morow night to preach.


No 24 Mary Streete July 5 1881


We ware bese wrighting and sattling up our accountes and the bisness of the Confrance etc and in the evning at 8 pm we head a preaching meating at the aul'd iron bridg on the lakes and the meating weas idsturbed by som excitment on the othear sid of the rivear and the fawlowin Brathen weas pracant T. D. Rees, D. J. Evans, E. Harman and J. M. Bowen and slapt at No 24 at Sistear Harman.


No 24 Mary Street July 6 1881


At the off againe makeing up accunts and wrighting and etc. then went down to the Dufrin and held a meating thare at John Thomas is Daughtear and head a god meating thare and T. D. Rees, M. J. Thos and my salph adrast the meating and head a good meating and aftear the close of the meating we ware kindly invited to come to the table sprad with the bountes of life & slapt at No 24.


24 Mary Street July 7 1881


Weas Beze writing and trancacting the confrance bisness and etc and went to the traine with Broathear   M. J. Thomas & Edwin Harman who laft Marthyr for Abearnant station at three pm then I went and called at my cousun D. J. Evans they or hes wife sead that he weas going up to Dowlass to see hes uncle and so weas I said to hur a well she saw you will meate him thare then and so I went on up and weas thare some whar aboute an awar Before he or theay came for hes wife and him weas to gathear and we had just about goting up from the table having head somthing to eat and so my uncle and cusean askd them up to the table to have somthing to eat But they Declined saying that thay had just Bin having some and thay would aftear a while and so I bead them good by and I went down to Marthyr and slapt at 24 and caled at Broathear Richard Evans.


London July 8 1881


I laft Marthyr this morning at   9:50 am By the grate westearn Raile Road for this place came throo the tunal wich is some one mile and 1/4 in langth to abearnant station thence anothear small tunnal Betwene Hirwaine and Glin to Neath and Britton Tary and Bridge end, Llantresaint and Saint _to Cardiff thenc to Newport and _ and chapstoe to Glastear then to Swen and rading thance to Padington Station in London whare I arived at nine o clock pm and on the way up we crossed the Rivear Usk at Newport and the Rivear Way at Chapsto and crosed the Thames saveral times and from Padington I toock the underground RaileRoad to Kings Cross then up to Islington near the aingeal inquired for Dorsat Street, Livearpool Road and could not find it heance it weas geatin [End Page 15] veary late in the evning and I give it up and turned in to Fred Knight Albian Coffee house No 16 Livearpool Road Islington wich place I slapt at all the while I wease up thare and paide one shiling a night, for my bed wich would be saven shilins.


London July 9 1881


Went in surch of Dorset Street and found and saw Broathear John Coopear and the precedant of the London Confrance who is from Fillmore and Broathear Bently who is from Saint Gorge and head somthing to eat with them then I went in surch of my relations I found my cuson William Williams at No 3 Davenshire Street, Islington and head somthing to eat thar then went to hunt for my Cusean Thomas Rees and found him living in No 11 Porteland Street, Rowland Street and head something to eat thare and he had some sic or saven childrean in all and head one boy in newzeland and one or to marad and head three home one boy and two girls the youngest beaing a boute elaven year auld then thay came to gathear and I preach the gospeal to them and gave them some trackes and the articels of faith and bore my tastemony to them.


London July 10 1881


Went with the Bufs down to the bank then I toock anothear one from this place to No 10 New Road Comarcal Road White Chapeal heare whar the Saints houldes thair meatinges and I went from hear down to the easte and weste india doks thence on down to the Brinswick rear black wall then came back to no 10 New Road and met with the saints and peartoock of the savrament and weas caled upon to talke to the saints and aftear the meating weas caled upon to adminestear to a scick sistear the laing on of handes then the saints went down to the roome below and head somthing to eate then I went up to the London Bridge and crosed ovear and back againe and toock the steme boate on the Rivear Thames Bey the Bridge and road up to westminestear some 3 mills Distans and hear is the place whare standes the house of parlament then I went to saint James is Parke past quene annes mansion which place is thirtene stores high and the hiest that I saw theare then I went up to Islington whare I stopt at 16 Livearpool Road.


London July 11th 1881


Went down to the genral post offic and found my cusean John Williams who weas forman of the Carpintears at that place and head Bin thare for 40 years and I talked to him a little about our relations but he headent time to talke much and then he introduced a young man to me that weas working thare as a carpintear and whos name wes John Williams and a nevew of mine and the son of William Williams the sun of Danial Williams and tha latear wes my moathears bruthear and he asked my cuson John Williams for a lefe to  go  around with me  and he  said yas  and then we went   to  see Saint Palls chirch or Cathedrial and we stood on the spot whare the Duke of Walington weas burid in the cantear of the cathedrial and right above it stood the tower and the whispring galary and we saw [End Page 16] many images and curiosetes and saw the emage of William Thomas Jones who head Bin a ganaral in the armey and allso the emage of William Jones who head Bin a judge in one of the Courtes at india then went to see the towar of London whare we saw a grate many canons capturd from Difrant Kingdoms and all kind of armours and all kind of fire arms and saw the Block that wes used to choped peoples hads off and allso the ax and the markes on the block and weas Down in the Dungon whar thay put people in then we went and called at the place or the offic of Edwards & Williams whare my navew Joshua Williams weas at worke and had a short talked with him then went up to the place whare John weas login and head Dinar then in the aftear noon went to the Zoologecal Gardens and hear we saw a grate many Curiositys all kindes of snakes and som allegators alive and all kindes of Birdes and sea lions or seels which wes one of the moust wondear to me to see them act as the man weas feading them thear meat how he throwed it to them and how they could catchit and Dive aftear it eany and every they would get it and thare stood a platform in the fountain of wattear whare thay weas and three chars on it and the man would tall them to go up on the chares and thay would do so and thay head like two arms and a forked tails flat like a bevear taile saw too aliphant Bathing in wattear and thay did sem to ingeoy it veary much and rould and tumbled aboute in it with grat Delite and we saw more anemal and cet than I have time to mantchin and thare is fine parkes and play grounds all around then we went home to islington whare I slapt at Knight 16 livearpool Road.


London July 12 1881


went to see the Cristial Pallas paid 18 pence for to go thare and Backe to the London Bridge and it weas a veary grand sit walked all throo and round it went upon the towear some four hundrad feet high and saw all kinds of animals stuffed and all kind of imeges of man and weman and horseis and fine parkes and playgrounds and many fountains and it weas a grat__ and thar weas some one thousand people sing to gathear thare and thay head some three or fore Brass Bands and two or three martchal Band and a grate many people weas to gathear and stayed hear till nine a clock and wes veary tired walking and loocking around all Day then went to no 16 Livearpool Road and stopt ovear Knight.


London July 15 1881


went to see the national Arch galary and the Trafalgear Square and hear stood the monument of Lord Nealson on a high towar and othear imeges around and fowear grate Big Black lions sad to be made of Cast iron then went in side of the west minestear aby and thare i saw a grate many monumants and curiosites and wes a veary fine Bilding and I atanded the sirves thare and I saw the names of two young men from wals that weas Buried thar one from Treadegear 18 years of age Bey the name of morgan and one from the Margamglamorganshir about 15 years of age arid the Bilding wes a fine one and veary high one then went to see the Albeart Memorial the Buckingham Palac and saw the King of the sandewick is land and the Grounde Prince and Princes of   garmany and three Daughters and saw the Prince of wals Bey the Pall Mall ware offic are he anteared the offic as I weas talking to a Polece man at the time the Polece asked me if I new that jantelman and I sed no and he sad thats the prince of weals [End Page 17] and around the albeart memorial a grate many man and wemen ware ingage in rideing horses and carage rideing and nice parkes and Plasure gound and watearing placis for the Bayes to go and Bathe at a sistenouar in the evning and Baote Riding and othear veary nateral Plasis the Marble arch and the regent Circus and regent Pickadilly then went to 16 Livearpool Road islington near the Angeal _ to sleepe.


London July 14 1881


went to visit the Broathearn at the office at no 10 Dorset Street beraide street then went to viset the agculture Hall and saw Printing machenes of all kind and papear mills and saw envelope makeing and papear sackes making & foundling machenes & Boock Binding & cet this weas the first Day of the Exebison and they wes not rady to exebet what they head to I paide a shiling for to go in them I went to visit my cuseon William Williams and head somthing to eat and I tould him that I head lafte him the articls of faith and a tracte by the name of the uneversal apostace and I tould him to Be shure to read them and do justis to them and he sead that he would then I tould him that I promest to go to meat my neve and ny navews and he sad that he wes coming part of the way with me and he did come all the way with me and road on top of the Buss togathear and he paid my fare wich wes two pence then we enteard into the house my nece Chariot Rotry Came to the Dore and stayed thar the remaindear of the evning and head somthing to eat and gave them som tractes and the articles of faith and I Preach the gospeal to them and tastefide to them that this weas the work of god and urge them to read them tract and go to the saints meating to hear them preach then I came away Biding them that remaine in the house good By which weas my nece and othear Distant Raliteve visetors from Bracon two young ladis Bey the name of Davis then Jashua and John Williams came to sand me to my logins at the house of Fred Knight Albian Coffee House 16 Livearpool Road Islington London.


Marthyr July 15 1881


I toock the undear ground railway this morning at Kings Cross and road to Padington Station the fare beaing three pence then at am 9 1 started from padington to Marthyr and arived at 7 45 am Distans 200 mills from London to Neath and 18 from Neath to Marthyr and I slapt at no 24 Mary street the rivear uske run into the Bristol chanal or the saveaen but the Chaneal is not in site at newporte But is in site at _ and at Chapsto and and and we travealed along side the chaneal all the way to Glasteon.


Garn Sifaith July 16 1881


went up to my Broathear Richar Evans gave little pracants to the childran from London and got my colars then went Down to no 24 and washed and chainge my close and started to rummy.    went past twene y wain. saw Broathear Hinry Jones on the road and wandeard[End Page 18] veary much to see him restored so well to hes halth ageine for he head Bin so veary ill and low for three or fore munth confined to hes Bed.    then I, went and called at Broathear David Charls and sat Dowen a minet or two" then went on to Broathear grimly and head somthing to eat then went to see Broathear James Baans who head Bin sick for two weakes then I went and called at Broathear Hanry Jones a meanit or two then to Grimlys againe and Charls Powel Sistear Grimlys son and my salph toock the traine for tall y wain or abearsychon and Sistear grimly payed for' my traine and we caled at Henry Lewis and head something to eat theare then went ovear to the garm theffaith and slapt at Broathear Scot


Abearsychan Branch July 17 1881


we met at 11 pm in Councel on the garn ddeffaith this morning at the house of Broathear Scot my salph and Broathears Roach Lovrige Scot and William Lovridge spoke then went and heald an oute Dore meating at 12 n then went to Broathear Scot and head Dinar then held our sacrament meating heare and then went out againe and heald anoathear oute Dore meating at 5 pm and head somthing to eat at Sistear Steapens and went to Broathear Bishops house to see Sistear watkins who weas in bed and gave hur the sacrament for she head Bin in Bed for three or four years for she weas ninty years of age then went to Broathear Scot to sleep.


Garn Siffaith July l8th 1881


I remained hear all Day at Broathear Scot and Done some wrighting and roat two lattears one to Swansea for M. J. Thomas and one to Traorkey for E. Harman and slapt hear at Broathear Scoat.


Pont y Drin July 19 1881


i lafte the garn this morning and came hear Distans 5 mills and the wathear weas veary fine .    and Dun Councidarable wrighting hear for I got Concidrable Behind in my jurnal having neglacting it so much for a holl weke past when up to London . hand heare lives one Sistear Jones with 5 children and hur huseband head gon to amarica for years ago and head not send hur eany many and she found a place for me to sleep at one of the naibors and sattled fore it hur salph and she fed me while I staid


Abeargaveny July 20 1881


I lafte Ponty Drin this morning and Came hear Distance 10 mills and the wathear weas veary fine and on the way I past a veary noted fountain Called in walch fynon gwnynan gwant with some poatry and wrighting on it called at Sisteat Bezant and head somthing to eat then went in Company with Charly Habat to visit Broathear Lloyd who Lived with Marke Larance Who head goined the Chirch aboute one weck ago then went aftear I head something to eat to Sistear Bezant to sleep.[End Page 19]


Abeargafany July 21 1881


I went to Broathear Laranc to Bracfast then Broathear lloyd and mysalph went up to Broathear Carnish and head Dinar thare then wnet to see the Camp of the volanteears some two or three mills Distans from hear and thay supose to stop 8 Days hear from one Satturday to anothar and thay head a gread many tants hear and Games of amusements boat racing jimping hurdles and cet and a good Brass Band then we returned Back againe to the house of Broathear Cornish and head supear theare and we Blast a Cottle of oile thare and adminestear to a sick child thare the anointing with oile and the laying on of hands then went to Sistear Bezant to sleep.


Abeargafany July 22 1881


went to see Sistear Taylor in Company with Sistear Cornish then to Broathear Larance But they ware up at the Camp exept the childran then I went up to Sistear Bezant againe and head Dinar thare and weas then wrighting all the aftearnoon and heare I saw a lattear of mine in the Star report from weals then I went up to Broathear Cornish and head supear thare then came Back in company with Broathear Lloyd and slapt in Sistear Bezant.


Blewforte July 23 1881


I lafte Abeargaveny to Day and came hear Distance 10 mils and the wathear weas fine raineing a little    twardes the evning and man wear mowing and working at the hay I caled at the house of Broathear Gorge Harison and head food and Lodgins thare and I gave him a I E D recepte for L 210 and lafte my white shirt and a colar for to be washed.


Rumny July 24 1881


I laft Blewforte this morning in company with Gorge Harison William Evans and Broathear Howell for to go to Tredegar Counceal mat in Counceal at Gorge Richard in Tredegar and one young man By the name of Bruce weas Cut off from the chirch for unchristian like Conduc and a noathear young man wes stopt to officeate in his office untill he should Proove himsalph worthe of it againe and we Praide for Broathear James Barns that he nite Be restored to hes halth againe for he head Bin quite sick then went to Broathear Greaneland and Head Som Dinar thare then Met a gaine at 2 30 pm in a santes meating to Peartake of the sacramant and all of the Broathern Bore their testmonys that this wes the trew chirch of Jesus Christ of lattear Day Saints and we head a veary good meating then went to Broathear greenland and head somthing to eat then went ovear to rumny in Company with Broathear Greenland and many of the Brathern and Sistear for to see and minstear to Broathear Barns and heald meating at Broathear grimly and minesteared the sacrament and anointed and layed landes on Broathear Barns John Williams Geo Richardes Grimly and greenland and mysalph   beaing mouth and the same Brathern ocupied with time in the meating and head a veary good meating and Broathear Henry Jones turned in and he continues to improve in hes health then I went to Broathear David Charls and stopt ovear Knight and receved from Broathear Grimly for Titheing and I E D & [End Page 20]


Victoria July 25 1881


I lafte Rumny to Day and Came hear Distance 6 mills the wathear beaing windy Cloudy and Could Called at Broathear Greenland and toock the Star to Wm Williams No 23 Augesta St Victoria and head somthing to eat hear and an invitaton to stay ovear Knight and they head a child veary sick with imflemation in the had and Brock out in blistears on hes had and Backe Supose to Be frome the afactes of sun stroke and theay put poultis and Blistears to it and thay weas veary glad to see me come for thay thoat that the little Boy wes much bettear since I came for he had not speak a word since he weas taken sick some two or three wekes ago untill toDay whan I asked him iff he wes getting bettear and he sead yes. and I head much welcom and food and stopt ovear night near.


Buforte July 26 1881


I laft Victoria and Came hear Distanc two 1/2 mills the wathear beaing rathear could for this time of the year Called at Broathear gorge Harison and red the star & cte and atended a prayear meating at Broathear Josaph Hackwell and I _ some twanty meanites time in teacheaing the saintes and I slapt at Broathear George Harison.


Treadegar July 27 1881


I Came hear to Day from Beaufort Distanc three mills and the wathear weas could for this time of the year I called at the house of Broathear George Richards and we held a Saints meating in this house at half Past Sevean and our numbers weas 8 four 4 mals and 4 feemeals and we most all of us ocuepaid some some of the time in bearing our tastemony and I slapt at one Mr. hodge and Paide sixpence for my Bed.


Rumny July 28 1881


I lafte Tredegar to Day and walked hear ovear the mountain and weas veary could and raineing and I send three lattears away to Day one to Abeardillas and one to Lanpetear and one to utah to my famely and I called at Braothear Grimly and head somting to eat and heald a Saintes meating hear and all bore tastemony and we numbeard 10 sevean mals and 3 feemals and we anointed with oile and laid hands and the sick and Prayed for him whos name is James Barns and Braothear Henry Jones wes thear who head bin sick for a long time and toock an active part in the meating and I adrassed the meating ocuepayed aboute half anours time and we head a veary good meating and now as I weas wrighting these few lines Broathear Barns cam in and I asked him how weas hes halth and he sad it is much Bettear and sad that he did receve a great Blassing from the adminestraton and then I went up to Broathear Charls and slapt thare. [End Page 21]


Rumny July 29 1881


weas wrighting moste all Day and in the evening I wente in Company with Broathear William Evans to visit the Steele Raile mill and the ingain that makes the Elactrict light and then wente to see the Bessemar to worke whar thay Blow the iron for to make the steel with and it weas about ten or Elaven a clock pm and then went and slapt at David Charls.


Rumny July 30 1881


I roate a lattear to the Saintes of Brigham City and postad it on the same Date and put two faring stampes on it which Did coste five pance and I toock a walke up to twen Carno then Back to Broathear David Charls to Sleepe.


Rumny July 31 1881


I wente Down to Broathear Grimly and had Dinar thare and heald our Saints meating hear and Purtoock of the Sacramant at two pm and most all Bore tastemony of this Beaing the worke of the lord and I adrassed the meating for about half an awar and fealt well and head a good meating and then I weas invited to go and take Somthing to eate with gearymyaha Williams then Back to meting againe at Six pm in the house of Broathear Grimly and Broathear Grimly and Barns and Hanry Johnes and my salph adrassed the meating and I spoke aboute forty menites and head supear at Broathear Grimly and Slapt at Broathear David Charls.


Rumny Augest the 1 1881


I wente in Compeany with Broathear Grimly to visite the steel workes for thay ware all on stope for to do

some reparing heance I got a good vew   hat them and head quite an undearstanding of them the Bessemur or the thing that thay have to Blow the iron for the steel is made of sheet iron sumthing like a Baylar lind in side with Brick and Sumthing like the shape of an eg and is fastened in the ceantear on each side with a spinkdle and it is govearned with an idrolic powear so that thay could have it in eany Posizton that thay want to upwrit or leaving or tipt dowen and could handle it as'easey as you would handle a tea cupe in your hand whan thay have aboute eaight tun of Boileing iron in it and the Botom is made of the something like this thay have a pese of Casting with fifteen round hools in it and then thay have fifteen twovirs made of fire clay eaighteen inchis long with eaight small holls in each one which thay Put throo thease holes in the casting and fill in Betweane with Ground sand rockes or stones and cole tar made like mortear and thay have three gates of twoviars Difrant langhth to chainge whan one langth is Birnt oute so as to put a noather langth in and thay have a Big ladil fixte on a Raileroad car and that will hauld a boute eaight or ten tune of iron and thay run it in at the Blast furness and holl it ovear to thees Convartears and Pour it in wile thay ar yeat leaneing ovea'r thane thay Put the Blast on and   comence Blowing and thay raise it up thane on the end and Baw it about twanty meanites then thay Powear in aboute eaight or ten hundrad weaight of Spekel in to it and then thay poure it [End Page 22] into a Big ladile which hangs on a crane and swinges it a round to the mouldes whar thaye Poware it into them and whan it is set thay take it and heate it in a furness then thay tak and roule it some then thay Vent it up in langth at the steem hamar than thay take and heate it a gaine and then to the rouls and fineshed into a Raile sixty or ninty feet long and the engain revearses whane the bar bose throo the Roules every time and in the Blooming roules rufin thay had kind of a Crabe that thay can throo in and oute to revears the rouls with oute reveursing the ingen then to Broathear Grimly and head Dinar then in the evning Broathear Jones and Barns Came in an head a long Convearsation apon the intrest of the Branch and cte and I head Supear at Broathear Grimly then I went to Broathear David Charls to sleepe.


Galligar Auest 2 1881


I lafte Rumny to Day and Came heare Distance tan mills and heald a meating hear at the house of Broathear Edward William Lawis and six weas pracent and I spoke for a boute half an awear and head a good meating and I slapt at Broathear Lawis and it wes a fine Day for haying But Preveuis to this it heas bin veary wet and Could for a boute a weake.


Galligar Auest 3 1881


Stayed hear all Day and weas wrighting and the wathear weas quite stormy and raney and slapt at Broathear Lawis.


Dary August 4 1881


I laft Galligar and Came hear Distans five mills and the wathear wes fine and I called at my Cusean John Evans and head something to eat thare and stopt ovear night and I talke to them on the princeples of the gospeal and I Bore my tasemony to them But thay would not receved it and then I went and Called at my Cuson Abeanezear Evans But he weas not home But hes wife wes and I talked to hur longe on the princepels of the gospeal and give hur the articels of faith and my adrass on it and allso gave hur some tract and I Bore my tastemony to hur then I got the names of all thair childran and thair ages and thairn as well theng laft the Dary and came hear to the Coly.


Coly Augest 5 1881


I came hear and the wathear wes fine and the Distanc weas about five mills and I was kindly receved and Provided with sumthing to eat and slapt at Sistear Hannah Lawis.


No 24 Mary Street Marthyr Augest 6 1881


I laft the Coly to Day and Came hear Distanc five miles and the wathear wes fine and I called at Broathear John Jones and head [End Page 23] something to eat then I wealked up the Canall Bank up hear then I went throo the Market house and saw my Broathear Richard and hes little Boy and I talked a while with him then I Bought a little candy with Mr. B. Poolman than I came hear whare I mat Broathers Edwin Harman, D. J. Evans, John Jones from tal y Bonte and M. J. Thomas and I slapt hear at Sistear Harman


Marthyr August 7 1881


We met in counceal meting at 11 am at the Railway inn long room hand hurd the Difrant reportes from the Brathern wich weas quite intrasting and we talke aboute our Confrance and Conceart which Broathear Carington would trie and Be pracant with us then we met againe at 1/2 aftear 2 pm in Saints meating and toock of the sacramant and Broathear Mathews is lattear weas Red in the meating wich weas much apricate By all and the meating wes given to the Saintes to Beare thir tastemony and to manyfast thayr giftes and the gifte of tungues and the interpetation of tunges was given to Broathear Bangaman Allan than we mat at six pm and Broathear T. D. Rees Edwin Harman and M. J. Thomas Prech and we had veary good metings all Day and we slapt at Sistear Harman


Marthyr Augest 8 1881


No 24 Mary Street we weas ingage in wrighting and doing up the Bisness accounte of the Confrance and roat a lattear to Albeart Carington and one to John Thomas and slapt at Sistear Harman.


No 24 Mary Street Marthyr Augest 9 1881


I weas hear all Day wrighting and Doing up the Confrance accounte and roate a lattear to Broathear Mathews and Slapt at Sistear Harman.


No 24 Mary Street Augest 10 1881


we weas transacting the Bisness of the Confrance and cet got some conceart Cardes and Put an adveartesment in the papear of our Confrance in the Marthyr Express and peayed 4 shilings for it and

2 shilins and ten pence for one l00 cards    and slapt at Sistear Harman.


Rumny Augest 11 1881


My salph and M. J. Thomas laft Marthyr to Day and came hear Distance 5 mills and Called at Broathear John Baxtear at pen garn ddi Dawlais and preach thare and then walked to Rummy and reached thare aboute 11 a clock and we slapt at Broathear Charls.


Rumny Augest 12 1881


I remaine hear all Day and weas reading and cet and mat with the Saintes in Broathear grimly and the Saintes Bore thayr taslemony______ and I ocuepaid some of the time and we head a good meating Broathear Barns Jones and grimly spoke allso and it was Raineing hard all Day [End Page 24] and I slapt at David Charls.


Beauford Augest 13 1881


I laft Rumny to Day and came hear Distans 5 mills and it weas raineing hard all Day I called at Tradegar and eat Dinar at Broathear Greenland then I walked ovear to mountain hear and head a meating at Broathear gorge Harison Broathear greeneland and Richards came ovear from tradegear and I reed a lattear that Broathear Mathews sente me from the valy to the meating and thay ware all glad to hear from the vally and we head a good meating and I stopt at Broathear gorge Harison But I slapt Broathear Hayward.


Abargavany Augest 14th 1881


I lafte beauford to Day and came hear Distance 10 mills Broathear Josaph Hackwell came with me to Bryn Mawr and I called at Broathear Dean Davis and head Dinar thare and thare weas some Club society marching and head a band of musics Before them then I came on hear and met anothear Clube and a Brass Band Before them at Lanally and when I came hear I wente to Sistear Bezant and soone I found out that thare weas trubl in the Branch Betwene the Saints and one of the Eldears and the thinges that that he taught weas Wroung and out of Place and Ealan Edwardes came in give me 3 peany Bit then the moathear of hur came inn Sistear Cornish then Broathear Cornish came in and I promis them to go up to thair house the next Day which weas Sunday and I slapt at Sistear Beazant.


Abargavany Augest 15 1881


I went up to Broathear Cornish ase I agre to Peveously and toocke Dinar with them then Came Dowen to meating at 2.30 pm at Sistear Beazant and Beaing that thare wes a strainger in the meating and a Diffecaly among the Saints we did not peartake of the sacrament But we turned it into a Preaching Meating and Charls Abot sead the 12 Chaptear of first Corinthians and I preach on the first princepels of the gospeal and then Dismest and I weas infited to go with Sistear Taylor to have somthing to eat then we met againe at 6 pm and Prest Charls Abot sad that Elder John Loyed weas in transgration and gave the meating opened for the Charges to Be Broat forward But the Saints head lostConfedeance in him and would not listen to him no longear and heance he weas sespended from Beaing in full falawship in the Chirch and not to partak of the sacrament nor to offeciate in hes offic only to take trackes around and give them to people then we Dismist Bey Prayear and I slapt at Sistear Beazant.


Abargavany Augest 15 1881


this morning it weas rumored in the Papears of the Dath of Pracedent garfeald and I did receved fore    lattears this morning and I roate five lattears and in the aftear noon I went to see Broathear Cornish and eat Supear thare and then thay came down to the town with me and called at Sistear Beazant and Sistear Beayainton gave me a shiling and Broathear Cornish Gave me Sixpeance and bid them good By and I [End Page 25] slapt at Sistear Beazant.


Abeargevany tu Augest 16 1881


and Sistear Beazant sad to me it is tusday to Day and it is our Market Day may Be that you would like to go and see it and I thanked hur and sad yeas I wil go to have a loock at it and so I did and it is a veary nice market and market house with glass roof on it then went back and toock Donar at Sistear Beazant and Broathear John Loyed Came in and paid me 9 pence that he owd me and gave me a noathear 9 pence.    then I started for Cwmbran Distans 10 mills and it rained hard all the aftear noone and I called at Sistear Jones who lived at Pont y Drin and head somthing to eat with hur then I went on Down toock the traine and road down and gave a track to one of the man at the Station and laft some 6 trackes Betwene Abeargavany and hear and I slapt at Sistear Davis who lives in No 10 Stone Row Coonie Braine.


Garn ddufith Augest W 17th 1881


My salph and John Davis & John Loyed went to see the waiyer workes then we went to John Davis is againe and Loyed went to hes home and I stayed hear while thay washed my shirt and eat Dinar hear thean started for Abearsychan Distance 5 mill and it rained veary havey and I came throo Pont nawid and turnd in to a shop to aske iff thare ware eany minestears of the gospell living in the place and he sad yas one mister Coccur and he lives yandear in suchaplace and I handed him a track the nombear 5 of the Devenety of the Boock of Mormonthen I went a little furthear and inquired in a noathear shop againe and gave him a tracte of the same kind and then went on to wardes Mr. Cackars house and seeing two man out side talkeing and thinking that he weas one of them I handed him one of the same kind of tracts then I went on and called at PontyDrin to Sistear Jones and rasted a few momantes then on againe throo Sebastapool and Griffis town and Ponty Maile & Ponty Pool and called at my Cusean Rees Prossear who lived in the upear house in lowar Bridge Street and head somthing to eate then I came on throo Pontnywynid and Abearsychan then hear and it weas veary showary and I arived hear betwene nine & ten a clock pm and head veary good welcom and I red the lattear that I head from Broathear Mathews and thay ware veary glad to heare it and I slapt hear at Broathear and Sistear Scote and Broathear and Sistear Lavridy who ware thaire Daughtear and son in law and Living to gathear.


Garn Siffaith th Augest 18 1881


I wes writeing in the fore noon and in the aftear noon I toock some tractes with me and give some in Abearsychan and gave two minesters some and lived lived By Pentwen auld Blast furnisis who weas a waslaine menistear and one lived By the Post offic then I went Down to Pontnawynidd & Pony Pool Distrebuting tracks and give some minestars some one by the name of Tucar and one to Ashly and one to some othear Weslaian minestear and I called at Sistear Davis or Broathear Loyed ays Daughtear and head somthing to Eat with hur and I allso Called at one [End Page 26] John Crauthear who lives on the trach and is a Broathear in law to the Harman Boyes then I can Back hear againe and the Distanc is about 2 mills and is a veary Cloudy Day and Raineing and I Slapt at Broathear Gorge Scote.


Garn Ddiffiath thursday 18. 1881


weas writing and reading and egc and it was raineing Hard all Day and I Slapt at Broathear Goerge Scote.


Garn Siffaith S Augest 20.1881


I went in Surch of My Cusean Danial Evans is wedow and famely and found them living in a Place at the Head of the Pontnewanid Dinggle called Clansychan Coliary and She weas marad to one James Waran who weas a widowar and head three childran two Boyes and one girl and She head one son living with hur about 15 years auld name Daniel and I got the names of all my Cuseons childran and ages and thay mad me somthing to eate and I gave them Some trackes and the articels of faith with my adrass on and tauld them that the gospel wes restord to the arth againe then came Back and went to visit Sistear Stephens and et supear with hur and slapt at Broathear Gorge Scot.


Garn Siffaith S Augest 21, 1881


    we met in Counceal meating at the house of Broathear Gorge Scot and Broathear Boach, Lavridge and Bigges and oathears ware pracant and Spoke in the meating then my salph and John Loide went to Sistear Steaphens to Dinar then Backe to meating at 2 30 pm and Peartoock of the Sacrament and the saints Bore tastemony and Sistear Martha Lovridge red Broathear Mathews is lattear to the meating and all weas glad to hear it and I adrassed the meating for a short time then John Loyed and I laft the meating to go to Cwm Bran to ateand to an invetation that I had to preach in the Salvation armys meating roome I weas invited on to the stand to take a seat alongside of the Preacher and he asked me to open the meating By Prayear and I Dun so.    But may Be that thay Did not think that my Prayear weas good enough or not he Prayed aftear me and then sing then he red a chaptear whare it states about the Deciples fishing all night and could not catch eany and the Savior tould them to tri againe and whan thay did thay caught eany amount then he gave me a short time to talke to the People and I toock for my tactes the 21 vears of the 7 chaptear of Mathew and the 46 vears of the 6 chaptear of Luke and showd them the first princeples of the gospell faith and repentance and Baptism and the laying on of handes and not to say Lord Lord and leve thes things undun and I Bore tastemony that the gospel have Bin restord and that this weas the work of God But he got up aftear me againe and talked

along time and semed to all the forse and _ on Prayear whan at the same time I just head Bin reading and explaining on the 46 chaptear of luke whare it sais why Do you Call me Lord Lord and Do not the thing that I tall you I then toock the traine and road up to   Abearsychan John Loyed Paid my traine Boathe __weays and I gave some tactes in the meating and in the traine and it wes raineing all Day and I slapt at Broathear Gorge Scot. [End Page 27]


Abeartelary Augest 22. 1881

I weas writing my Jurnal in the fore noone and went ovear the mountain to this place frome the Garn in the aftear noon in Company with Broathear Daniel Roouch and I slapt at Broathear Skidmore and the Distanc weas about 3 mills and the wathear Cloudy.


Rhymny Augest 23. 1881


I lafte Abeartelary and walke hear ovear the mountains Distanc about 10 mills & came hear and called at Broathear Wm Williams 23 Agesta Stret victoria and head somthing to eat then went on a gaine and it loocke veary much like raine and as I comence climing the mountain from abw vale to Tredegar it camance raineing and it thuneard veary hard and rained veary hard and the Rhymny iron workes wes ablige to stop ouing to it and the wathear did fill it up so and going undear the furnices and in to the mashenary so thay could not go and it weas runing throo many of the houses coming in throo the Back Dores and oute throo the frunt and the peple got quit Scart and fritend and I traveald all throo it and I did not" get veary wet having an umbrala and not much wind with it and I called at Broathear grimly and head somthing to eat and then we head a Saintes meating and the Brathean and Sistears Bore their tastemonys and I adrased the meating for a short time and Broathear Barus head the gift of Prophese and we head a veary good meating & I slapt at Brathear David Charls.


Treorkey Augest 24. 1881


I laft Rhymny this morning and came hear Distan about 15 mills and I came past twin y wain and toock the traine at Myrthry and road throo the tunal to abeanant Station and called at Sis Mussis Dun and then walked ovear the mountains to the Mawdy then from thare hear ovear the mountain and went to Broathear William Thomas the Prasedent of the Branch and he had gon to Blan cwm to hould a meating and I intended to go to Put it weas to lat whan i arived hear But I went Down to the hawl fack to Broathear John Jones and Broathear Richard Moris weas thare then I went Down to the auld mill or Blan Ronda to see a famely that weas going away with the Saints by the William Morgan and Josaph Jones weas a long with me then I went Back to treorkey and slapt at Broathear Wm Thomas and the wathear wes Wind and cauld.


Treorky Augest 25. 1881


to Day wes one of the raineast and wetest Days that i evear saw I intend to go to Cwmback But I head to remaine hear all Day on account of the raine and I went to viset the saintes and went to Sistear Radrick Davis to talke aboute thair emegration then went to Broathear Thomas Rees and William Williams and head somthing     to eat thar and Broathear T. D. Rees  & D. J. Evans came in and we all three of us eat to gathear hear than went to the house of Josiah llwelin But he weas gon to america But hes wife and her moathear weas thare then we went to meating at Sistear Davis and the house weas Crowded and Broathear D. J. Evans, T. D. Rees and my salph adrassed the meating and we head a veary good meating [End Page 28] and a councel aftear and I slapt at Broathear William Thomas. No. 24 Mary Street


Marthyr August 26 1881


I laft Treorky this morning and came hear By traine and the Distanc weas about 22 mills I came throo Pont y Preedd and it cost one and ten Pence I toock the traine at the _ at aight am and arived hear at ten am and I head saveral lattears hear and thare weas one from Preast Carington and one from my famely then aftear reading thes lattears I went to worke to answar som of them and Roate a lattear to Broathear William Thomas to Treorky and allso one to Broathear Ellis Ellis to Cross wintear Cardigan shire then I toock them to the post offic and called at Broathear D. J. Evans my Cuseon then went to see Broathear John g.  gould and talked about the Confrance &  cet and Slapt at Sistar Mary Harman.


Marthyr Augest 27. 1881


went to the market house and saw Rees Davis my Broathear in law and aftear talkeing with him a shorte time With reagardes to famely afaras I then went around the market and bought some frute to treet the Brathern and cte and at aboute six o clock went to the Station to meateing Precedent Albeart Carington who Did arive from lavearpool a boute a quartear to savean a clock in the evning my salph and J. M. Bowen, B. M. Harman, M. J. Thomas and D. J. Eveans weas to gathear then we all wealked up to twentyfore Mary Street then head somthing to eate and head some veary intearasting convearsation with Broathear Carington and I slapt at Sistear Harman.


Marthyr Augest 28. 1881


this weas the Day of our Confranc and we met at 11 in the morning and the time wes spent mostley in the Brathren giveing in the report of the Difrant Districts and Brancis Broathear J. M. Bowen and Be. M. Harman spoke in Regard to theirs traveals in Cardigan shire and Pembrock & Carmarthon shire and D. J. Evans reported the Cardiff Distrect and M. J. Thomas the Swansea Distrecte and my salph the Monmouth shire Distrect and the Diffrant Pracedents of Branchis geve in thire reportes then Broathear Carington and my salph and some more of the Brathran went up to the Confrance house to Dinar at Sistear Harman then we met again at two 30 and toock of the serament and the financial and statistecal reportes wes red and the athorites of the chirch wes Put Before the Confrance and voted for By M. J. Rhomas and then Broathear Carington adressed the Congregation for one oure and twenty meanites and it wes veary intrasting and Bareing on the rastoration of the gospeal and the ravalations of god to the Prophet Josaph Smith and the roome wes Pretey well filled and head a veary good meateing then my salph and Brathear Carington and J. M. Bowen, B. M. Harman, Edwin Harman and D. J. Evans Called at Sistear Mary Williams who weas qute sicke and we adminesteared to hur I did anointe hur with oile and gave hur some to Drink and then we layed our handes on hur and Prayed for hur B. M. Harman Beaing Mouth then went to the Confrance house and head sumthing to eat then went to Meating againe at 6 30 pm and Broathear Carington ocuping all of the time and wes veary intrasting Dweling on and showing the Difranc Betwene the wais of god and the waise of man and then went to sleep at the Confrance House at[End Page 29] Sistear Harman.


Marthyr Augest the 29.  1881


went with Pracedent Carington Down to the Station to se him off to Livearpool my salph and J. M. Bowen, Edwin Harman, & B. M. Harman, M. J. Thomas and T. D. Rees and D. J. Evans wear all pracant to see him off and then gracefuly Bowing and weving our handes at each othear as the traine Did leve the Platform then we went Back to the Confrance house to Continew our labor in the office and in the Evining I ateanded a Conceart at the ahll of the Raileway inn in conection with the rast of the Brathean and engoyed our salves remarkable well concidering   and I sang a song entitled the trasure from the mountain B. M. Harman and _ intitled hunting in the woods and D. J. Evans the Dum roastear and J. M. Bowen the two little auld woman then singing By the quoir Prayar By D. J. Evans then we went to sleep to the Confrance house.


Marthyr August 30. 1881


I went Down to towen Baught some repears and stampes at the Post offic and Beaing the first Day of the grand   Nashanal eisteaffed which is to last for four dayes and from all the windowes of the Shopes and most all the Bildinges in towen weas glages hanging out then in the aftear noon my salph and Edwin Harman Bangamen M Harman, J. M. Bowen, M. J. Thomas, T. D. Rees, D. J. Evans went to get our Picturse takene all to gathear in Groope at mistir harris the Amarican artist on High Street then went up as far as pen Daren then up towardes myrigs house then down throo pen Daran Park to the Bracon Road then Down throo high street to no.  24 Mary Street and called to see-how Sistear Williams weas and she wes much bettear and Broathear Goold came to caract the minetes of the Confrance and we slapt at Sistear Harman.


Marthyr August 31. 1881


this morning I got up about six oclock and aftear washing my salph and Drasing me I went to the offic and sat Down to wright when the maile cariar Boy came to the Dore with some lattears Broathear M. J. Thomas went to meat him at the Dore and Broate some lattears in and handed two to me and saw that thay ware american lattears and Came from Brigham City the Post Marke wes to Be seane plaine on one of them and not plaine on the oathear one But seaing that it weas for me I did opend it first and the firs thing I saw in it wes the Dath of my ouldeas Daughtear Ann Jane Foregreene now and the news wes qute un expectead for I did receved a lattear from my sun some two or three Daise a go stateing that all wes well and the two lattears wear from Broathear J. D. Burt and P. F. Madson and the sad news shock me veary much and I could hardly Beleve it But I wes Compald to for I could not Denigh these lattears and I felt to morne veary much to have to Part with hur veary much But I have nothing to Do in the mattear But to submit to the Allmity in this as well as in all othear thing and all tho it is hard to part But I am thankfull that she heas Dide in the Lord But I will say that about the time that she wes taken sick and allso of hur Dath I have falt such a gloome fealing Come ovear me that I dont think that I shall evear forget it and it remined with me from one [End Page 30] to two weakes I thoat my hart would Brake I fealt that I could Do nothing But Cry and I fealt that I wanted to go home and I sent a lattear to my famely at that time stating that I wes un well and I even roate up to the offic at Livearpool wishing to Be releced to return home with the Septembear 3 Company Beaing that I wes the ouldest Meshanery in the Confrance and I tould in a lattear to my famely that I thoat that I would be relesed to Come home this fall But now I don't know how it will Be fore we have just Beaing having our Confrance and now Broathear Carington Came Down from Livearpool and atended it and I weas thinking that he would say Somthing about my relece but he did not say one word nor even a hint But Broathear T. D. Rees weas releas on a count of ill halth and I slapt at No. 24.


No.  24 Mary Street Marthyr September 1. 1881


I roate a lattear to my famely and went up to my Broathear Richard in Capant tywill and had somthing to eate thear and toalke to hes wife of the Dath of my Daughtear Ann Jane But he weas not home then I went to meating at the raileway inn long roome and thare weas aboute a Duzon Pracant and among the number wes Broathear Thomas D. Rees and Bangaman Hallen and I slapt at Sistear Harman.


Abeargavany    Sept 2nd 1881


I took the traine this morin at Marthyr and road hear in Companey with T. D. Rees and othears and the fare from thare hear is aboute 3 shilines and from thare to Livearpool 12:9 pence we Came thro quaiars yard and hear met some more of the Saintes from Treorky and Swanse that wes going a wey and allso D. J. Evans and heare we parted with Broathear D. J. Evans, & he went up to Marthyr then we Continewed on our jurne Came next throo llancaiach then rhymny Jungtion or Mais y Cwmal then to Crumlin Bridge or Tredeagar Jungtion first then Pont y pool then Pont y pool Road and nanty Dare and Abeargaveany then the Jungtion whare I met Broathear M. J. Thomas and some more of the Saintes that came to see Company go off and hear We did Bid them all good By and wishing the Blacings of god to go with them to their jurnys end then Broathear Thomas and I went with Sistear Cornish and Sitears Bezeant & Baingington and head Dinar at Sistear Cornish and aftear Dinar Broathear Thomas and my salph went a round with some tracks and invited the peopele to Come to meating that night at Broathear Cornish and then went Back to Broathear Cornishe a gaine and eat supear thare and then we heald a meating thare at 7 30 pm and we head a veary good meating and we red the 10 chaptear of the actes of the apostles and spoke with much fredom on the first principles of the gospel and thare weas some 20 or 25 people pracant childran and all then we came Down hear in company with Broathear Cornish and slapt at Sistear Beazant.


Abeargaveny Sept 3. 1881


we weas writeing and redeing in the fore noone and went up to the

Mardy in the aftear noon and _ some tractes that we head

alyed out the Day Preveouse and talkked to the people in that nayborhood apon the princepels of the gospell then head supear at Broathear Cornish then we went Down to Sistear Beazant to sleepe.[End Page 31]


 Aveargaveany Sept 4. 1881


to Day beaing a Sunday and a fine Day my salph and M. J. Thomas and Broathear Charls Abott went out fort to loock for a place to preach and we preach at the groves feeld near the polece station we sang the hymn what weas witness in the havens and I opened By prayear then I caled apon Broathear Thomas to preache and weas Dis mest Bey Broathear abott then went to Broathear Lorance to Dinar then went to meating at Sistear Bezeant and toock of the sacrament and the Saintes Bore thaire tastemony and my salph and. Broathear M. J. Thomas adrassed the meating then went to Sistear Taylor and head somthing to eat then went out to preached againe at the same place and we preach once By the Christian Dalphians chappeall and we preach once at the Mardy at Broathear Cornish and we head a veary good meating and the house weas full of people my salph & Broathear Thomas adrassed the meating we preach five times to Day three meatinges oute and two in Dors and went Down to Sistear Bezant to sleepe.


Abeargaveany Sept 5. 1881


My salph and M. J. Thomas and Mark Lorance went up on the Shugear loaf and it weas quite clouday and windy and espescaly on top we could hardly stand But not withstanding all this we offaired up our Prayears to god M. J. Thomas Beaing mouth then we went Dowen to the Bottom of the mountain and Distrebuted some tractes and Preached in a vilage Called Langroyna and started to walke to Abeargaveany But we ware Picked up into a carage Bey the aingeal Boyes By them Beaing aquainted with Broathear Lorance and we road up into town Distance about 3 milse and eat suppear and slapt at Sistear Bezant and the most noated mountains hear with the Shugear Loafe is the Holy Mountain and the Dary and the robbin and the graige.


Talyboute Sept 6. 1881


We came hear throo Langrayne and Chrickhowell and the Bwlch and it weas raineing a littele and we went to vew the ould Castele tunntump as thay Call it at Chrickhowell and all saw we saw a veary large founteain and mounemont made of granet and the wattear weas runing oute in 4 square throo the lienes mouth wich weas made of iron and it stood right in the Santear of the towen and it weas a veary good one and we Bought some Bread and chees at the Bwlch and we eat it as we wealked along & slapt at Broathear John Jones.


Bracon Tonn Sept 7 1881


we laft Talybout this morning and came hear and called at llangors at my Cusean Mary Prichard and head sumthing to eate with hur and my salph and M. J. Thomas went Down to the lake and hiard a boate for an owear to take a boate rid on the lake which is three mills long and one mile wide and for wich we paide one Shilling or six pence each and we road a cross and then most of the langath and Back and we came with the traine from talyBout to

tal llin then came hear and Put up at the Coffee Tavern and went Down to the uske Bridge and heald a meating at the east eand of [End Page 32] the Bridg and Borowed a chare to stand on and we head a good meating and good atention and gave many tracts away and thare weas from one hundrad to one hundrad and 50 praccant and we slapt at the Coffee Tavarn.


BracknocTown Sept 8. 1881


we viseted My Cuson Wm Williams wedow and who lives at No 4 pendra and allso Evan Williams penlan My Couseons half Broathear and head somthing to eat and Drinke thare and Called at My Cusean Cattring James at Lanfase But she weas not home then we went to the gaile and aske Pearmishon to go throo But we did not get to go throo But we Did have the chance to talke to him apon the Princepols of the gospell and gave him som tracks then we went to vew the Captains walke and then the County Hall and we ware showen around By a Lady and saw the grand jury rooms and we sat Down in the Judges chare or the judgement seat and went Down into the sals then aftear that we went to viset the Pryory chirch and toock a walke up the Grove then I went to the Coffee Tavearn whare we slapt at to get the lattears that I head treating apon the Dath of my daughtear Ann Jane and toock them to my Cuseon Williams wedow and Daughtear   to reed them then we went in the Centear of the towen By the fountain and heald a meating at 7 pm I Preach first then Broathear Thomas and we head veary good atention and many people weas pracant and we gave many tractes away and we allso viseted the ould Castle which layes Bhind the Castle Hoatall and on the Banke of the rivear honddui and this emptes into the usk hat this place and Comes from the Diraction of Hay and Talgarth way and heas is some fore Bridges across it and allso a larg Raileroad Bridg and we slapt at the Coffee Tavarn the new Lion.


Bracontown Bracnockshire September 9th 1881


We Bought some Bread and chese this morning and started up the mountain to vew the high Pekes or the Bagwns as thay are Comonly Called and are Concidared the higest mountains in South Weals and the wathear Beaing veary fine But Cloudy and as the Day gren on the Cloudes came Dowen on the mountain and it Comensed to raine and it looked rathear Discuraging Put we Did not weant to be Discurag But we walked along Priying to the Lord that the Cloudes mit Blow off and the raine sese and so it Did and we wes granted our Desiar and wes enabele to go to the top and thare is three pekes of mountains hear But thare is But two of them that is veary noted and hig and this two we Did viset and one of these two is hiar than the oathear and we went on the lowes first and hear we Did offar up our Prayears to god our havenly fathear for the Prevelage of Seaing and Bhould and seaing what we Did and allso for the for the evearlasting gospel wich he heas revealed to hes sarvant Josaph Smith and we prayed for the athorities of the chirch namly Prest John Taylor, Gorge Q. Canon and Josaph F. Smith, Pract_Wilford Woodruff and the twlave apostles and all the Corwoms of of holy Prestood and all the Saints and allso thath we mit Be Blast and that he would blass our labors in this part of the [End Page 33] the higest Peke which weas seprated from this By a hawlow Betwen the two and we Dun the same hear my salph Beaing mouth and then we spred our bred and chese Down on som papear that we head and asked a Blassing on it and then we eat and By time that we got throo it Cleared off so that we ware abele to see qut a wayes to the east and west we could see the sea and the steamers apon it in wes or in the Diraction of Swansea way and allso in the east towardes Newport way and could see the shugear lofe in that same Diraction wich is near Abeargaveany But. we weas not abele to see much on the north and south and we could see the smoke of Dowlais and Rhymny and Tredegear and Abervale and Marthyr and Hirwaine nearby in site for it head Bin raineing and thundring and is now in the South and now it weas Drawing on five oclock and time for us to leve this Place and Draw Down towards Bracon and heance we humbled oursalves apon our knees Before the allmity and offard up our Prayears againe and as we weas coming Dowen a rathear a stepe place we saw an auld man Come up the mountain and head a staff in hese hand and Loock as thoo that he mit Be   Sixty or Saventy years ould and we weas loocking at him and he weas loocking at us and seeaing the way we Came Dowen he to Draw that way But Broathear Thomas holdowd out to him that he Bettear Contenew on the way he weas a going for it weas much the Best way for thats the way we went But we thoat that he Did not undearstand us hence he Contencwed Climeing up the stepe place and we loocked up aftear him savaral times aftear that But did knot see eany thing more of him and we thought it veary straing to see a man of hes age to come up so high a mountaine and so late in the Day and Beaing all alone. The south sid of thes mountains or the Marthyr side are a graduley slope But on the Bracon side ar veary stepe exept on the ridges Betwene the valyes that is formed and run Down from the top to the Bottom on a gradul slope and on the Bottom of the west Peke thare wease a small Lake and qute round But Dont Know how Deape it wes for we only loocked at it frome the top of the mountain and at the foot of the mountain aftear we head come Down we went to a farm house and head a glass of milk and a Pece of Bred and Buttear and then we welke Dowen to town and loocked for a Place to Preech But we Could not get usted and it weas rathear late and then we went to the new Leon Coffee Tavearn at Mr. Buteand and stayed ovear Knight and I roate a lattear to Prect Loranzo Snow to Brigham City Concerning the Dath of My Blovead Daughtear Ann Jane which toock Place on the 10 of August 1881 aftear a sevear illness of 4 Days and which sicness if Called Cholara Morbis.


Abeargaveany Sept 10 1881


we laft Bracon By traine at two pm and rod to tal y Bont and called at Broathear Jones and head sumthing to eate But he wes not home then we walked from thare to Chrickhowell and we Prech in the centear of the towen By the fountaine to a large congration and sould some and give some tractes away then wealked from hear to abeargeveny Distanc 6 mills and 15 from tal y Bont and we slapt at Sistear Beazeant and weas well treted. [End Page 34]


Abeargvany Sept 11. 1881 we Prech out By the new houses at the North end of the towen at one pm and heald saints meating at Sistear Beazant at 2 30 pm and Peartoock of the sacrament and then the saints Bore thair testemony then my salph and Broathear Thomas ocupyed the rast of the time.    then we Preach at the South end of the town at 5.30 pm and Preach at Broathear Cornish at 6 30 pm and we slapt at Sistear Beazant.


Hareford town Sept 12.  1881


we lafte abeargaveany and Came heare Distanc five mills came throo Pont treelase and at or near this Place the two Countyes goines we stopt at Broathear Robeart Johnson and head good welcom and this Place is located on the way Rivar and we Crost the Bridge to go to Broathear Johnsons house. Hareford town Sept 13, 1881

we went to vew the towen went to see the museam and the Library and the Cathedrial and Put our names Dowen on their Boock and whare we came frome and Paide sixpence a pece for to go round and it is one of the grandest Structears that I avear saw and we vewed the Castele greene and it head the monument of Lord nalson and a Ron of wattear and some swanse on it and it weas rite on the Bank of the way Rivear then we went to vew the Bridge and slapt at Broathear Johnson.


Monmouthtown Sept 14. 1881


we laft Haryford this morning and came hear Distance 18 mills and the wathear wes fine Broathear Johnson came with us ovear the Bridge and nearly out of the towen and he give us a shiling a Pece and he toock us to the house of a famely of saints that lived across the way then we Bid them good By and started on and came on hear and arived hear about 6 pm and stopt at one Mrs. Causear and then went out to loock for a Place to Prech and we Preched By the town hall with a Big Canon stood Behind us and we head quite a few to hear But thay wes going and cuming and vear unsattled and we et suppear and Bracf and slapt at the above and charge us five shilinges for it which we thought that she wes ovear chargin us all most Dubel'e.


Ragland Sept 15. 1881


we laft monmouth to Day and Came hear Distanc 8 mills and the wathear wes veary fine and Be fore we lafte we went to vew the way Bridge for this Place is located on the way Rivear and allso on the Mynw and then we went throo the geaile and went to vew a Place on the Raileroad about half a mile up the Rivear whare a man cometed seweside this morning By laying hes hed on the Raile and the traine Came along and Cut it of and we cauld at Sistear Rossar and head somthing to eate then Came hear and loocked for a Place to stop ovear night and then went up to the Ragland Castele and thay head grand Doings hear to Day with Band of music and Dansing and we slapt at one John [End Page 35] Cosit who is a station mastear on the Raileroad this Castle standes the Best of eany that I have sene.


Newporte Sept 16. 1881


we laft Ragland to Day and Came hear Distance of tweanty mills or more and the wathear wes veary fine and the Black Barris wes ripe and we et many of them as we Came along and we called at Sistear rossar and head Bracfast thare then Came to usk about 5 mills from Ragland and we went to a Coffee house and laft our velecis thare while we went a round to vew the town and the Bridg ovear the usk Rivear for this town os usk is Located on this Rivear then we went to the place whare oure velecis weas and head somthing to eat. and then continewed on our jurny called at the gaile to see if we could go in to visit it But an offecear Came to meate us at the Dore and sed that thare wes not one offecear in the County that Could give us a racomand to go throo.    then we Continewed on our jurny throo Lanthawall and Pen y Camawr and Came to Land y vaid in surch of some Saintes that lived thare many years a go name of theobaw But we found that ould Broathear John Theobaw wes Dad.  and Concquantly thare weas no one thare to oune the name of a lattear Day Saint for all he had a son thare and a nece But thay Belong to the chirch of ingland and Did not went to have nothing to Do with us.  and would not anteartaine us ovear Knight and thare weas a large farm house Close By and I aske them to enteartaine us ovear night for it wes getting late and Dark and we ware tiard having walked all rady about 15 mill and sed that we weas mishonaris and the sarvantes of god and Belong to the lattear Day Saints and then thay sed o wall that is a nugh I dont want to hear eany mor hence we Did not have eany prospect hear then we made up our mindes up to go to Newport Distanc 5 mill or rathear 6 mills and arived hear at about 9 pm and Put up at the Coffee Tavarn Capt By one Mr. Watkins and we wes veary tiard having walked much of late.


Garnseffaith Sept 17. 1881


we lafte Newport this morning and Came hear Distanc 13 mills and the wathear weas fine and Beaing Saturday we turned in to vewed the newport market and it weas Prity well filled with fruite and vegetabls and fish and meat and Buttear and chease and furneture and cetra then wealked on to Pont y Drin and Called at Sistear Sarah Ann Jones and head somthing to eat.    then we Continuewe on ouar jurny throo Pont y pool and Past throo the market hear and then arived hear and cald at Broathear Scot But thay weas not home then we went to Sistear Stevins and head supear thare and then Came Back to Broathear Scot which wes home now and we ware made welcom and slapt hear.

Garnsiffath Sept 18. 1881

Sunday morning 11 am we held a Counceal meating at Broathear george Scot and Broathear M. J. Thomas toock the menites of the same and we head good meating my salph and Broather Thomas in Conaction with

which we injoide veary much then we met againe at 2 3d pm in the [End Page 36]

Capacity of a Saints meating and head a veary good meating the saints Baring thair tasemones and Broathear Thomas spoke veary Pointed and intrasting apon the Dutes of the latear Day saints and I relatead some of our traveals and Preaching at Bracontown and Chrick howell and abeargavany and monmouth towen and Haryford towen and our visit to the Bagwns and langars lake and the Shugear lofe mountain and that we Did offard up our Prayears to the mos hig while on thes Placis and we Pertoock of the sacrament and head a veary good meating then we went up on talywain and held an oute Dore meating Broathear Thomas Preach first and I fawlowed and head a good meating and the Brathern gave some tractes away and then we went to a Baptist meating for a past time and it hapened to Be a sacrament meating with them and the Preachear Preach about a half an our Before the sacramant Came of on the naccicity of the people to Prepare for thair latear end which he coated from Dutearonome and like all oathers false religion Put much fors on one Comandment and none at all on the naxt one then we went up to Sistear Stephens and head supear and she asked me how my famely weas and whathear I did hear from them lattly then I asked Broathear Thomas to read hur the lattear that I head from home stating the Dath of my ouldest Daughtear Ann Jane Forsegreen then we slapt at Broathear and Sistear Scott.

Garnsiffaith Sept 19. 1881

we weas reading and writeng in the fore noon and in the aftear noon we went Down to Pony Pool and Called at one Mr. Nash who Capt a large toy shop and whos moathear wes in utah and Broathear and twwo Sistears and allso at a Place whare Broathear watkins the taylor use to lodge then Called at one Sistear Davis who is the Daughtear of Broathear Isac Loveday and Had somthing to eat thare then we went to loock for a place to Preach which we Did By the market Place to an average Congregation of about fifty to one hundrad then we wealked Back to the garn and slapt at Broathear gorge Scott and I washed my salph all ovear and chaing my garments.

Garnsifath Sept 20. 1881

I roat a lattear to Ellis Ellis and a cuple of Post Cardes one to Charls Aboott & one to J. J. Goald 24 Mary Street Marthyr then we went to visit the Saints head Dinear with Sistear Stevens then went up to the varteg and caled at Sistear Jones and head somthing to eat and hur son gave us some music on the Conceartina for he his a veary good Playar on that instrument then we Started oute with the intantion to go to Blan avon  to Preach But it got to raine so we could not go then we went Down to taly waine and visited Sistear James then we went Back to the garn and slapt at Broathear gorge Scott.

Garnsiffeth Sept 21. 1881

went to Sistear Stephens and head Dinar and sat dowen to read and then head somthing to eat againe then went to Broathear Bishop and [End Page 37]

head a Boule of Soope a Pece then we went to                                       the British and Preach

oute thare and Came Back to Broathear Bishop                                       and Sat Dowen for an

ouar or so talkeing about the tampels of the                                             Lord in the valy and

the Difrant Kind of materials of rock and so                                            on then we went to
Broathear Scott to slepe.

Abeartelary Sept 22. 1881

we laft the garnsifeath to Day and Came hear ovear the mountain Distans about 3 mills and the wathear weas fine and we Preach out to a veary Small congration at Blaynagwent and the wathear weas -rathear could and we found a home at Broathear Skidmore and eat and slapt thare and we saw the account of Pres garfilds Dath in the S W Dayly news.

No 14 Rivear Row Beauforte Sept 23/81

we lafte Abartelary to Day and Came hear Distanc aboute five mills and the wathear weas fine and we met little Tom of nanty glo the lattear Cariar and whos langhth is 4 feet 2 inshis long and hes age 42 years and we Called at Broathear Dean Davis at Brin mawr and head Dinar thare and he head a and he head just Bin Sanding a lattear of to hes Broathear Thomas to Plemouth Pensulvania then we went on to this Place and Slapt at Broathear gorge Harison and we heald two meating one oute Dors and one in the house and we head good Congration and a veary good atention and head good meatinges But the people Dante seme to have manhood or Curage anough to obay the gospeal.

Victoria Septembear 24. 1881

we went to viset one Sistear griges and one Mrs. Williams the moathear of David Williams and we was treated kindly and head somthing to eate thare then Called at Harison againe and head somthing to eat againe and he gave us a shileing Betwene us then we started Dowen hear Distance aboute 5 mills and it weas raineing all the way and we met 2 funarals on the way hear at Abervale and thar weas a woman murdrad hear By hur Broathear in law aboute two weakes a go and thay ware irish People the Murdars name is Teimothe Dempse and we arived hear aboute 5 pm and head a veary good welcom for thay head a little Boy 3 years ould who head Bin veary Sick Some 3 or 4 munths a go havin head the sun strok and wes not expected to live hes name is john Hanry Williams and Hapened to Come around at that time and the child got Bettear frome that time and the Parantes thinks and Beleve that I wes an intrument in the hand of god to heel the little sick Boy and hence thay weas veary glad to see us and we head food and logens hear at Broathear and Sistar Williams No 23 Augusta Street Victoria.

Rhymny Sept 25.  1881

we laft Victoria about 9 30 this morning and came hear Distanc about 6 mills and the wathear wes fine we Cauld at Treadegar for it [End Page 38]

is the Monthely Districte Counceal meating and we head our Councel in the morning at 11 am and two men wes Cut off the chirch By the name of Hanry Duglass and John Muten for neglacte of Duty and un christanlike Conduct and Broathear Hanry greeneland weas releced from Beaing Pracdent of Tredgear & Abw vale Branchis for to go home to the valy and gorge Richardes wes apointed Pracedent of Tredegar Branch in his sted and Broathear Williams Jones wes apointed ovear Abwvale then we met againe at 2 30 pm at Broathear gorge Richards and Peartoock of the sacrament and the saints Bore thaire tasemones and my salph and Broathear Thomas adreded the meating and we head a veary good meating then we head an out Dore meating close By and Broathear greenland and M. J. Thomas adressed the meating and it wes a rathear a small and noyse Congration then we went and head somthing to eat at Broathear greenland and head meating at 6 pm and Broathears Richardes & Grimly & Barns adrast the meating and then we welked to Rhymny and slapt at Broathear Charls


Rhymney Sept 26 1881

we wes wrighting in the fore noon and Broathear John Grimly Came in
and inform me that thare weas some maile for me at hes house and
invited us to Come thare to Diner and then we went and head Diner
with him and then I loocked at the lattears that Came for me one wes
from home from my son Thomas from Brigham City utah usa and it wes
              the first lattear that I head from home since the Dath of my

Daughtear Ann Jane and the lattear weas treating apon that subgect or that mattear and head and in it I head a nice lattear of Memorial of hur Dath from the Brigham City coire and allso a Post offic order for $15 Dolares and allso I had the likeness of Sarah Cloffa or the little moathear lass Baby of Ann Jane and the oathear lattear wes from Edwin Harman from Lanpetear and the lattears and memorial and the Babys likeness weas veary grevious to me yeat I weas veary glad to get it and I Kissed the little Baby and its moathear likeness and we Preach out in Plantation Street in Cwmshonmatho Broathear M. J. Thomas in inglish and my salph in welch and we slapt at Broathear David Charls went Down to Pontlcting to Broathear Jarymiah Williams and head supear thare and laft my shurt and colar thare to be washed and Broathear Brans weas with us.

Rhymney Sept 27. 1881

I roat a lattear home to my son Thomas in answar to the lattear that he sent me the Day Before which wes the Dath of our Blovead Ann Jane and our Berevement aftear hur and in the evning we atended a meating at  Broathear Hanry Johens  and  Broathear Thomas   and my

salph adrassed the meating and it wes apointed for a Preaching meating But thare weas no one Come in only the Saints and we eat Supear at Sistear Grimly and slapt at Broathear David Charls No 9 yard Row. [End Page 39]

Brgod Sept 28. 1881

we laft Rhymney to Day Distanc 5 mills and the wathear weas fine we Came throo Traidrhinfench and Tirfill and new Tredegear and ovear the mountain to the Bargod and Called at one Mr. Jinkens and a reletive Broathear Thomas and we head something to eat theare and head a Black Beary Pie then we went to Broathear William Lawis and lafte our veleais and went out to notefie the People and loock for a Place to Preach and Broathear M. J. Thomas Preach in inglish and I Preach in walch to a small Congereation of 25 or fifty 50 and felt a good flow of the sprit and we went to visit My Cuson Ann Davis and we eat spear thare and gave them acard with my adress on and the articles of faith and I gave them a little welch Book entitled the nacasity of some more meiricals By orson Prat and translated by Deve Elvead Jones and we Bore our tastemony to them of the truth of the gospel restored in our Day unto Josaph Smith But thay treated us with sum Degre of slur and Contempt and we slapt at Broathear William and Margrat Lawis.

llwn Crwn Sept 29. 1881

we laft the Bargod to Day and Came hear Distanc aboute 8 mills and the wathear wes fine and we Came throo galli gar and an Called at Broathear Edward Lawis and head Dinar thare then Came on hear and Called at Sistear Hanah Lawis and head somthing to eat then went to see Broathear David Thomas then we Preach out By the Salam chapal in Cwmfalin Broathear M. J. Rhomas in inglish and my salph in walch and the people in this naibrhood Complains of much sicness and many Daths sush as Carlat fevear with swelling of the Boath Side of the throat and we slapt at Sistear Hannah Lawis.

Abearcaned Sept 30. 1881

we laft llwin Crwn to Day and Came hear Distanc 6 mills and the wathear was quite fine and we Called at the Coly farm to Mrs. Thomas whoo is a Sistar to Gabe and Thomas and Bangamen and Ephriam Rowland and are in utah. and we weas made walcom thare and head Dinar thare then Came ovear the mountain to traid y rhyn then Called at David Rees at the gathing Pites and head tea and Black Bary Bye and laft my shirt and Colar with Sistear Cebilia Rees for to Be washed then Called at Broathear John Jones and had some lattears that head Come from Utah rad E Lewis and mary an Jones then we went up to 24 Mary Street and found that Sistear Harmans Little girl head Bin veary sick But we much bettear now and hence we went Dowen to abearcaned againe and slapt at Broathear Jones.

No 24 Mary Street 0ct 1. 1881

we laft Abarcanad and fowlowed the ould Canall Bank up to reed y Car and crost the Bridg and went up on the tipes By the Pit and the Puming ingen and on the Rilroad that caris the cole up

[End Page 40] from the gathing Pittes to Cyffarthath we met two men that I use to Be well aquainted with and one of them I Did not see for 28 or thirty years and thay weas ingenears one By the name of Bees and the othear John Thomas the lattear Beaing the Supearenteandant of the ingenears and aftear having a long chat with him about ould times and the many Chainges that have ocurd since then we could see Plaine that times have Bin geting worst evear since and no oathear Prospects now only to Continew so then we went ovear the tipes and Down by theynyis fack iron works and up the Canall Banke and Dowen to the market then up to Thomas towan to see the taylor and saw D. J. Evans my Cusean who Cupt a hat shop on high street and head a little talke with him then went to see Morgan Jones the Taylor who lived on the glebeland and use to Be an Eldear in the chirch and we head somthing to eat and weas invited to Dinar the next Day which would Be Sunday then we went up to pontywill and vesit the naibrood that I use to live in and the house and showed Broathear Moroni J. Thomas the house that hes fathear and moathear lived in Before he wes Born But it loocked quite a Difrant place now then it wes nice and Cleane and Placant little Place But now forsuken and half of the houses wes empty and the windowes nocked out and we Called at some of the ould naibears then Called at My Broathear Richard at No 3 chapal Street But he weas not home Beaing in Dawlass working and hes little girl weas sick then we went up to Peandaran yeard to visit Broathear M. J. Thomas uncle famely and head tea theare and weas invited to Come againe to morow then went throo Marthyr and the market house then to No 24 Mary Street     whare we met Broathears J. M. Bowen and D. J. Evans and we or I head three lattears one from W. E. William from Roathearham and one from Abeargaveny from Charls Abot and one from Beaufort from Gorge Harison and we slapt at 24 Mary Street.

No 24 Mary Street Octo 2. 1881

we met with the Brathean in Distrect Councel at the Raileway inn long roome at 11 am and head a veary good meating all tho 2 mambears wes Cut off from the chirch then we went up to Morgan Jones to Dinar then met againe at 2 30 pm and we head a veary good meating and fore of the Brathren spoke in tounges and 2 of them inturpet and all went to Confurmed the Doctring that we preach as Lattear Day Saints to Be the only Plan of Salvation such weas the langueg of the inturpretation then we went and held an out Dore meating at or on the hill near the Ball inn and we head some veary fine singing thare with the coire and Broathear M. J. Thomas spoke in inglish and M. J. Bowen in welsh then my salph and M. J. Thomas went up to Pendarn yard to tea acording to Previous invetation and then we met againe in the evning at the usual Place and head a veary good meating Broathear M. J. Thomas Preach in inglesh and J. M. Bowen in welch and we slapt at No 24 mary street.

No 24 Mary Street Oct 3. 1881

I wroat a lattear to Prect Carington in Bhalf of Broathear David J. Evans then my salph and John M. Bowen and M. J. Thomas went to Kerr and Hislop taylors to have my Coate repared and gave my Masur for a Pants and vest then went up to the Cafyn and heald meating at Sistear Thomas Wm Richard Bengamen All my salph and John Jones Preach and I called at my Cusen Ann Evans and Head somthing to eat [End Page 41]

thare and then welked Dowen to Marthyr and slapt at No 24 Mary Street Twen y Rodin Marthyr Tydfill Glamorganshire.

No 24 Mary Street Oct 4. 1881

i weas wrighting all Day and Slapt at Sistear Mary Harman. No 24 Mary Street Oct 5. 1881

I weas wrighting in the moring and in the aftear noone went and Called at the Post offic and chaing a mony ordar of 15 Dolars that weas sent me from home then went to see the taylor about our Cloathes then went Down to Abearcaned and heald meating at Broathear John Jones and Broathears M. J. Thomas J. M. Bowen and my salph adrassed the meting and we head somthing to eat thare and much welcome and then wealked up to Marthyr and slapt at the above Plase.

Rhymney Oct 6. 1881

I weas wrighting in the morning and in the aftear noone the taylor Came to the house with our Cloathes and I payed him 2 thirty one Shillinges then I laft marthyr and Came hear Distanc 5 mills and the wathear weas a little Could for thare has Bin some white frost for the last few Knights and I came ovear the mountain Past Cwmbargod and Down to Pontloting and Called at Broathear and Sistar Jarymiah Williams and head somthing to eat thare then we went up to meating at Broathear Grimly and we head good meting and Broathear Barns exarcised the giftes and Broathear Hanry Jones and my salph adrassed the meating and I slapt at Broathear David Charls.

Beaufort Oct 7. 1881

I laft Rhmney this morning and Came hear Distanc 6 mills and the wathear weas Cloudy and Called at Broathear Jones and Grimly and at Broathear Henry Greeneland and Richards and eat Dinar at Green­land and laft the stars thare than I came on hear and head food and logins and welcom hear at Broathear and Sistear Gorge Harison.

Abargavany Oct 8. 1881

I laft Beaufort to Day and Came hear Distans 12 mills and Called at Owean Davis But he weas not home beaing in the work and I head Dinar with them and hes wifes two Big girls wes home from hariford then went Down the Dram Road to gilwarn and Called at tin workes theare to see David Davis owens Broather then Came on Dowen Hear and head a Ride with a chandlars Cart right in to Abeargaveny and went to no 11 tidar street But thay head mooved to no 34 Comarsial Street then I went thare and head somthing to eat and then went to N 9 tudor street to sleepe at or with a famely By name of Drak and Sistar Beazant Payed for my Place. [End Page 42]

 Abeargavany Oct 9. 1881

we held a Saints meting at the Mardy in Broathear Cornishs house and Peartook of the Sacrament and the Saints Bore thair tastemonys and in as much as Chrls Abbott the Pracedent of the Brnch wes going away I ordaind Mark Lorance to the offic of an Eldear and set him apart to Precide ovear the Abeargavany Branch and aftar that apointed William Cornish to Be the Book agant and Came Down to Loranc and stayed thare a while then went to sleep to No 9 tudor Street at Drakes.

Abargaveny Oct 10. 1881

I head a lattear from the offic this morning stating the Relesed of D. J. Evans to go Home with the Octobear 22 Company i went to Broathear Loranc to Brcfast then up to Broathear William Cornish to Dinar and weas reeding thare a while then I Came Down to abeargaveny and Called at Sistar Beazant and then went to visit Broathear Loranc for hes wife is quite sick then I went to. No 9 Tudor Street so sleep with a famely By the anme of Drake and I receved a lattear from Livearpool With Confrance and I E D Receptes.

Beaufort Oct 11. 1881

I laft Abeargeveny to Day and walked hear Distans 12 mills and the wathear weas fine and Called at David Davis chaltnam or llanelly then on to Bryn Mawr and head somthing to eat thare and I called at hes Broathear Owen Davis at Bryn Mawr and I weas offared food thare and welcom then I went on hear and head Prayar meeting in Broathear Gorge Harison and I made a few remarks and I gave Gorge Harison hes I E D recept 12.7 and slapt hear.

Vistoria 12. 1881

I laft Beaufort this morning and Came hear Distans 3 mills and it weas raineing and I roat a lattear in the morning to Broathear Moroni J. Thomas to lampetear Cardiganshire then I Came hear and head much welcom and good and logins and they talked veary much againe to me of the grat Blassing of halth that thair little Boy receved throo my visit to them at the time when he wes sick and I asked them iffidid adminesteared to him and thay sad we don't Know what you Dun to him But Betwene you and your god the child got Bettear from that veary time and we Know that it wes By the Powar of god that wes with you that it weas Dun for he head not spoke a word for two weakes nor eat a Bite of eany Kind of food and the Day you Came he spoke first and the naxt Day he Comens eating hes food and he is all well now and thay acnolage the hand of the Lord in

_it all and I slapt thare with them Wm Williams No 23 Augusta

Street Victoria.

Rhymney Oct 13. 1881

I laft Victoria and Came hear Distanc 6 mills and it weas raineing and Blowing veary hard and the mountains and allso Darke and on my way I came throo the Ebw vale steel mill and Called at two fameles in abw vale By the name of Watkins and Thomas Morgan the former had son and Daughtear in frisco and the latar head relations [End Page 43] in Provo or to Wm Jones Pont y funn then Called at Broathear Wm Price By the oul tunal then Came ovear the mountain to Tradegar and called at Broathear Greenland and gave him hes I E D recept wich wes L 1:1:10 then I Came on hear and head somthing to eat at Braothear Grimly and we heald a meting hear and the Saints Bore theair tastemony and I adrased the meatings for a short time and slapt at Broathear David Charls.

Rhymney Oct 14. 1881

I wrote a lattear to my famely and allso my Dairy and went in the eving to Grimly and head somthing to eat and weas reading the stars and we sang many hims and I saw that thare weas grate many Slattes Blowed hoff the houseis for it head Bin a veary windy Day and the night Previous and I slapt at Broathear David Charls.

Abeartelary Oct 15. 1881

I laft Rhymney to Day Distanc 12 mills and the wathear weas quite storme and snowing and I came throo Tredegar and Sishowhe and Beaufort and Bryn Mawr and Nanty glo and Blyne and at this Place I saw that on the Day Previous the high windes head Dun Concidarable Damage I saw one chapal weas much ingured By the wind the Cornish weas Blowed off one side and all the slates off the roof and I head food and logins and walcom at Broathear William Skidmore.

Garnsiffath Oct 16. 1881

laft Abeartlary to Day and walke ovear the mountain and Came heare Distance 3 mills and the wathear weas fine But it frose in the night and thare weas ise on the wattear in the morning and I went to Broathear Gorge Scott and we head Councel at 11 am and Saints meating at two pm and went to visiting in the evning with Broathear Scott and then I slapt at Broathear Scott.

Llandoff Oct 17. 1881

I head 4 lattears this morning from Marthyr and two of them weas from livearpool and one of them Contained information Concirning Sistar rees is imegration and hence I laffte the garnddiffaith at half past ten am and Came hear and Came ovear the mountain to Pont abear Beg then to Blackwood then to Mas y Cwmear and Tredegar Junton then to Rhymney Junton then to the ustrad Distans 15 mills and toock the traine hear and road to llaushon throo Carphily then walke from thare hear againe Distans 3 mills and Came throo witchurch and arived hear about 7 a Clock and mat Broathear J. M.

Bowen heare and Sistear Rees and Bowen weas veary glad to see me for she head two lattears to Day one from hur husband one from Broathear Elias Morris with Containing information Concurning hur imegration and whan I came with the Pass thay weas veary glad and I roat a lattear for Sistear Rees to Broathear Morris thanking him for hes kindness and I slapt at Sistar Rees in Company with Broathea Bowen.  [End Page 44] llandaff Oct 18.1881

my salph and Broathear Bowen went Dowen to Cardif and Called at Broathear Blatten then went on Down the Canall Bank and we saw many grate Big tres Broake Down with the wind in the late storm and then we went to the Post offic and Put some lattears in that we had to go to utah then we went around to loock at the town and Bought some little Prasants to send home for my famely and went to visit Sistear towezear who weas sick having head a strooke of Palse and we adminesteared to hur then we came Back and Called at Broathear   Bladen and head supar and then to Sistear Rees and roate a lattear for hur to Broathear Rees and Roat our Dayre and slapt at Sistar Rees in Company with J. M. Bowen.

Llandaff Oct 19.1881

we weas marking Sistear Rees is Lugeages and we Biassed William Hanry and Edwin How By the requast of thayar moathear and she Promised to Be Babtise the Sunday after Naxt I weas mouth in the Blassin of William Hanry and Broathear Bowen in Edwin then we toock a walk up to the Station and Back and Mr. William Woodburn 10 Bridgworkes Row Witchurch Near Cardiff asked me whare would we keep our meating now aftear Sistear Rees gose away for we Capt our Metings theare and I sad I Don't Know and he sad you can have a Place to hould your meatings in My house when evear you like only lat me know it a little Before hand and I thanked him veary much and then we went to work to helpe Sistear Rees to Pack hur the things and put the ropes around the Boxis and we slapt at Sistear Rees.

Llandaff Oct 20. 1881

we got up at five a cloack in the morning and head Prayars and got Bracfast and Packed one of Sistear Rees is Boxis up to the Station witch weas aboute a mill of and it wes hard work then we went Back agoing to get the oathears thinges and then toock the traine in Company with Sistear Rees and the three childran up to quacars yard then we chainge at this place and toock the grate wastearn to Abeargaveany and thay went on to Burkin had livearpool Broathear David J. Evans and John Richards goined us at the quacars yard and James Barns Henry Greenland Gorge Harison Sistar Beazant and Charls Abott at abeargavany and Broathear and Sistar Wm Cornish and Sistear Beainteng road up to the gungtion a Boute a mile furthear and we Bid them all good By at this place and then I went with Broathear Cornish home and held a meateing in hes house and reordained Broathear William Cornish to the offic of an Eldear and Blast two childran one Gorge Cornish and one Samul Edwards and thare wes two Straingears in the meating that lived in the naiborood and we head a veary good meating broathear Mark Loranc opened By prayar and we sang a hymn and then gave the meating open for two to pray and Broathear and Sistear Cornish prayed then we sang a hymn againe and then I adrassed the meating for a shor time Diracting my Remarkes to those that head not obid the gospal as well as to the Saints and I felt well and spoke apon the Kinngdom of god wich Dianial saw that would Be sat upon the Erth and I slapt at Broathear Cornish.  [End Page 45] Abargavany Oct 21. 1881

I went Down to the towen aboute a mile and a half and Called at Thomas Bezzant and thean at Marke Loranc and head Dinar thare and adminesteared to hes wife for she weas sicke But she weas not a mambear of the chirch But she weas a Belevear and intend to Be Baptise when she getes bettear and I Blast two of the childran apon thair requast and thear names weas Mark and Robeart Broathears William Cornish and Marke Loranc goined me in thes adminstrations and Blassings mysalph Beaing mouth and I wes wrighting in the aftearnoon and went to visit Sistar taylor and William Cornish weas with me and Jacob Watkines Came inn and then I went up to Broathear William Cornish to sleep.

Beaufort Oct 22. 1881

I toock the traine to Day and Came hear Distans aboute ten mills and it weas raineing veary hard and the far on the Raileroad is a pany a mile and I called at Broathear and Sistear Jones and head somthing to eat then I went to Sistear Harison and Slapt thare with Broathear Luke Hayward.

Rhymney Oct 23. 1881

I laft Bufort this morning in Company with Broathear William Jones to atend the Councel Meating at tredegar and the meating Comensed about half past laven and the Councal weas Carid on in the usual way By singin and Prayear and reading the minets of the prevous meating and hearing the reports of the Difrant Branchis and aftear got throo all the Bisness of the Councal I adrassed the meating for aboute a half an our teaching the prestood with regard to obtaineing tractes for the wintears labour and we head a veary good meating and we weas about to Close the meating when of a sudan Broathear Owean Davis got up to Speke and he spoke at a grate langth acuseing and falte finding in a veary Reblious way and insulting the hul meating and I arose and tould him that he head transgrased in so Doing and Bringing things up hear that he head no Bisness to and if he did not Repent of it that he should be Cut off from the chirch and he answard well Cut away then then I moshoned that he Be Cut of and weas saconded By Prest Gorge Richards and weas put to vote and weas Carid unanimus then we Close the meting and went to Broathear Greenland to Dinaar the mat at half pas two pm at Broathear Gorge Richards in the Capacity of a Saints meating and toock of the sacramant and the Saints Bore their tastemony and then I ocupayed some half an ouar of the time instructing the Saints and the Brathern in thair Dutis and head good fredom and felt well and head agood meating then walked ovear the mountain in Company with Broathear and Sistear grimly to Rhymney and it weas raineing and veary foge and we held a saints meating at the house of Broathear grimly in Rhymney at half past six pm and head a good meating and then went to see Broathear Hanry Jones the Prasedant of the Branch who weas sick then went to Broathear David Charls to sleep. [End Page 46] Hirwain Oct 24. 1881

I lafte Rhymney to Day and Came hear and it weas raineing and I Called at William Thomas Blan Doulas who weas formarly a saint and a pracedent of a But now a publican or a tavarn Kipear and he hes yet in the Dark But he Don't rebel and he ofard me somthing to eat and to Drink But I did not need eany But thanked him the same then I went and Called at my uncle David Evans no 33 victoria Street and head as usual a rathear a Coole reception then went Dowen to marthyr and Called at 24 mary Street at Sistear Harman and head somthing to eat and head an Album and vewes of Salt Lake City then went and toock the traine to Avearnant then walke up to hirwayn and it wes raining hard and saw many trees that head Bin Blown Dowen with the wind in the late storm and we head a saints meating in Broathear Jones is hous and I slapt at Broathear James Wittickear and I lafte two I E recptes hear one for William Price and one for Susan Jones.

Treorky Oct 25. 1881

I laft hirwain to Day and Came hear ofar the mountain and Preach in

Blan y Cwm in Company With Broathear Bowen he Preach in inglish

and I in walch and slapt at William Thomas the Prasedant of the Branch.

Glin Corwg Oct 26. 1881

we laft Trorky to Day and Came hear ovear the mountain Distans about 8 mills and eat Dinar at Sistear Rossar and Caled at Blain y Cwm and Called at Sistar Lawis and had somthing to eat then went up to Broathear David Jones to sleep.

Mastag Oct 27. 1881

we laft Glyn Corwg to Day and walke hear Distans 6 mills and the wathear weas Cloudy and milled we came throo the Cymer and Called at william Evans and had somthing to eat then went Down to Sistar Shrilar and Back to W Evans then to no 37 to sleep to a party By the name   of Thomas for wich we paid sixpanc a pese.

Wick near Bridg end Oct 28. 1881

we laft mastag to Day and Came hear Distanc 16 mills and the wathear wes Cloudy Part of the time and the sun wes shining some of the time and veary fine and mild and we Came throo ton Dee and saint y Breed and we held a meating at the House of Richard Williams and we head a congregation of a Boute twenty five I Preach in walch and Broathear Bowen in inglish But we weas much anoyed By two man that head got Drunk and Disturbe the meating one By the name of William Morgan and one By the name of Thomas Mills William Morgan went out a time or two and Came Back againe But the two of them went out Before the meating weas throo and eithar them or some one ells fastened the Dore so the people Could not get oute and we slapt at Richard Williams and Mary Wiliiams.  [End Page 47] New Mill Near Lantresaint Oct 29. 1881

we laft the Wick to Day and Came hear Distans ten mills and it weas windy and could and we Came throo llan Dw an illis y gromid and Pen llin and Brin sadlar then hear and we head food and logins hear and welcom at the House of Richard and Sistar, Elizabath Thomas te gwelim Coatage.

New Mill Oct 30. 1881

we head a saints meating at 2 pm Broathear Hughs and Morgans and othears weas pracant and two straingars and we peartoock of the sacrament and the saints Bore thair tastemonyes and we head a good meting and we ordained David Morgan to the offic of an Eldear mysalph Beaing mouth and we ordained Thomas Evans to the offic of a Decon and mat at 6 pm in llantresaint in Broathear Thomas Williams is mysalph and J. M. Bowen Preech and we slapt at the new mill at R Thomas.

Tonyrafal Oct 31. 1881

we Baptise Susanah Harwood J. M. Bowen oficate and we Confurmed hur in hur oune house my salph Beaing mouth then we laft new mill and came hear Distanc 7 mills and preach in the house of one that hea Bin the chirch some years ago By the name of Egstone and I slapt thare as well.

No.  1 1881 Gilbach Goch

we laft the ton and Came hear Distans 3 mills and it weas Raineing and we visetad some of the people and preach at Thomas Edwards and the house weas full of people and we head a veary good meating and we head food and logins and welcom at Sistar Ruth and Thomas Edwardes and Broathear David Morgan and hes Sistear Came theare from ton y ravel.

Cafn Crebwr Nov 2. 1881

we laft the Gilbach to Day and Came hear Distanc 15 mills and we Came throo Glin Ogwr and falin Evan ddu and Brin Cathin and Cafn Crebur and abear Canfeg and we ware Picked up in a spring cart that wes pasing By and road a few mills and we held a sacrament heating and Broathear Henry Stagg the man of the house and my salph and Broathear Bowen adrassed the meting and we slapt at Broathear Stagg.

Cwm Ogwr Nov 3. 1881

we Came hear throo Abear Canfig and tandu and Brin Manen and falen Evan ddn and came throo te nawed and on up to the aberhouseis and Called at no 14 Whare David Jones lived who head Bin a mambear of the Chirch formarly But since that had goine the Josephites But thay treeted us kindly and gave us food and logins and he Came with us around to visit some of the ould Saints and invited them to Come to Meating that night at David Jones is house for thare was not eany Saints in this plase that ware in thair plassis for thay had most of them goined the Josaphaites and it apeard that from what we could [End Page 48] see that thay head nearly a Knuff of it and head a notion to Come Back to the Chirch againe and we had a good meting my salph and J M Bowen Prech in inglesh and I in walsh and aftear the meating we head quite a talke with them resoning with them on the Difrant subjactes of the gospell such as Polegame tithing and the gathring of the Saints and so on and we got three of them to subscribe for the Star and it seme that thay myte Come Back to the Chirch againe and we slapt at David Jones the same house that we head the meting in.

Tra Aalaw Nov 4. 1881

we laft ogmar valy to Day and Came hear ovear the mountains Distanc two mills and it weas veary foge and we lost or rathear we could not find the Path and hence we Came Down off the mountain at the ton y Rystrad instid of Clydach vale and having gon 3 mills oute of our way and we Called at John Thomas Clydach vale and head sumthing to eate then went to this place and Put up at the house of one John Humphrase and head food and logins and welcom.

No 24 Mary Street Nov 5. 1881

we laft the allaw to Day and Came hear Distans 19 mills we came ovear the mountain By pen Ehyees and Pen Daris or Taylors town and Called at Broathear John Jones and head somthing to eat and then went on to the house of David Jinkins and head somthing to eate then we Came on throo furne Dale and Blane llachai and abearuman and this David Jinkens have Bin in the chrirch But have goined the Josaphites since and Bin Cut off from the chirch some three times and he wanted to Come Back to the chirch againe and I tould him to go and Put hes Case Before the Saints at Pont y Preadd and Trarky and do hes first workes ovear againe By Baptism and he gave us a shiling to helpe us to Pay our traine from abear nant to marthyr and we arived hear aboute 8 o clock pm and mat Broathear Thomas Parkins a new Mishanary from Sedear City utah and thare weas three lattears hear waiting for me and a Deasaret news papear with 0 P Jones is name on it one lattear weas from Broathear Jones & one from B M Harman & one from my famely with 3 likeness in it my wifes and my dughtear Mary Elizabath and Sarah ,Clopfa my Daughtear Ann Janes Baby and we slapt hear at Sistear Harman.

Marthyr Nov 6. 1881

we held a Counceal metings in the morning at 11 am at the Raileway inn and we hurd the Difrant reports of the Branchis and Broathears Thomas Parkins M J Thomas J M Bowen and mysalph adrased the meting and at half past two pm we mat againe and Ann Haris of pen garn ddu Dowlas weas Cut off the chirch and we peartoock of the sacrament and the saints Bore thair tastemony and we the formear Brathern spoke Bro Thomas & Bowen Dwaling on the subgct of tithing and Pearkins on the Confranc news and the Dath of Orson Prat and we met againe at 6 pm and the same Brathern spoke and we had a good meting and aftear the meting I went to see my Broathear Richard and hes childran head Bin sick in the scarlat pevear But wes well now and thare has Bin a grate many Dathes around this and othear parts of late and we slapt at no 24 mary street. [End Page 49] No ,24 mary street Nov 7. 1881

we was wrighting most all Day and Broathear John M Bowen and Thomas Pargreen atendead a meating on the Cafn and I slapt at No 24 mary street.

Nov 8.  1881.  24 mary street marthyr

I went in Company with Broathear Thomas Pargreen to Biey an ovear Coate and Difrant articles of Clothing and othear things that he neaded and to Chaing a post offic ordar and Bought 5 shilins and 3 panc worth of stamps and Papers and went Down to Abearcaned to get the adrass of Levi Rees for thay wanted it at the Livearpool offic then Came Back and tanded to a Councel meting at Sistear Harmons house when Lawis thomas is case weas handled and he asked forgiveness for naglact of Duty and M J Thomas and my salph slapt hear at Sistar Mary Harman.


No 24 mary street Marthyr Novembear 9. 1881


I was wrighting most of the Day I Roate a lattear to Lanpetear to John Thomas and one to Cross Wintear to Ellis Ellis and one to my famely and I slapt at Sistear Harman in Company with M J Thomas.


Hirwin 10. 1881


We went in Company with J M Bowen and Thomas Parkins on the traine throo the tinnal to this plase Bowln laft at abearnant for Cwm Bach we my salph and Thomas Parkins Called at Josaph Rowlands and head somthing to eate then went to Morgan Evans and head somthing to eat thare againe then went from thare to Broathear thomas Johnes than to Brathear Williams Prise and slapt thare and we payed 8 pance for our ride and the wathear wes Clowdy.


Abearnant 11. 1881


1 went to the Station with Broathear Parkins to see him off to Swansea then or rathear we Before that we head Brackfast at Rees prise then I went to Thomas Jones and witecar then hear and slapt at Evan Evans.


No 24 Mary Stteet Marthyr Nov 12/81


I laft abearnant and Came hear By trine throo the tunal Distanc 3 mils and the wathear weas Cloudy and whan I arived I mat Danial Davis at no 24 gust arived from utah on hes mishon to this land then went to gathear Down to the town to By some articels that he neaded and we wase at my Cuseon D J Evans and Bought an umbrala and Bought a satchal in an othear Place and Bought some papear and Envelops and Stamps and etc and slapt at Sistear Harman and I washed and chaing my undear Cloath.[End Page 50]


 Swansea Nov 13. 1881 we laft marthyr By traine this morning and Came Down


hear Distans 30 mills and payed 26 and we met in Councal in the morning and B M & E Harman & Thos Perkins & Danial Davis and my salph weas Prasant and we all toock a part in the meeting and we went with Alma Watteas to Dinar and met againe at 2.30 pm and toock of the sacramant Broathear D Davis and Thoas Parkins adminesteared and we all toock a Part in the meating and we went with Broathear Gorge James to have somthing to eat then met at 6.30 pm and Daniel Davis and thos Perkins and B M Harman and my salph Preach and we slapt at the yalow house and Payed 6 pence a pese for a bed.


Swansea Nov 14. 1881


we went to Elias Davis is Sistear to Bracfast then went up to Broathear James and head a shave and my hare trimed then went to Broathear D Huges to Dinar then went Back to James is to adminestear to him and anoint him for he have Bin sick for a long time and he have receved a Blassing from the adminestearation of the ordinance Before then we atended to a Conceart that we held at the saints hall in the Babtist Cart high street Swansea Broathear Parkins Sang a song of his owen making on looseing hes shipe when hurding in utah and it created much laftear and I sang Josaph the sear and we head a good time of regoiseing to gathear and we slapt at the yalow house.


Swansea Nov 15. 1881


we went to Mrs. Geny Morgan and head Bracfast then Called at Broathear Jorge Parke to see for some lattears then Called at Brathear William Williams senior and then to Brathear James then to Breathear Porcouse and head Dinar thare and him and B M Harman sateld all the Booke account and I receved 23 4 then D Davis and I went in surch of a Cuseun of hesen and we found him living in Myars Street thomas town and hes name weas Evans and a taylor. By trade and we head somthing to eat thare then we Came up to Broathear Pare to Do some wrighting and Slapt at the yalow house.


Llanelly Nov 16. 1881


we went to Broathear Parr and head Bracfast thare then went Down

to Broathear James then I bid the Brathen good By and laft for llanelly

and it weas raineing and Blowin fearfull hard and I Called at

Sistear Richard Daughtear at Cwm Bwrla and at Sistar Abednego Williams

at the forest bach then went on to Lougar and toock the traine from

hear to llanelly for it weas raineing so hard and gating late and

I Payed 3 panc halpany from hear to llanelly and I stopt hear at the

Station some half an owear weiting for Dan Davis who weas Coming in

with the naxt traine then we went to John Evans then I went to pay

a viset to miss Bowen then Back agan to Broathear evans to sleep. [End Page 51] Bank Cotage Near Cidwely Nov 17. 1881

we laft or I Did Llanelly to Day and Came hear Distans. 7 mills and head good and logins and walcome hear with the famely of John Howeals and Broathear Ralf Fishear and Broathear Daniel Davis toock the traine and road to Carmarthen towen.

Carmarthen towen Nov 18. 1881

I laft Cidwely to Day and Came hear Distanc 10 mills and Called at lweine y filltir fach and head somthing to eate and welcome as Broathear John and Martha Jones and it weas Cloudy wathear and reineing I inteanded to meat Dan Davis hear But he laft for Brychf Befor I arived and I went to visit the saints and some aqueintancis and slapt at the Coudear arms Capt by David Davis and is a Black Smith.

Nant Hirn Near Brychf Nov 19th. 1881

I laft Carmarthen to Day and Came Distans 12 mills and the weas Clowdy and raineing a little and I Called at the house of David Evans and Ann Evans and who is a Daughtear of Evan Morgan But nithear of them weas home But the childran wes and the Daughtear whos name wes Ann Mades me somthing to eat then I went on hear and arived hear little aftear Darke and found food and logins and welcome hear at the Howse of Broathear and Sistear Evan and Ann Morans.

Nanthyre near Brychfa Nov 20. 1881

we held a meating hear at Broathear Evan Morgans house at 11 a clock and Peartoock of the Sacrament and Broathears Danial Davis John Davis Evans Morgan ann morgan and my salph wes all that wes pracant and Broathear Davis and my salph adressed the meating and John Davis weas ordained to the offic of a Preast my salph Beaing mouth asistead by Daniel Davis hes oune Broathear and the meating weas Closed Beanydicton By John Davis and aftear Dinar D Davis E Morgan and my salph went to the Mathodist meating in Brychfa and we Published our meating at half past 4 in Broathear John Davis is house or ti.Canal as some Called it and then we went up thare and Comenced our meating by singing fe waweried hyfrid fare and Prayear by Broathear Evan Morgan then we sang what was witness in the haven then I red a few vearsis of the 4 chaptear of the Epheseans Comencing at the 4 vears and Daviel Davis fowlowed me Bearing hes testemony to the grate lattear Day worke and I slapt at Broathear Even and Ann Morgan wet wather.

Lanpetear Nov 21. 1881

we laft Brychfa to Day and Came hear Distans 15 mills and the wethear weas wet we laft about one a clock and arived hear aboute 7 aclock or quite a while aftear Darke and we head good and logins and welcome furnished us By Sistear Mary thomas and hur Sons John and Evan.

Lampetear Nov 22. 1881

we remeind hear all Day and we weas redeing and wrighting all Day [End Page 52] and head a fire up Stars for it weas wet wethear and we slapt in a tempranc Plase right in frunt of the Colage and Broathear Ellis Ellis Payed us a viset and he head ten mils to Come and head to go Back the same Day But he head a Cart with him and he gave me a half a Crown and it thundeared and litend veary much.


Lampetear Nov 25. 1881


we stopet hear all Day and weas writing most of the time and roat a lettear to Sistear thomas to hur son Hanry to Utah and we slapt at the above plase and she payed our expencis in the tempranc house in frunt of the Coleg whare we Did sleep.


Lampetear Nov 24. 1881


we intend to leve hear to Day But it weas raineing so hard that Sistear Thomas and the Boyes Pearsweaded us to remeine hear til to morow and so we did and we weas wrighting and reading and we slapt at the above plase.


Pen y wern Nov 25. 1881


we laft lampetear to Day and Came hear Distans ten mills and it weas raineing ageine to Day and we called at the house of Sis Ann Williams who lived at pen careg and whos age weas 81 and she mede us somthing to eat and she weas tealing us that some John Elias huges and who is a Josaphit and have Bin around paisning the minds of the saints and we could se that it head some efact apon hur then we went on to llanyBydear and Caled at Sistear Thomas is Sistear and allso Called at the Crosshandes with a relet.ive of richard Jones from Malad and we tryed to get the towen ahll to preech But we Did not sucede in geting it then we went on to pen y wern and we wesen hear veary long Before David Evans and a noathear one or to more Came in and this D Evans is a Broathear to the man of the house and hed bid in utah and lived in Brigham City and weas once a saint Put he is an eneme now and a postet and weas speking evel ageinst the work of god in the valyes of utah and hes Broathear John Evans who is the man of the house is not much Betear than he is for he is full of un Belefe and he hese no Desiar to gathear with the saints to Zion and he tryes to Proave that Zion is Babelon and thet Salt Lake City is the moathear of harlots and Broathear Danial Davis weas taling me that he Did not now what to do with him and all the Brathern feels a veary Bed sperit with him and we slapt hear at hes house.


Llanelly Nov 26. 1881

we laft pen wern this morning Broathear Daniel Davis wetn to Brychfa and I toock the traine to Carmarthen Came throo mais y Crigea and pen Cadear and then wealke from Carmarthen to lanelly and I Called at llwein y filturfach and Broathear Jones mad me somthing to eat and then I started on a goine and Came by the minkea and Pontyeates then hear and it weas af tear Darke when I arived I caled at Broathear John John and head somthing to eat thare then I went on [End Page 53] Broathear J Evans and I slapt thare. But it weas raineing Powring and Blowing all the way and I weas as wet brom my mese Down as if I head Bin weaiding in the rivear and my shose wes full of wattear and the Distans wes 15 mills.

Neath Nov 7. 1881

I laft Llanelly at 12.30 By traine and Came hear Distans 20 mills and went to meating at Broathear Easteman and met Broathear Perkins hear and we Pertoock of the sacrament and the saints Bore thair tastemonyes and my salph and Broathear Parkins adressed the meating then went to viset Bengamen Jones is ould wife then went Back to meating ageine at the above place at 6 pm and Broathear Perkins and my salph prech and we head good meating and some three or fore straingears weas theare and we slapt at the ancor house or the Castel Cap.

Cwmbychan Nov 28. 1881

we weas wrighting in the morning in Sistear and Heugh Williams is house and we head much welcom and food then in the aftear noon we started hear and head food and logins and welcom at the house of Mr Thomas Davis grocear and he is a nephew to Emus Davis.

Cwmbychan Nov 29. 1881

we went Dowen to Abarvan and hunted up some ould saints and called at one of them on the way Dowen By the name of Margrat Thomas No 8 Abwvale Row Cwmavan near tai Bach and we Called at the house of John and William Richards and we called at one Philipe Williams who is a Barbear By trade. and othears and we Came Back to Cwmbychan and we slapt at Mr. Thomas Davis and the wathear   wes fine.

glincarwg Nov 30. 1881

we laft Cwm Bychan to Day and Came hear Distans 15 mills and the wathear Clowdy and windy and we road up with the Cole traine from the top of the incline and we Called at David Lawis and head somthing to eat thare then went up to Broathear David Jones and we head food and logins and welcom thare.

Treorky December 1. 1881

Broathear Parkins and I parted at this plase he went to mas tag and I came hear ovear the mountain Distans 5 mills and the wathear weas Clowdy and I Called at Blan y Cwm and head somthing to eat thare at the house of the son and Daughtear of thomas Evans then went on to pen yr angling and Called at tracharn Davis and head somthing to eat thare then Called at Broathear Davis and gave him I E D resept then went on to No 8 Rivear Row and head somthing to eat at the house of williams Williams and then Called at the house of Thos [End Page 54] Rees and hes Daughtear glatis street then Called at the house of Broathear Evan Llyweling then went to meating at Broathear William Thomas and we head a veary good meating and I adrased the meating for about half an our and I teched the Sainted on the princepels of the gospeal and for them to get up some amusement for the childran gen Christmas and slapt at Broathear William Thomas.

Hawf bach Dec 2. 1881

I laft treorky to Day and Came hear and eat at Broathear Richard Moris and at Broathear John Jones and slapt thare.

No 24 Mary Street Marthyr Dec 3. 1881

I laft Treorky to Day and Came hear Distans ten mills and the wathear weas Clowdy and raineing some I Came ovear to furndale and Called at Broathear Isac Loveday and head somthing to eat and then went on throo Blain llache on to Carnaman and Called at Broathear Thomas Pottear and head somthing to eat then went on to Abear Dare and called at the market and Bought an umbrala and a little Candy and a few oranges and a india Rubear Doll for Sistear harman and it Cos one Shiling then went up to Abearnant and toock the traine to Marthyr and hear met Broathear Bowen E Harman & M J Thomas and Slapt at Sistear Harman.

No 24 Mary Street Dec 4. 1881

went to the Councel meting at 11 am and one was Cut off for apastacey and the Brathern reported the Difrant Branchis and Broathears E Harman J M Bowen M J Thomas and my salph adreased the meating and we mat agine at half past 2 pm and Peartoock of the sacramant and gave the meating open for the Saints to Bare thaire testemonyes and then the above Brathrean ocupayed the remaindear of time then we went up on the Market Square and held a meting in the open are and Broathears Moroni J Thomas and John M Bowen Preach But our Congreation wes veary Slim and stood a fare off and Did not seme to weant to listen to us and then we met againe at six a clock in the evining and thare weas some half a Duzon out Sidears thare at the meating and we the Above Brathen Preach and we Slapt at Sistear harman No 24 Mary Street Marthyr and the wathear weas Clowdy and Damp.

No 24 Mary Street Marthry Dec 5. 1881

we reained hear all Day and wes wrighting and reding and it weas Raineing and thare weas an aclipes on the moon and when I saw it it weas aboute three forth ovear its fase and then the moon went undear the Clowdes so that we could not see it all the time then I went up to se my Broathear at pant tywill then Came Back and Slapt at Sistear Harman. and Bro Thos R Jones arived hear to Day on hes mishon from Utah.

No 24 Mary Street Marthyr Dec 6. 1881

and we reained hear most all Day But I went to No 83 Bracon Road to [End Page 55] see hes that is Broathear Jones hes Sistar and we head somthing to eat thara then I laft him thare and Came Back hear and it weas Raineing to Day againe and we weas wrighting mos all Day and we Slapt at Sistear Harman.

No 24 Mary Street Marthyr Dec 7. 1881

we weas wrighting most all Day and remeind hear ovear night.

No 24 Mary Street Marthyr Dec 8. 1881

Broathear thomas and I laft our wachis with Koos the wach makear to Be fixed and I Bought some Christmas cardes to send home to my famely then we went to Post some lattears I Posted 6 lattears one to my famely one to Brothear T D Rees Ellis Ellis John Thomas Dan Davis Matie Evans then we went up to the Confranc house then to Broathear goold then Back againe and then mysalph and J M Bowen Started for mountean ash ovear the mountain and arived thare about half past five pm and it got Dark Before we Crossed the mountain and we head little trubel heving lost the Path and we Slapt at Broathear Evans and we head a meting at the house of Broathear Isack Evans and J M Bowen preach and head a good meting and some nemes wes hand in for Baptisims and I prech thare to.

Hirwaine Dec 9. 1881

we Came hear to Day Distanse six miles and the wathear weas veary fogee that we Could not see more than ten or fiftene steps a head of us we Called at Cap Coch at the of one by the name of morten and hes wife head some relations in the chirch and in utah then went on to abraman and Called at Broathear John Edwardes then we called at Broathear Thomas Jones at hirwayn and head somthing to eat then we went from thare to Broathear William Prise and we head food and logins and welcom.


Swansea Dec 10. 1881

Broathear Bowen and I saparated at this plase he went to Cwm Bach and Pont y Pred and Cardiff and I went hear Distans 24 mills and it weas a nise frosty morning and I Called at Abeargarad with llywelin Bowen and head somthing to eat thare and thare wes a indipendant Ministear By the name of David morgon from the Resolven Came in and we head some talke aboute amarica and utah and as he weas going to leve I ofard him a track and he Did refeused to take it and sed that he head formed hese opinion aboute us all rady and consequently Could not be taught any thing and Mr Bowen sed that hes wife would have Bin a saint iff he Did not stop hur and I laft 4 tractes with them to read then I went on to Scewen and Called at Broathear long and head somthing to Eat thare then went on to llansmlot station and toke the traine from thare hear and Called at Broathear gorge James and head somthing to eate and slapt at Broathear William Williams Junear at the Havod.  [End Page 56] Swansea Dec 11. 1881


we wente to the Councel meating at 11 am and aftear the menetes of the Previous meting weas red theare weas one Cut off and she weas Moroni Wattes is mothear in law and hur name is margrat morgans I think and she weas Cut of for fortune taking and Disobaying Counsal and my salph and Broathears B M Harman and Thomas Perkins adreased the meating then we relesed B M Harman from Beaing Prasedent of the Branch and the Swansea Distrect and Plased Broathear Thomas Parkins in hes plase then we met at two pm and peartoock of the sacrament and Plased the above mattears Before the Saints and we adressed the meating then we met at six a Clock or rathear half past six and I Blast Alvira Parr the Daughtear of goerge Parr and B M Harman Blast Anne Williams the grand child of Sistear Davis of the trubeaDore and we Put the above thinges before the saints and gorge Parr and Perkins and B M Harman ocuepaid and my salph ocupaid the time and we slapt at Broathear William Williams Junear.

Swansea Dec 12. 1881

we went to visit among the saints and went ovear to the fox hole to Broathear Parkhouse and we Crosed ovear on the Boate for which we Payed a half peny and we had somthing to eate at Broathear Parkowse and on account of him not Beaing abeal to tend his meatinges we Counceld him to resine hes Poseshon as a first Counclear to the Branch and he sad that he weas willing to Do just as I say then we Came Back ovear the halfpany Bridge and Called at Sistear Davis the trubeaDore and then went to meating to the in the Baptist

Cort and I red the 5 Chaptear of mathew then Relesed Broathear Parkouse from Beaing first Councelar and put Broathear Williams saniar first Counclear and Broathear John Lewis sacond Counclear to Broathear thomas Parkins and my salph and B M Harman adrassed the meating then we layed handes on the sick Broathear Aliens little Boy then went up to Broathear gorge James and head supear and then we minesteared to him and anointed him with oile on hes chast and layed handes on him I anointed him and B M Harman weas mouth when we layed handes on him and he sed that he weas much Bettear for it and he thanke the Lord and then we went to Broathear William to sleepe.

Swansea Dec 13. 1881

we went to visit among the saint and eat Dinar at Broathear Alam Wattes and head somthing to eat at Broathear David Huges and then went to Broathear gorge Parr to Do some wrighting and had somthing to Eate thare and slapt at Broathear William Williams Junear.

Ystaly fera Dec 14. 1881

we went around the towen of Swansea and Broathear Perkins Bought him a new seute of Cloathes and toock them to the taylor and I lend him a pound and aftear that we saparated and I Came up hear Distans twalve mills and it weas rayneing and I Called hat Thomas morgan and hea somthing to eate thare and I gave them the Bill for the Star and he payed me 2 81/2 then young thomas morgan Came with me to Broathear Alfred thomas and I had good and logins and Welcom hear. [End Page 57] Ystaly fera Dec 15. 1881

I remained hear all" Day and weas wrighting most of the tim and in the evning I went to visit Mr. William Jones is famely and thay lived at abear twrch farm near By and I laft cople of tracts thare and it weas freeseing quite sharp and Broathear Alprad thomas hes son toock me thar and John Jones toock me Back and I had food logins and welcom at A Thomas and aboute three maills from hear at a plase Called new inn the Cuntys of Glamorgan Bracon and Carmarthen Cornear in Cwm twrch.

Neath Dec 16. 1881

I laft ystalyfera to Day and Came hear Distans 12 mills and it weas raineing hard all Day and I got veary wet from my knees Dowen and I Came By Pont ar Darwe and alltwen and Cil Bebill and I went to Broathear Newham and Sistear Newham made me Pull my wet Cloaths off and gave me Broathear Newhams to Put on while mine weas Drying and we head somthing to eat hear and we held a meating hear and all that weas Pracant weas my salph and Broathear Parkins and Broathear Lang and Sistear eastman and Broathear newhams famely and we slapt at the Ancor inn.

Abearavon Dec 17. 1881

we laft neat to Day and Came hear Distans five mills and it weas raineing and we went to Sistear Richards and head somthing to eat then went throo the market and to Phillipe the Barbear then to one By the name of James who head Bine in the chirch then went to one Mrs Davis sleepe and my Cuseon Cattring Evans and hur husband William Williams weas thare and we head somthing to eat thare and slapt thare and gave Williams a tract Called the mens of escape.

Aberavon Dec 18. 1881

we went up to Cwm Bychan to se aboute some Partyes to Come to meating that head Preveously   Promes to Come But thay Did not Come and so we went Back and heald a meting in Sistear Richards house Broathear Parkins and my salph and Broathear Lang and isman and Sistear Richards and one or two more weas all that weas Prasant many othears Promis to Come Put thay Did not Come we Bertoock of the sacrament and head a good meating and we went to James and head somthing to eate then mat at Six pm and thare weas some half a Dozen straingears thare and we head a good meating and slapt at Mrs Davis Broathear Perkins and my salph spoke.

Neath Dec 19, 1881

we laft abarafan to Day and Came hear Distans five mills and it weas raineing we Called at the market plase and head our likeness Drone and we gave one apese to Sistear Richards and Broathear Perkins gave me one of hes and I gave him one of mine then we went up to Cwm Bychan and Called at Evan Jinkins who onse wase in the chirch But now out But he weas not home and hes wife who weas a Mathodist mad us somthing to eat then we laft a tract theare with them and some young ladis that weas thare sawing then we Came hear went to [End Page 58] the Post offis to see for some lattears But Did not get eany then we went to see Bengaman Evans hes wife and she weas quite un well then we went to Broathear Newham and head somthing to eat and then we held a meating thare and the saints Bore thair testemones and sistear newman spoke in tunges and inturpet it and Prophesaid and we my salph and Broathear Pearkins adrased the meating and we slapt at the ancor inn.

Cillfrew Dec 20.  1881

we Came to Sistear Hugh Williams to Bracfast and Robeart Evans Came in and we had quite a long talke with him and he Claimes that he hase Bin rongfully Cut off frome the chirch But saise that god heas not Cut him off and he Claimes to have Ravelations for himsalph But we tould him that he weas Cut off and that he Cut him salph off By joyning othear Sactes such as Josaphite and Speriteulisems and the Drewites or a Religon of hes owen make and that he weas going contrary to the rewls of the Kingdom of god for the lord have sat in the chirch Apostles and prophets and many othear ofisears to head the Church and no one weas justefid in Brakeing off and makeing a way of hes owen for if one would have this right othears would and the church would Become Devided and instid of one faith it wood Be many faiths and Broathear Parkins and I parted at Neath he went to Swansea and I came hear and Called at John Llywelin Bowen who is my wifes Sistear son and I weas treated kingly and head food and thay having a little Daughtar not well name Cathring Ann thay found a place for me to sleep at one John Jones whare I weas treeted well for he wes an imploye of Mr. Bowen.

Killdrew Dec 21. 1881

I remained hear to Day went Down to vew Mr Bowens Chamecal works then to the tin works and on inquiring for the foreman one Mr William Rossa weas Pointed out to me and I wealked up to him and asked him for a Pearmition to go around to and he kindly granted it me asking me whare I was from and I tould him that I was from amarica and himsalf and all the rast of the Company of the tin works Beaing Reletives of Mr Bowens wife he Came with me and shoed me around and toock much pains to explaine things to me firs thay rould the iron singel then Duble it up and heat it againe and role it and the same again untill it would Be eaight Dubels the sheare it of in small sheets and picel it in vittral then Put it large iron Pits in a furnas to nayle it as thay Calle it for about twanty fore ours then Could roul it againe then put it in the pickel againe and in the iron Pots and in the furnas about half the time Previous and nayle it againe the sacant time and Could role it againe and Put it in the Pickel againe then thay take it to the wash hous as thay Call it and this a kind of a low furness or a long square Box or a Boilar with three Devishons in it and the tin or the wash or malted licqued Boileing in the Botom of this Boylar or furnas and a grate quantety of Palm oil Boileing on the top of it and thay head to Dip it in the oile first for it would not take the tin with out and aftear thay Put it Dowen in the tin once thay put Down the sacond time then Pick it up and Prush it of with a Brush the Down againe and the third time it came up Betwene two small rolars then it went throo a Bran Proses two Square Boxes [End Page 59] full of Bran whar two feemal weas at work one first then the othear wipeing it in the Bran then anoathear one wipeing the Dust off it then take it to the asortear and then I showde Mr Rossar som vews of Salt Lake City that I had with me and he weas veary much Plesed with them and sad that he had no idea that thay ware so fare advance as all that thare and I gave him one of our track Caled the meanse of escape and I gave some tractes at Mr Bowens establishment all so and I slapt Mr John Jones and the idea of Pickling the tin iron so much is to get the sceals of from it.

Glyn Corwg Dec 22. 1881

this morning Be fire U kaft Cilfrew Mr Rossar and hes son who is a young Preachear Came thar and seein a resamblanc Betwene him and the famely of Mr Bowen I toock the lebearty to ask him if he weas a raletive of the famely and he exclaimed yes I am hur fathear meaning Mrs. Bowen then I tould him that I weas Mr Bowens uncle and mared to hes mothears sistear and that I weas from utah and a latear Day Saint and on a mishon in this land and he wanted to know who payed me and I sad that we Did not Preach for pay and that weas on my oune expenc and thus we Difar from all othear relegon for thay Prech for mony and thay go whare thay getes the mos wages and I shoed him the salt Lake City fews and shed him and hes son a tract Called the Comprehansiv Salvation then I Came hear and road up with the Cole traine Distanse 12 from neath free of Charge and slapt to Broathear David Jones.

Treorky Dec 23. 1881

I laft glin Dorwg aboute half past two pm and Came hear Distans about Eaight Mills and the wathear head Bin Clear and freeseing in the Knight But Calm and Clowdy to Day and I walked ovear the mountain and Called at John Thomas then I Came on Down hear from Blain y Cwm and Called at William Williams No 8 Rivar Row and had somthing to eat then I went Down to Broathear William Thomas and stopt ovear Knight.

No 24 Mary Street Marthyr Dec 24. 1881

I lafte Treorky to Day and wealked hear ovear the mountains and the wathear is Clowdy and I Called at furndale to Broathear Loveday and paid hes wife six shilens and eaight pence that weas coming to them of thir I E D and she paid me one and forepence of poock mony that thay owe then I Came throo Blain llache ovear the mountain to Cwm aman and Cwm Bach and Past llatyshinkin and Penlan and the graig farm Dowen to abear Caned and Called at Broathear John Jones and had some Christmas Cake then I Came hear and Broathear Jones Comeing with me up to Marthyr and I slapt hear at Sistar Harman.

No 24 Mary Street Dec 25. 1881

I went to the Branch Counceal But thare weas no one Come But Lawis thomas soon Came and we went out againe and mat William Richards [End Page 60] and griffith Jones and went Back and head a Prayear meating instid. then I went up to Capanttywill at No 3 Chapeal Street to my Broathear Richard and toock Dinar with them then went to meating againe at two a clock and toock of the sacrament and Bore our testemonys and then went to sistar Harman and had somthing to eat then wetn to meating at Six pm and Broathear Bangamen Allen and my salph Preached and while I weas at my Broathears to Day hes wife tould me of one Evan Jones a wevear liveling near the Bethasda chapal By the Bracon Road and who is a son in law to Johnnah Phillipes as Mathodis Prechar and weas a mathodis himsalph and a fewes Days ago he weas in the ronda valy saling goods for he weas a wevear and he got to Close to the rivear and fall in and got Drounded he weas a Pittear enyme to the Saints and Brigham Young.

No 24 Mary Street Marthyr Dec 26. 1881

I went to the parry Reading or the Conceart at two pm and ingagyed our salves with songes and racitations and cetra then weant with Broathear goold and head somthing to eat then Called at William Richards and met Broathear Thomas R Jones thare and he Came Dowen to No 24 Mary Street and slapt with me at Sistear Harman.

Hirwin Dec 27. 1881

Broathear thos R James toock the traine for tal y Bont and I laft marthyr and Came hear walked ovear the mountain and a thick foges weas in the valyes But the sun weas shineing and veary fine on the mountain and I slapt at Broathear James witteackar.

Hirwayn Dec 28. 1881

I remeinde hear all Day and went to visit all the saints and held a saints meting in Broathear thomas Jones and Broathear Jones head the gift of Prophysai and the gift of singin and I slapt at Mr Rees Prise.

Treorky Dec 29. 1881

I laft Hirwin to Day and Came hear Distans about five mills ovear the mountains and the wathear was Clowdy and I Called at Broathear and Sistear Robearts and had somthing to eat thare and Broathear William Harman is Daughtear weas theare than I went to Prasedant William Thomas and head a saints meting and I adrassed the meting for a Bout half anour and I slapt hear and head food and walcom.

Ogmor valy Dec 30. 1881

I laft treorky to Day and walke ovear the mountain Distans 3 mills and the wathear weas veary Clowdy and raineny and went to the Abear houseis No 14 at David Jones and had somthing to eat thare then went to philip staple and got the mony for the Stars and Called at venabel is house then we slapt at David Jones. [End Page 61]


 No 24 Mary Street Marthyr Dec 31. 1881

we laft ogmor to Day Distans 15 mills and the wathear weas veary raineny we Came throo Clydach and furn Dale abear Dare then toock the traine at Abearnant and road thro the tunal to marthyr the tunal is 3 quartars of a mile in langht and David Jinkins Came with me part of the way and gave me 2 shinins and slapt at Sistear Harman. [End Page 62]




Evans, John


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