Evans, John (1829) - Journal - 13 Apr 1880 - 25 May 1881

Missionary Journal for 1880

By John Evans 


(p. 1) Tuesday April 13 1880: I started from my home in Brigham City at fore a clock in the morning with my owen teem in company with my son Thomas & Robert L. Fishburn to Ogdan. Arriving thare at nine a.m. left Ogdan at half past ten a m and Arived at Evanston at three p m and it wear snowing & loock wintery & quite could and came ovear many Bridges and three Tunals and many snow shades & we saw many snow fansis (fences) and snow driftes and arived at greene Rivar at 8 p m wathar (weather) Cloudy windy and could and we were organized with Samuel Roskally as our President & Thomas C Grigs first & Thomas ex Smith sacond counclar (counselor) and John Donaldson Clark (clerk) 

(p. 2) Apriel 14 1880: we found our salves in Laramy at 12 m and it weas windy & cold & I had quite a talk with one Mr Huges from Cleveland Ohio apon the princepels of the gospel & I lant (lent) him the voise of warning and he weas formaly (formerly) from flint shire North weals (Wales) and at 3 p m we Came to Shaian (Cheyenne) where the danvear (Denver) Road conactes (connects) with the UP (Union Pacific Railroad) and is quite a large place & mostly brick houses & the wathear weas Clear and Cold & we came throo many snow shades and saw grate (great) many snow fansis & we have singing & prayears every knight and morning. 

Apriel 15 1880: we arived at Columbas at 11 a m & the wathar is Cloudy and we araived at Counceal Bluffs iowa at 4 p m and we chaing (change) cars hear & in an our (hour) or two we ware off agan for shicago (Chicago) & the wathar was Cloudy & Knight oveartook us (p. 3) & we held our meeting to sing & pray & talk upon the princepels of the gospel & Prasedent Rosscaly called upon me to speke and I did so on the nature and carictur of the dispensations of god 

Apriel 16 1880: it was raining and at 9 a m we arived at Cedear rapetes (Cedar Rapids) and then we had our meeting at ten a m whan four 4 straingears (strangers) came in to visit us & the gospel was preached to them then we arived at and crossed the Mississippi rivear about ten a m Frankling 112 mills to Chicago and round shade Achton 83 mils from chicago hasten 67 mils to chicago Cortland 55 Genevea 35 and we arived at chicago at two p m and started oute for new york at 4 p m & the wathear Cloudy and we arived at fort waine in the knight 

(p. 4) Apriel 17 1880: soone aftear day light we found our salves in Mansfeld ohio & the spring is more forward at this Place than eany othear place on the road. heare we saw apell trees in Bloome and the fall wheate loocked well & this country is veary hilly & the wheet feeldes are full of the stumpes of trees and at 9 a m we arived at Rochestear and it is a veary Big plase and some of it is Bilte in veary low place and it is noted for ites rivars and Bateas (bateaus meaning boats) and Bridgeis & sone we came to Pitsburg & this is a Big place & is notead for its iron works and foundres and cock (coke) ovens and the land is veary hilly and about one half of it is covear with timbear and they form (farm) on the stepe mountain next we came to Johns town and this place is allso noted for its iron works we came hear at 3 p m (p. 5) and at 3 p m we arived at altona at the foot of the horse shoe (Horseshoe) Bend Pensylvania coming down the allagainey (Allegheny) mountains & the wathar was fine.

Aprial 18 1880: we arived in new york at six a m and the wathar was veary fine and we ware met By Broathear Staines & he led us to the Stephens hous whare we stopt By Paying 75 cents a knight for our Bed & meals from 25 to 50 cents a mele. then we went ovear across the rivear to Broockling (Brooklyn) payed two cents then we went to visit the Plimouth Church to hear the Ravrand Henry Ward Bechear (Beecher, an important man of the day) preaching and in the aftearnoone went to the saints meeting & then we toock the street car and went to the Broockling Greenwood sametry and it was a veary grand site 

(p. 6) Aprial 19 1880: we toock the alevated railroad and road Down to the Central Park and saw many curyositis (curiosities) and wild best (beasts) & we took the street car to Come Back. then we toock a walke Down Broadway which is a veary grand street 

Apriel 20 1880: we came on Bord the ship Arizonah at ten a m & started out at half past one p m & at foure p m we was outside of sandy hoock at which place the pilot left than we ware soone out of site of land & the evening is quite plasent and I am well but rathar horse 

Apriel 21 1880: I got up at 5 a m and went up on Dack (p. 7) the sun wes up and a little cloudy aboute the sun But with this excepton it wear a veary fine morning & we saw a ship & a stemar (steamer) in full sails a little wayes off and we had two sails up one Behind & one in frunt & thare weas a bird or a see gull a fallowing the ship. we go in the intear mediat (intermediate) pasag (passage) thar is faure birth(s) (berths) to each roome. Robeart L. Fishburn and my salph John Christianson and Gorge Grail ocuepay (occupy) one roome and we past saverul shipes in Corse of the Day and the ship traveals at the rate of 15 & 16 miles an our. 

Apriel 22 1880: I went up on dack at 5 a.m. & the wathear wes clouday and windy and (p. 8) the sea a little ruff and some of the Boyes (boys) a little sick & this ship is 4 hundred & sixty 5 feet long and forty 6 feet wide and five thousand six hundred tun burden and six thousand horse Powar. 

April 23 1880: I went up on dack at half Past 6 am & the wathar was cloudy and foge (foggy) But the sea wear (were) fine. We travealed from 15 to 16 mils an aure (hour) & soone aftear naxt Day I think while I wear on dack I got in a conversation with a man By the name of Moris from Taxes (Texas) and he had Bin formerly in Walles in the naibrod (neighborhood) of Wm Avon and he was on hes way Back thare now & he (p. 9) is a veary mischevous animal & he swore that Brigham Young wear in Counseal Bluffs in the year Sixty and many more lise (lies) he swore to, sandy complected blu eyes & about thirty five years of age and I got in a convearsation with anothear ould gentelman from Weals formaly but now in wilks bary (Wilkes Barre) Pensylvania emigrated 40 five years a go to Amarica when he was 18 years of age & he is now 67 & about 25 years ago he went to oStreilia (Australia) & stayed about 3 years and he was in weals (Wales) 4 years ago & he is on hes way thare now againe & he prophisiese evel (prophecies evil) against us & these men & othears make quite a stur (stir) on dack (deck) & we have Lotes (lots) of Arguments Between our boyes and them 

(p.10) April 24 1880: I got up on dack about 6 a m & it wear a veary plazant (pleasant) morning & as I was conversing with one of the offecars (officers) of the Company we had just got out of the foges (fogs) of new found Land (Newfoundland) & we saw clauds ahed of us & said I ar we going into the foges againe & said he it is going to raine & we mus shultear (shelter) & soon I saw lightning and it was folloed By thunder in course of the day we saw two steamers and one saling vesel. 

April 25 1880: got up About 6 a m, cam (calm) sea & fine wathar sailing on nisly (nicely) today is Sunday & we ar on mid ocean & Brouthear Fishburn Remark I wander whare will we be naxt Sunday & we saw three ships to Day 

(p. 11) April 26 1880: I got up on dack about 6 am & the wathar was veary fine all Day & we past savaral (several) ships & the sun went Down undar a cloud 

April 27 1880: got up at 6 am & the wathar & sea was a little Ruff & we past a stemar that started out of Levearpool (Liverpool) Sunday at 4 pm 

April 28 1880: it is veary fine & we came in site of land which is irland (Ireland) & we Came to it at noon & arived at queneStown (Queenstown) at Sun down & deleveard (delivered) the maile & a few pasingers on to anothear little stemar then started on for livearpool which place we reached next Day noone 

(p. 12) April 29 1880: it wear Cloudy & could & we ware early this Morning in site of the Walch Cost (Welsh Coast) & at 7 am we ware a long side of Holy land & at 12 n we ware in Livearpool & we put up at the Camden House. 

April 30 1880: We went to have our photographs taken in a groope of 21 one & we slapt at the Camden house. 

May 1 1880: this is the first of May and I am in Livearpool vewing the salebration of the first of May & a grand revew of horsis prading (review of horses prarading) the streets Which wear a fine site for thay ware the Bigest & the fatest (biggest & the fattest) that I evear saw & wes nisely (was nicely) set off withe ribons. (p. 13) I went to the Museum the Liberary & the Arte Galary (Art Gallery) & spent 2 ours Sameual Rosscaly Thomas X Smith grenway Pary & mysalph Went to Allsops Waxworks which wear veary good 

May 2 1880: We went to meting on the 2 of may my salph Samul Rosscaly Thomas X Smith and Grenway Pary went to meting and we ware called upon to speke and in the afternoone went to the park and held an oute dore meeting Brothere roscaly and one or two more of the Brathren spoke But the people interupted the meting so we had to stoped But thay say that the polece put them in the lock up

(p. 14) May 3 1880: Mysalph & Grenway Pary startead for Marthyr Weals (Merthyr Tydfil, Wales). left at halfpast 7a m & arived at Marthyr at half past three p m all well & I saw my Brothear Richard & sister Mary & they ware veary glad to see me 

May 4 1880: I went to see Lawis Williams of the warn and had something to eate thare. then I went to see one Mr. Evans a Babtist Preacher in gorge Town (Georgetown) & he is William Evans's uncle & the above Lawis is Elxander Lawis from Logans Broathear in Laws & I slept at the Minenars Arms 

(p. 15) May 5 1880: I went to see john Watkins he is a Breather (brother) to Sister Jordan & wear the first one that was Babtise in Pant y predd (the name of a place) & head the prestood (priesthood) and weas faithful for years but now a postat (apostate) But he wear not home & his wife gave me som Bracfast (breakfast) then I went to my Broather & aftear denar (after dinner) we went to the Workes and saw some of my ould aquintansis (acquaintances). 

May 6 1880: I went to Pen hed garig or( the name of a place) on the side of the mountain to visit the family of my wifes Broathear named David Davis & went to meting in the evening & I spoke reletiv (relative) to the Late Confrance (late conference) in Salt Lake City 

(p. 16) May 7 1880: I went to vesit my sister Mary & two men came inn By the name of John Jones & John Lewis Who made many inquires Concirning our Princeples (concerning our principles) Which I Answard (answered) & we had a veary plasant Talk With them & in the evining My Broathear Richard & I viseted William Bevean & family he is the Superintendant of the Mouldears (molders) in the Cyfartha Wales & thay listen very atentevly to me & I slept at my Broathears house 

May the 8 1880: I went to see Thomas Crumb & allso my Uncle David in Dowlas But he could not keep me ovear knight so I had to go out and (p. 17) I hardly new (knew) whare to go for it was geting late 8 a clock or more & I started ovear the mountain to Rhymney Distance 3 milse & I arived thare about nine p m & met a man & I inquired of him hiff (if) he Whare eany (any) of the latear day Saints live & he said that he wear one of them himsalph & he took me to the house of Broathear David Charls Whare (where) I slapt that knight With Broathear Charls Hulse from Millvill Cash Valy (Millville, Cache Valley) 

May 9 1880: it was sunday to Day & I atended fowr Metinges two in dors & two oute dors & I preched in each one in Ponttatin (a place) & Rhymney & slapt at Broathear David Charls 

May 10 1880: I went to surch for John & Mary Williams & also John & Saraha Price & I found Liveing at Twene Carns & Sarah Price wear veary glad to see me & to hear from hur Broathear. David Jordain who lives now in Brigham City & I Bore my Tastemony unto them of the Divenity of the work of god & to othears & in the aftearnoon Brothear C W Pulse went to Tradegear in surch of my Relations & I found my cusean (cousin) Hanaha Morgans of the garn & cuseane Ann Evans & slapt at Broathear greenland 

May 11 1880: I went to Brefast (breakfast) to Cusean Ann and she lived with Joseph Weeckhur son in law & I bare tastemony (testimony) unto them of the restoration of the gospel (p. 19) then went to gorge Town to my napew Watkin Morgan & I Bore my tastemony to him allso & he listened to me veary atentevely & I slapt at Broathear Greenland 

May 12 1880: I went from Tredegar to the Bryn Mauwr in surch of Jorge Pawel But did not find him called at Owen Davis then went to Llandoved & preched in the House of James J. Williams in Company with Breathear Charls C Hulse & slapt there that Knight & naxt morning I hurd the coockhoo (cuckoo) for the first time in 27 years

(p. 20) May 13 1880: I went in sirch of my Uncle Evan Evans Argad & gatheared some of my genealogy or of my relations & slapt thare that Knight 

May 12, 1880: I went to Bargard throo Bedwelltys chirch yard & went to my cuson (cousin) Ann Davis and slapt thare that Knight & I talked apon the princepels of the gospel at a grate langth with my naphew William Davis who is a young rpeachear with the Babtist & in the hearing of All the famely & I bore tastemony to them of the restoration of the gospel throo the Prophet Josaph Smith 

(p. 21) May 15 1880: I went to visit my cuson John & Abenazear Evans to the Dary & slapt at my cuson John s 

May 16 1880: Sunday to Day & I went with my cuson to the Mathdist (Methodist) Sunday School and to meting and the Preachars name was John Powl & he was from the Bryn Mawr & we eat to gathear at the house of my cuseon Abenazear for he led the singing & capt (kept--cleaned) the Chapel house 

May 17 1880: I went to Rhymney & Cuseon Came with me oveare the mountain & I gave him some track (tracts) & I talk on the princeplse of the gospel & I arived at Rhymney at Dinar time at David Charls then I went on to Dowlas & I found Wm Davis a reliteve to Isac Nash then went one to Marthy & Cald (called) at Thomas Crumb at pandaran (a place) then on Down to my Broather & slapt thare that knight 

(p. 22) May 18 1880: I tooke the train at the Caron Cid Cymar at ten a m for Brecon thence to Dyfynog ariving at noon the fare was two and six (two shillings, six pence) then walke from thare to come down to my brothear in law Distans (distance) about saven mills (seven miles) 

May 19 1880: I staped at my Broathear in Law and got the genealoges of some of my relations and thay ware veary kind 

(p. 23) May 20 1880: I walke all the way from thare to Marthyr and the wathear was fine But the spring hase bin could and dry and late I colled (called) at My cusean Ann Evans on the Cafen and eat supar (supper) thare then walke from thare to Capanthwill and slapt at My Broathear Richard. 

May 21 1880: I went to Abarcaned and slapt at Broathear John Jones 

May 22 1880: I started from Abarcaned to Traorky ovear the mountain and Broathear John Jones came with me nearly to the top of the Abardare Mountain then he went back and I went on to Cwmboch and calld at Edward Morgan then on ovear the mountain to Treorky and went to the house of David Morgan and slapt thare and eat thare and went to the concert 

(p. 24) May 23 1880: I went Down to Pontypred to atend Confrance or a distrect meting and wer called apon to speke Broathear Budge wear thare and we had a good time thare 

May 24 1880: We met in Councel (council) in Pontypredd whare we receved our apointments I was apointed to travel in Carmarthen Pembroke and Cardegan Shire and in the aftearnoon I walked up to Marthyr Distans 12 mils and slapt at my Broathears house 

May 25 1880: I laft my Broathears to Day at noone and went to hirwayn Distance 6 mils on my way Down to my feld of labor there I met Broathear Enoc Lewis and we held a meting thare an slapt at Broathear James Wittecar 

(p. 25) May 26 1880: mysalph and Broathear Lewis started Down to abargarwed near Neath Distans about ten mils we called at Morgan Evans and Rees Price as went along and arived at abeargarwed at 5 p m whare we found my Broathear in Law Llywalin Bowen and hes son Thomas D and thay ware glad to see me and waes veary cind to us and we slapt thare that knight and tould us to called againe 

May 27 1880: we laft for Swansea and called at Broather gorge Lang and eat dinar thare then went on down and met with the Saints and I was cold (called) upon to speke (speak) to the saints and I slapt at Broathear Thomas Thomas 

(p. 26) May 28 1880: mysalph and Broathear Lewis went to Coad yr allt (?) farm to see Sister Richards Daughtear near Haiton fary Distans five mills then went back againe to Swansea and saw har Broathear Evan and he diractad me to a sister of hes that lived in Cwm Bwrla and I talked much to hur and a nothear Lady apon the princepels of the gospel and et supear (ate supper) thare and slapt at Broathear thomas 

May 29 1880: I went up to moris town to see Elias Davis s wifes moathear and broathear David Thomas then Back to swansea and thomas Came Doun with me and I slapt at Thomas Thomas 

(p. 27) May 30 1880: Broathear Lewis and mysalph went Dawn to Scaty and Back to Swansea and had dinar at Elias Davis s Sistar. and went to the saints meting and I talk a wile to the saints then went to the same place to tea then to the evening meting and preached thare and aftear that Broathear Lewis and I went to administear to the sick a man by the name of John James and slapt at Broathar Thomas 

May 31 1880: Broathear Lewis and I went Down to Llanelby and viseted the Saints and ministeard (ministered) to the sick a person by the name of Hanaha Jones and she paid five shilins (shillings) tithing and we slapt at Mrs Mary Bowen 

(p. 28) June 1 1880 we went to Coid Y Binon farm Betwene pen Bra and Cidwaly Distans about ten miles and we held a meting thare and we found Considrabl (considerable) Josephite influnce thare and Robeart Evans and we visited Ralph Fishar and frank Rogars in Cydwali and slapt at Coid y Bynon at John Williams and Sistear Sarah Williams 

June 2 I went from Coidybinon to llwin y filltir fach (place) near Carmarthen town and we were veary much welcomed and slapt thare that knight 

June 3 went to Carmarthen Town to hunt up some Saints and Johnnaha Evans is Brothear John and went Back to llwinyfillter fach 

(p. 29) June 4 1880: we started to walke from llwin y fillter fuch to Brychfa then to pen y warn farm near llanybrdda and arived thare at 9 p m and we slapt thare and wes tretad (treated) well by Broathear John Evans and family. 

June 5: we laft pen y warn and went to Clwt y fwrn near Curt newid then to lampetear and stopt at Sistar Thomas the Butchear and sons and wes veary kindly treted  

June 6: we met with the Saints at Clwt y fwrn Branch near llanyby Pur at thurs p m thare wes about ten outesidears preseant and good feeling Prevailed and we preched in Llampetear in the evening and we slapt at Sistear Thomas the Butchear and sons and thay ware veary kind unto us 

(p. 30) June the 7 1880: Broathear Enoch Lawis and I went to Cross wintar (winter) farm Distans 15 mils to viset a young Eldear in the Chirch By the name of Ellis Ellis and he was veary glad to see us and he treted us veary kindly But owing to hes Broathear and Sistear Bearing so opose (opposed) to us we did not stay thare. Then he came part of the way Back with us to Lampetear and he gave us two shillings a pece and we walked some 20 or 30 milse this day and we stayed at Sistear Thomas and sons 

June 8 1880: we Laft Lampetear for Pembrokshire and we called at pen y warn Distance 8 mills and we visited othears on the way and we slapt thare that knight 

June 9 1880: we laft pen y warn for Carmarthen (p. 31) and we walked 14 mills and it rained hard and hailed some for about 4 hours & we arived at Carmarthen at 4 p m and we stops at Mrs Lewis of the Bull and we Payed 6 pance for supar and sixpance for bed and we laft Before Bracfast in the morning 

June 10 1880: we came to Hwinneyfillter fack farm and we had welcom (welcome) and brefast (breakfast) thare at Broathear and Sistear Jones then laft for Cidwali Called at Ralph Fishar and had Dinar thare then went to Coridybinon farm and we head (had) a meting thar and slapt thare and Welcom (were welcome) and we walked from 10 to 15 mills thiis Day 

June 11 1880: we laft Coridy Binon farm and went to Llanally and arived at foure p m (p. 32) and we had somthing to eat at Hanah johns then we went to John Evans and we eate and slapt thare 

June 12 1880: we went to see Miss Bowen and she receved us veary kindly then Broathear Enoc Lewis went to Swansea and to traveal throo (through) glamorgan shire whare he was apointed and I went to Escortid (escort) him out of town a wayes then we parted and it wear quite triying (trying) and I went Back to traveal throo Carmarthen shire Distrect which includes Pembroke and Cardegan shire as well whare I wear apointed to traveal and on my way Back throo tawn (town) I visited all the Saints and slapt at Miss Bowen 

June 13 1880: went to visit the Saints and roat (wrote) one Lattear (letter) and 4 postal Cards and slapt at John Evans 

(p. 33) June 14 1880: I roate (wrote) a Lettear to Josaph Mathews and held a meting of 5 membears and one outesidear meting comenced at half patst * 7 (half past seven) and closed at half passt 8 and I slapt at Miss Mary Bowen 

June 15 1880: I went to penbeary port and preach thare that knight at 7 p m thene walke frome thare to the Bark Coateg (cottage) near Cidwaly Distance about 5 mils and slapt thare with Broathear Fishar that knight 

June 16 1880: I laft Fishar and went to Llwin y filltear fach farm near Carmarthen tawn Distans about ten mils and had food and lagings (lodgings) and a shiling in my pocket with Broathear John and Martha Jones 

June 17 1880: I went to Carmarthen Town and hunted up the Saints then John Evans and family and he weas the Breather of Jannah Evans then John Bevan Evans is nephew and he weas qualified (p. 34) and about to enter apon the Deutis (duties) of a clargeman (clergyman) in the Chirch of england and I precented him with the voice of warning and the spencears (Spencers*) lettears 

(Entries for June 18, 19, 20 in 1881 are entered twice. The first series was misnumbered as p. 164 and was added much later than the second set. It is believed that John Evans turned his journal upside down accidentally and started to write in the back before he realized his mistake)  

(p. 164) June 18 1880 Carmarthen: I wroat a lettear to Johnnah Evans then walk ten mils to Bryehfa or 12 mils rathear and it reaind thindeared and leaintened (rained, thundered, and lighteninged) and poured down and one man was kild near Lanpetear bey the liteneng and I slapt at Evans Morgan 

June 19 1880: I wqent from Bryehfa to penywarn near llanybydur walked about tan mils and I slapt at the above place to John Evans

June 20 1880: my salf and John Evans went to Clwt fwrn to meating prasant in the meting six and I talked to the Saints then in the aftear noon I laft to go to Lanpetear distans five mils with the intention to preache but was prevented bey the rains slapt at John Thomas 

(p. 35-36 blank) 

(p. 37) Carmarthen June 18 1880: I wroat a lattear to Jannah Evans in the fore noon and walked from hear to Brychfa in the aftar noon distans 12 mils and it thundard and liutened (lighteninged) and pouard (poured) down rain for about too hours until one man was killed near llanbead i slapt in Evan Morgan  

Brychfa June 19 1880: i laft hear to go to John Evans pen y warn niar (near) llany by far walked about ten mils and i slapt thare that night 

pen y wern June 20: i laft this place in compane (company) with John Evans to Clwt fwrn to meating wich was about six in numbar distans about five mils then in the eving (evening) i went to Lanpetar distans five mils with the intantion to preach but was hindard (hindered) by the reain i slapt in John Thomas 

(p. 38) Lanpetear June 21 1880: I wroat a lattar to Joseph R Mathews to merthyr with post ofis (office) or with the amount of one pound nine pence then walked ten mils to crofs wintear at the house of Ellis Ellis whare i slapt this knight 

Crofs winter June 22 1880: I stayd hear all day was wrighting most of the time and in the evening at Eight p m broathear Ellis Ellis and my salph preached in Crofs inn near beriron to about one hundred pepoul (people) mostly young and they listned veary atanteve (attentive) except one man by the name of Danil Rolins who came thare as tho he was haird (hired) to disturbe the meating and he would mock hus (us) in all that we said or done and he disturbed the meating veary much from begining to end would not listen nor let enyine els (anyone else) lisen 

(p. 39) Crofs wintear June 23 1880: Ellis Ellis and my salf left this place to go to llanrysdid and faild to find lodgins (lodgings) in no place but i found one saint in this place by the name of Eliza baath Davis but she had no bed for me so i slapt on the banch (bench) with the chare (chare) undar my feeat and a quilt around me & was thankful 

Llanrystid June 24 1880: i was wuriting (writing) a little in the morning and in the aftear noon i went to the school bord to publish that we would hould a meating at i pp m then i went down to the sea and head a wash then came back to the vilage to preache to about one hundrad pepeul i head good delevery and felt well and broathear Ellis Ellis preach aftar me and broat me a lattear from Jos R Matthews 

(p. 40) Abarystweth June 25 1880: i left llanrystede a m and arived hear p m and i bore a strong tastamony on the way to a man bey the nam of William Evans ----- ----- and others and lodged in Shinken or Post and payde 2 shilens for supar & braefast & bed 

Abarystweth June 26 1880: i went to see Petear Jones the mayor of the City and showde him my sertificate that he asked me what did i want if i wanted a place to preech and i saed i did then he saide whare i mite & whare i mite not then he tould me that they had planty of preachers and they did not want eny mor and seaid he all that i have agins you that you are not Satisfied with one wife and i toulde him that some men was bettear abel (p. 41) to keepe half a dausn (dozen) wifes than som men to keepe one and i give a littel trak (tract) to him by the name (?) of the only meens (means) of Escupi (?) Then i peaid (paid) the bell man to go and cri (cry) one shiling and he craid (cried) that I would preach three times once in wealch (Welsh) and twice in inglish in weltch (Welsh) by the town clock * 7 p m and on the beatch (beach) at 8 p m and at the town hall at * 4 p m on Sunday and whan the time came i was on the ground and fild (filled) mi apointment and i felt much bettear and before this i felt very have (heavy) and darke and mornfull and as tho (though) I could weape (weep) and cry. not that i was not Satisfied with the work of god but at my littleness to do with sush (such) a great work 

Aberystwith June 27 1880 (First entry for this date): I went down to the town holl at * acording to apointment to hould meating (p. 42) but no one head come yeat but soon they begine to gathear one bey one around me untill they numbear about ahundred and I Spent the time in ansswaring quastions on the book of mormon and the libibl plogame (totpolygamy) Brigham Yong Joseph Smith and meany othear things untill six a clouck when they all left me to go to theair one (own) meating 

Aberstwith June 27 1880 (Second entry for this date): at 8 p m i held a meating on the beaches from fifty to a hundread preasant i comence (commenced) by singing the humn god is coling (calling) now then i prayed then sang what was witness in the navens (heavens) then i preach the first princiepels and bore a faithful testemony of the restoration of the gospel to Joseph Smith bey an aingal (angel) of god and i lodged at Jinkin Rees and peayed (paid) 2 shilins a day for my bed and bord (board)  

(p. 43) Aberystwith June 28 1880: I wrout a card to my broathear Richard Evans to merthur in the morning and in the evening at 8 p m i preach in pont banio (place) and thare was about fiftey preacant (present) and they listened very atentev (attentive) then I walked on to llanrys tid (place) distans nine mils from aberystwith and i slapt in Elizabeth Davis and the first thing in the morning i roate (wrote) a lettear to my folkes to Brigham City utah thenen i laft hear to go to aberiron (place) distans about 7 saven mils 

Abereiron June 30 1880: i arived hear in the aftear noon and then i loocked for a place to lodge. After that i went to loock for a place to preeach and i meat a polece man and i tould him that i weas a latear day Saint mishonary from Utah and wanted a place to preeach (p. 44) and then he Shoud (showed) me a place whare i mit (might) and then at 8 p m i preach to about one hundred pepel (people) and thay lisend veary good and aftar i got done preaching a very gentelmanly man came up to me and aske me what did i believe in and i tould him that i bleve in what i head (had) preach and then he sead that he weas not in the meating and did not hear and then he sead what neam (name) of religon do you belong and i sead to the lattear day Saints and then went off as saiden (sudden) as tho he was shot 

llanon June 29 1880: i came hear in the aftear noon went thro the town notefie the pepel that i sould preached to them that nigh at 8 p m and i preach to about one hundred and fifty men weaman and childran and the childran appeard noyse (noisy) and i talked to them and was bettear and hear a veary good meeting and Danil Jones and another young man escorted me to llanry afted whare i did sleep that night 

(p. 45) Llandewe Abararth July 1 1880: i came heaar from aberario about 7 p m went around to notefi the popeul (people) that a lattar day saint from america was goin to preach to them in that place at 8 p m that night and they did turn out very good & they did listened very atentefly and i had a very good dlevery (delivery) and flt the powr of god upon me then i walked back to Aburiron to sleepe. Today Ellis Ellis brout some lattears (letters) to me and papurs from utah & the first since i left home 

Llanarch July 2 1880: i went from Aberuiron to this place notefid the pepole that a lattar day saint from america was going to preach to them that night at aight 8 p m and they turnd out veary good and they lestened veary good and i felt the power of god there was about one hundrd and fifty prasant 

(p. 46) Pennant July 3 1880: i went from aberairon to this place distans 5 mils to preach i went round the vealag (village) to notefy the pepole that a latear day Saint from Utah was going to preach thear at 8 pm and they turned out veary good and lesened very atentevly with the exeption of one drunken man and then i walked back to Abereiron 

Abereiron July 4 1880: i preach twise to day once in fose y fin at half past elaven and hear at half past saven p m to a large congregation of pepoel as they was coming out of the chapels and i was streangthen veary much by the power of god and the pepoel lisened veary atentevly 

(p. 47) Abareiron July 5 1880: I walked from hear to new quay to a large congregation of peapole but theare was and ouldis (oldish) man in the croude and his hare white with age who distirb the meating veary much and i went to the School bord to publish the meating to the childran and i stayd hear ovar knight 

Abartife July 6 1880: I walked from new quay hear distans 20 mils and it was raining all day and i stayd hear ovear night at a place bey (by) two men of Staphens 

Abartife July 7 1880: I went to the mayr of the town a man bey the neame of Woodward to aske for a place to preach and he sead that he wear not a belevear in our doctrine but he (p. 48) ware a blevear (believer) in the fredom of religon and he thoat I mit preach mose (most) eny whare so I preached bey the giliard hall to a large congregation of pepole as they wear coming out of the chapels and aftear I got throo preaching I went down the road towards the rivear. No sooner than i did i found that some of them falwowed me down to the bridge and ovear the bridg to the pembroack shire side

asking quastions and they wanted me to prach to the them agein and so i did and give much sattisfection and some of them wanted me to teak mi hat a round and a bout half a dozen throwed in thire penyes in to it and semed well plesed and I sleapt at Steaphens house and two young men folod me to the dore and gave me a few copers (coppers - form of money)  

(p. 49) Narberth July 8 1880: I wealked from abartive hear distans about twenty five mils 25 and i preached hear at healf pat eaight 8 p m on the Square in the middil of the town to a few pepoel but they sem to be veary indefrant and i slept in ann Davis 

Neyland July 9 1880: I left nearberth for this place. ceald (called) at George Scorey and eat dinear with him and he give me seaven pence healpeny. Him and his wife are crepels (cripples) but they are god latear day saint. Then i welk on to hear and arived hear at 8 p m and i slapt in jeames Pursuer who is a broather in the chirch 

(p. 50) Neyland July 10 1880: i went from hear to see broather Adams who lived in milford haven and he give me fiftene pence and hese wife give me a shiling and I preach in milford at 8 p m and walked back to Neyland distance five mils and slapt in jeames Purser 

Neyland July 11 1880: I preach in a place call geil at 12 m as the preached cam out of the meatings but they did not stop to lison much then eat dinar in James Prrser and then crossed the rivear to Pembrock dock and preach at 8 p m but they pas bey and did not stop to lison and i slapt in the prince of weals Hoot all (Hotel) 

(p. 51) Temby July 12 1880: I left Pembroack dock and wealked to this place distant about 12 mils and it reained all day and I found a freand in the famely of Joshua Richards and Sarah Richards 

Stepaside July 13 1880: I left Temley and weaked hear distance about 8 mils and I went around to visit some of the relations of the saintes that ar now in Utah meanly Thos Thayne Charls Reesis sistear Thos Rodgers is broathear and Gaorg Thomas is sistear and I slapt in aumphry Wates 

Carmarthen July 14, 1880: I laft Steparside this morning and travealed hear distance 20 mils and (p. 52) i went around to visit the Saints and i slapt in john Evans Kingstreet 

Llanelly July 15 1880: I laft carmarthen and wealked to this place distance about 15 mil and i slept in Mary Bowen 

Llanelly July 16 1880: I went to vew the Sea Shore and the light house in the fore noon and went to John Evans in the aftear noon to reade the Star (Morning Star newspaper) and i slapt in Mary bowen 

Llanelly July 17 1880: I was wrighting in the morning and in the evening or aftear noon I went to John Evans to read the last Star 

Llanelly July 18 1880: I went to vecit (visit) the Saintes and called (p. 53) a meating at too 2 p m and peartoock of the Sacreament and the meating weas at Mary Darknell. And we heald a meating at 8 p m on the park we comance bey singing the hymn what we use witness in the havens. Then broather john john praid and i preach to a bout fifty pepoule but they all left us before we got donen 

Llanelly July 19 1880 I roat too lettears one to Ellis Ellis and one to Thomas Rogars and in the eving i went to see the town and to loock for a place to preach but the pepoul capt thair meating up to late evean tel (even till) half past nine p m 

Swansay July 20 1880: I laft llanally in the aftarnoon and wealked to this place distans 11 mils and slapt at Thos Thomas 

(p. 54) Swansea July 21 1880: I wrote too lattars in the morning and in the aftear noon i went to loock at the beay (bay) and weas on the pear (pier) and around the dockes and loocking for a place to preach out and i slapt in Thomas Thomas s*s 

Swansea 22 July 1880: I roate a lattear in the morning to Spanish Fork for Thomas Thomas to hes son Niclays John and in the aftear noon i visit some of the Saintes and in the evening i meat with the saints at * 7 p m and i spoke in the meating and i slapt in Thomas Thomas 

Neeath July 23 1880: I leaft Swansea this morning cauld at David Thomas and eate dinar with him and then went on called at broathear gorge Lang (p. 55) and eat Supar with him and i bore teastemony of the Truth of the gospeal of Jeusses Christ as it is preached bey the latear day Saintes to a young man that weas in the house at the time in the intrast of the inseurance Company and then went on to Neeath and meat with the Saintes and broathear Eanoc Lewis and i talked to the Saints and slapt in neathe 

Huarwain July 24 1880: i leaft Neeath this morning could (called) at Thomas D Bowen and eat dinar with them and left cupel of trackes (tracts) theare for them to reead and then went on to Hurwain and theare head (had) bin a great deal of dameage dun bey floodes in this cuntry and it was raining all day and i arived in this place at 8 p m and slapt at James Wittear 

(p. 56) Hirwain July 25 1880: I went to vezit the Saints in the morning in companay with John Jones then we head meating in James Witticaker at 2 p m and peartoock of the Sacrament and at five p m I preached out in the open are and in the eveing we helide (held) meating in broather Jones and eat supear thear and slapt at James witicur and it raind in the night 

Cwm Back July 26 1880: I leaft hirwain this morning and came to this place and it weas reayning (raining) hard night and day and heald meating at David Lewis Edward Morgan & Thos Jones & my self preach and I slapt in Edward Morgan 

Mountain ash July 27 1880: I left Cwm Bach and came down hear I went to visit (p. 57) the house of Ann Jinkins and the Saint and I slapt at broathear Thomas Jones

Mountain ash July 28 1880: it reaind (rained) all day and all night heans (hence) i stayed hear and bgroathear Jones tapt (taped) my bootes and broathear Thomas Evans give a shiling to pay for the lathear (leather) and we acnoludg (acknowledge) the hand of the Lord in it and in the eveing we went to Thomas Evans and invited partes (parties) to be baptized and i eat and slapt at Thomas Jones 

Merthyr July 29 1880: I lafte mountin ash and came to this place and broathear Thomas Jones came with me so fare as caven panar wich place we both visetad and head soumthing to eate thare then i went on to merthyr and coulde at Rees Davis pen haol garig ( --- --- garage) i asked for a place to (p. 58) preach and he weasent home and heas waife did not think that he would be willing then i went down to 24 Mary Street twin y rading thare i meat Williams D Williams from ogden hoo head just arived from Utah. Then we went to see my broathear Richard and we slapt at Sistear Harmon 24 Mary Street 

merthyr July 20 1880: mysalf and broather William D Williams went to loock at the ynis fach iron workes then went to Lewis at the wern and eated dinar with him then to pwll y cwm to see William Williams the ingenear (engineer) then went to gathin cold at John Jones eat supear there then went to pentra bach iron workes wich was all stoped. Then went up to 24 Mary Street whare we met Josaph R Mathews 

(p. 59) Marthyr July 31 1880: i my salf and broather Williams went around. Seen Rees Davis and wife and ehs ouldest son and went up to my broather Richard and eat dinar theare and i slapt thare 

Myrthur Augeas 1 1880: I went to meating at 11 a m it was a preestwood meating munthly meating and I opened the meating bey prayear and met at 2 p m and peartook of the Sacrament and weas could aupon to speake and then we meat at six p m David R Davis my salph and Josaph R Mathews Preeach and my broather Richard weas in meating and i slapt at my broathears 

(p. 60) Merthyr Augest 2 1880: Meat with the Eldears at 24 Mary Street and slapt at my broather richard and we viseted some of the saints 

August 3 1880: Meet at 24 Mary Street with the Eldears and at half past 7 * p m William D Lewis and I preach in pantra bach to a congregation of a bout from fifty to a hundrad pepule and slapt at my broather Richard in pant y will heat Cyfarthfa 

Hirwain August 4 1880: broather William D Williams and I laft Marthyr this morning to come to this place and as we was coming past the Cyfarthfa iron workes we turned in to hav a loock at it and we hadunt gon far whan a veary small man came up to us (p. 61) with a massag (message) taling us that we had to go to the offic. So then we went to the offic and apeard before Mr. William Crawshay and then he asked hus what wear our profation (profession) bisness or coling (calling) so we tould him that we war minesters of the gospals Latear Day Saintes mishonaris came from Utah and we ofurd him some trackes the only treue gospel and the mens (means) of ascape and the numbear of the devenety of the boock of mormon. And he said that he wawld not have them. And he said that he would rather that we would not go throo the workes. And so we leaft Cyfartha and came to hirwain and visetad the Saints and slapt in James Witecare  

(p. 62) Glyncorrwg August 5 1880: we left Hirwain this marning and came ovear the mountain to this place and weas well treated by David Lawis and famely and we preach to a cangregation of about fifty and they listened veary atentively. 

Cwmbychan August 6 1880: we left glincorrwg and came heare and aftear loocking around and inquiring we found Davied Evans Hannah Eavans*s broather and a rgleteve of Emrys Davis and we was well treated bey thise partis and slapt at the latear and we preach ont in the open are (air) to a congregation of a bout fifty who lisened veary atantevly but aftar the close of the meating thare wear a man in the crowde asked for a sine (sign) said he would giv a sovring (sovereign) If we would heale the sick and we tould him that sine seakars was of the davil 

(p. 63) Aberavon August 7 1880: we leaft Cwmbychan and came to this place and we visetad william Richards and weas well treeted and we slapt at the odd feallows arms 

Aberavon August 8 1880: we went down to tai bach and eat dinar in William Richards and aftear that we went to loock for a place to preech and we preched on the maine roade to a congregation of about a fifty or a hundread and they listened veary atentevly. aftear that we went back to aberavon and we had tea at William Richards Saniur (Sr.). aftear that we preeach bey the market house to a congreation of about fifty who listened veary atentefly 

Llwini or Mais Teage August 9 1880: we laft abaravon and came to this place and we found much welcom at the house of Sistear (p. 64) Shriber and Sistear Trimby and we preached out in the open are (air) to a congreagation of about fifty or a hundread pepul and they listened veary atentevly and we slapt at the white Lion heatell (hotel). 

Cwm Clydach or Clydach Vale August 10 1880: we laft llwini in the morning and walked ovear the mounteans to this place came throo Cwm garw thens throo Nant Y moyl and we stopt at brother John

Thomas and broather William and I preach out in the open are and it had bin a warm day and hard walking ofear the mountaen. 

Mirig Kow Pen rhiver August 11 1880: we laft Cwm Clydach at m and came heare and to the house of Hannah Philipes whare we stops Jonnah Evans is sistear and we weas much welcomed and we preech in Williams Town near pant y prev 

(p. 65) Gilfach goth August 12 1880: we left pen rhew fer and came hear went around and notefied the pepul that we would be preaching to them at 7 p m and we preach to congregatiion of a bout one hundred pepul who listened veary atentivly and we stops at Thomas Edwards 

Llantrisaint August 13, 1880: we left the gilfach and came hear and preach in the midl of the town to a small seating xxxxxx ignorant congregation and we slipt at Sistear Richards 

Cardiff August 16 1880: we wealked from Llantresaint hear distans about ten mils called at llandaf at broather Thomas Rees and arived at Planet Street aboute nine p m and stopt at 21 Planet Street 

Cardiff August 15: Met in counsel in the morning and saintes meeting at 2 p m and (p. 66) i talked to the Seaintes a short time and we head preaching at 6 p m and i oceupeaid (occupied) a portion of the time and preach on the first principels of the gospell and was eaided much bey the spirite of god 

Cardiff August 16 1880: I went down to the dockes and to look at the town and inquired for John Davis piles man and othears and stopt at Sistear Thomas 21 Planet Street 

Cardiff Augeaste 17 1880: I wear wrighting a leattear to broather Burt in the morning and in the aftear noon my salf and William D Williams weant down to the dockes and i found John David the man that I weare hinting (hunting) for the day be fore and we slapt at 21 Planet Street 

(p. 67) Newbridge Augeast 18 1880: we leaft Cardiff and came hear & roate a lettear to Meary Bowen llanelly in the morning and then wealked hup hear distance 12 mills and we meat with the Saintes bore theire testemony and my selfe and broather Williams talked to the Saintes 

Cwmfelin or Coblly August 19 1880: we laft pentypreath or Newbridge in the morning and arived hear in the eving wealked about ten mils then i went around the houses inviteing the peapole to come to meating at broather David Thomas whare we stopt and they turned out prety good and we head a very good Meating 

(p. 68) ynyis owen Auoges 20, 1880: we left the colly and came to this place and my salf and broather William D Williams preached in broather George Owes house and we slapt thare that knight. 

Myrthur Augest 21 1880: meat broather Mathews there and broathear John Nieolson from lavearfrod araived thare a boute six a clock p m and i slapt in the house of my broather 

Mearthyr Augest 22 1880: we meat in confrance with the Saintes in the Railway inn long room at half past tean a m and weas colde apon to speke to the saintes and met at half past to p m weas mysalf & David R Davis adminesterd the sacrameant and at five 45 (p. 69) we met on the market Square in the open are (air) and broather Enoch Levi and John Nicolson preach and met at half past six in the room p m and Davied R Davis and Nicolson preached 

Merthyr Augest 23 1880: we meat with the saintes in consert wich weas heald in this plase and it weare a veary good one and one broathear Thomson took a very active part in it 

Merthyr augest 24 1880: i met with the breathren in twenty forthe Mary Streete and viceted frandeas (friends) and relations and stapt at my Broather Richard 

(p. 25) Hirwayn Augeast 25 1880: i leaft Marthyr and arived hear and visetad one house and bore my testemony and laft a track thare bey the name of good thinges and eate at Thomas Jones and Slapt at broather James Wetticear (Whitaker) 

Hirwayn Augest 26 1880: i visetead the Saintes and Howel Powel and Rees Price hoo head relations in Utah and Preach in W Price and slapt theare 

Neath Augest 27 1880: i meet broather Mathews on the bridge went down to Scewn to broather Lang and eat super theare my salf and broathear and sistear Lang went to Neathe to meating and i talked to the Saintes & slapt in the veail of Neath hoat heall (hotel or hot hall) 

(p. 71) Swansea Augest 28 1880: arived hear and stopt at William Williams 

Swansea Augest 29 1880: my salf and Eanoch Lewis preached in landwar at 12 m & meat with the Saintes af half past too & pertoock of the Sacrament and talked to the Saintes & ordained Daveid John Wattes to the Office of a dicone (deacon) & meat ageaine at half * six 6 p m and talked to the meating & preach out in the open are in Swansea at eaight 8 p m & witness a baptesem in the eveing of Elizabath Morgan which weas don bey William Williams and i slapt at William Williams 

(p. 72) Swansea August 30 1880: meat with the Saintes and i confirmed Eizabeth Morgans a member of the church and take (talk) to the Saintes and head a veary good meating & stopt at Williams 

Swansea August 31 1880: i roate a lattear to my wife to Utah in the morning and broather Enoch Lewis and my self Preach in cwm bwrla in the evening at 7 p m and head gad (good) meating & asked when wood we come ageaine and slapt at williams 

Newten near Mumbuls Sept 1 1880: i went around with some trackes and stopt thare ofear nigt 

(p. 73) Pean Clawd Sept 2 1880: we went round to publish the meeting and invite the peupole to come to it and we preach hear at 7 p m to a large asembly and slapt at Mrs Murly 

Pen Clawd Sept 3 1880: broather Lewis & my self preach hear at 7 p m and stopt at John Davis Wenfrow 

Llanredian Sept 4 1880: we went to pen mein and breathe in the sea thens from there along the top of the mountain to see What thay call King Arthyr and heare broather Lewis and I afeard (offered) up our preayars unto god and thanked him for his blesinges and asked him to bless our labors and we preach in Llanridian (p. 74) and thare he head bin in with and he oposed us veary much and we stopt at John David Wenfrew 

wenfrew Sept 5 1880: we preach in the morning by penewell chapel and thare ware a woman came up to us and hand broather Lewis a shiling while I weaas yeat a preaching and we preach in pen Clawd at 5 p m and slapt at John David wenfrow 

Llanelly Sept 6 1880: we left Pen Clawd this morning and wealk to llandelly and slapt at John Evans 

(p. 75) Cidweli Sept 7 1880: we welk from llanelly to this place and preach hear by the bridge tofrom a hundread to two hundred pepoul and they lesun veary ateantefly and we slapt at Sistear Williams Coid y Bynon

Carmarthen Sept 8 1880: we lafte Coid y binon near Cidwali and Came to this place with the intention to preach and we asked the poleace for a place and as the superintendant of the pilec weas pasing we asked him and he tould us to se the mayr and the mayr weasent home hens we did not preach and we slapt at John Jones llwenyfillter fach 

(p. 76) Coid y binen Sept 9 1880: we laft llwin y fillter fach and came to this place and slapt hear and left the eirgrawn (?) hear 

Llanelly Sept 10 1880: we left Coid y binon this morning and arived hear then went up to the belin wol and cold the pepoul to gathear and preach to them with powear and in playness (plainness) and they lesond veary atentevly and slapt at John Evans 

Swansea Sept 11 1880: we left Llanelly this morning and arivead hear and went around some of the peopel of Cwmbwrla to publish that we would preach thare Tusday half pas * 6 p m and I slapt at Brother William Williams 

(p. 77) Swansea Sept 12 1880: we meat in counseal at 11 a m and saints meating at half past * 2 p m and adminesteard the sacrament and peartoock (partook) of the same and meat again at half past 6 p m and preach on the first principels of the gospel and slept at William Williams 

Swansea (Sept ) 13 1880: meat with the saints in a prayar meating and weas cold upon to talke to the Saintes and I talked on the coming of our Savear in 1890 and slapt at Mis Morgans with Tos Thomas 

Swansea Septembear 14 1880: broather Enoch Lewis and my self preach in Cwmbwela and slapt at Miss Jane Morgans with Thos Thomas 

(p. 78) Swansea (Sept) 15 1880: I roate a lattear to Joseph R Mathews and one for Enoch Lewis and went down so fare as the dockes and ther to escorte broathear Lewis home to Traboth 

Swansea (Sept) 16 1880: I meat with the saints and preside ovear the meeting and read the fifth chaptear of Mathew and taught the Saintes the same principuls 

Swansea (Sept) 17 1880: I roate a lattear for Jane Morgans and one to Evan Morgans and send the melaniel Star to John G Evans and A C Cristensen to Utah and then wealked to Llanelly distans 12 mils and slapt at Mary Bowen 

(p. 79() Llanelly (Sept) 18 1880: I went to John Evans his house and I read the Star throo then went to visit all the Saints and slept at Mary Bowen 

Llanelly Sunday Sept 19 1880: I went to vesete the Saintes and met Edwen harmon for the first time hoo head just arived from Utah and I went with him to viset som of hes frendes and they did receved him veary kindly 

Monday llanelly Sept 20 1880: broather Edwen harmon and mysalf went to see Mr nevels led and silvear workes then I went to Beary paste and preaach theare at half past * 6 p m and wealked to Coid y binon to sleepe to John Williams near Cidwely 

(p. 80) Tusday Cedwealy Sept 21 1880: I laft Coid y binon and went to braethear Phishar (Fisher) And a lattear wear theare inquiring of me saying that thare weas to lattears from home for me in merthyr and wanted to know whare to send them so I roat an answar and tould whare to send them and I preached in Cedwealy and sept (slept) at broathe Phishar 

Carmarrthen Sept 23 1880: I laft llwin y filltie and came to Carmarthen and visit the Saints and asked Jones the Mayre for a place to preach and slapt at John Evans 

(p. 81)Manaidilo near llangadog Sept 24 1880: I walked from Carmarthen to this place distans 20 mils and slapt at James Jones*s who is an eldear in the Chirch 

Brychfa Sept 25 1880: I wealked from llangadog to this place distans about 20 mils and slept at broather Eran (Aaron or Evan) Morgans 

Brychfa Sept 26 1880 I preach at or in broather Morgans house at Nant heare at 11 a m and went to the meeting of the Sactarian Sat two p m and I preach in the house of John Davies Te Cend at five 5 pp m in Company with broathear Evan Morgans and the hous weas full of pepole and I slept at Eran Morgans 

(p. 82) Llanpetear Sept 27 1880: I laft brychfa this morning & walked hear distans 20 mils & slapt at Mary Thomas 

Lanptear Sept 28 1880: I was wrighting and reading all day and slapt at Sistear Thomas 

Lanptear Sept 29 1880: Reading and wrighten all day and slapt at Mary Thomas 

Crofs Wintear Sept 30 1880: I lafto Lanpetear and wealked ovear hear distans about ten mils and slapt at Ellis Ellis 

(p. 83) Crofs Wintear Oct 1 1880: I halped them to bind in the harvest fealde (field) and then some wrighting and slapt at Elis Ellis 

Crofs Wintear Oct 2 1880: I roate a lattear to Ann Jane Forsgren to Utah and it weas raining hard all day and I slept hear at Ellis Ellis 

Crofs wintear Oct 3 1880: I went to the Mathodis (Methodist) Sunday Scholle at Becothania chapeal at 2 p m and talked much to them upon the principels of the gospeal of Jeasus Christ of Latearday Saints and slapt at Ellis Ellis 

Abearystweth Oct 4 1880: I went to see my cusen Mary Williams from landovry who wes maread to Thos Powel and lived in Market Street An they ware veary sory that I wes a Latearday Saint and did not show me eany welcom at all. I laft the ways of waning (Warning) with them (p. 84) and some track one bey the name of pidisch ai gweantio and the othear ai Daw a Lanfonod Josaph Smith and I slapt at Jinkin Rees or post 

Llanrysted Oct 5 1880: I posted a lattear to Ann Jane Forsgren in abearystwith and walked hear distans 9 mils and slapt at Sistear Elizabeth Davis 

Abereiron Oct 6 1880: I lafte llanrysted and came down hear distans 7 mils and slapt at Jane David No 12 watear Street 

Abereorpm Oct 7 1880: I roate a lattear to broathear Bredge to Levearpool and a card to J J Lampetear 

(p. 85) Abereiron Oct 8 1880: I went around with som trackes and tried Mistear Jones to get the town hale to preach put (but) did not sucsead and then paide the bel man a sixpence to go doun and I preach bey the town hall at * 6 p m to aboute 25 or 50 peopule and slapt at Jane Davis 

Lampetear Octe 9 1880: I lafte abereiron this morning and wealked to this place distance 13 mils and weare cared (carried) about fore milse and I stopt a at sistear Mary Thomas and Jones 

Lampetear Oct 10 1880: I wente to Clist y fwen in company with Ellis Ellis to meating and peartook of the sacrement and head good meating (p. 86) and on the way to Lampeatear in a little place cauled Saint John are the pepoule wease coming out of the Sunday Schoole we preached to them the gospeal that it head bin restorde and I stoped at Sistear Thomas & sones 

Carmarthen Oct 11 1880: I lafte lampeteur this morning and wealked ofvear heare distance 22 mils and stops at John Evans 17 King Streete 

Carmarthen Oct 12 1880: I went to visit Mr John Bevan and allso some of the Saintes and wente to broathear and sistear Jones to stop ovear night at llwin y fillter fach burm 

(p. 13) Oct 13 1880 Pen Coid farm near llandovre: I came hear about ten a clock at night and I wease well treatad bey Mistear James and Jane Lewis 

Mountain hill near Norbearth Pembrokeshire Oct 14: I lafte pen cod and wealked hear distanc aboute 15 mils and stops ovear night at broather gaorge and sistear scoly 

Oct 15 1880 Haveurfordweaste: wealked hear distanc 10 mils and inquired for Petear Williams and he head mooved to Temley and I stops ovear night at Mrs. Sarah Organ 

Oct 16 welsh Hook near lettearston: I wealked hear distans 8 mils and wear well treted bey Captain Harris and Devn ..... 

(p. 88) Oct 17 1880 Welsh Hoock near lattearston: I went from hear to tra Nicol farm to see Mrs thorn whoo head came down from London and weas well treated bey Mrs Haris and Mrs thorn and came back to wealsh hook to stop of ovear night distans 5 mils 

Oct 18 1880 Havearfordeweast: I laft weelsh hoock this noon and came hear distans 8 mils and on the way hear I went up on the top of the greate trowgarn rockes or in wealch craig y drowgoinfawr or it wease a high clift of rockes on top of the mountain and thare I offeard up my prayears unto god for the intreast of heas kingdom upon the Earth and stopt at Abeabl Maris 

(p. 89) Meilford (Oct) 19 1880: I wealked hear distans 5 mils and visetead brothear Adams and family and stops at the Railway hoate hall and the peopele ware late from Cardiff and I bore my tesemony to them and sould a track to them bey the neam of comperehensef Salveation 

Neiland Oct 20 1880: walked hear distans 8 mils and it weas snowing veary fust and stoped at James Purser 

Mountain Hill near Marberth Oct 21 1880: wealked hear distans 10 mils and stopt at broathear Gorge Secory 

StaparSide Oct 22 1880: walked hear distans 15 mils and stopt at Umphra and Sarah wats and it weas veary windy and could 

(p. 90) Carmarthen Oct 23 1880: I wealked hear distans 21 mils and it was veary windy and could and I stopt at the tempranc hoat hall (temperance hotel) 

Carmarthen Oct 24 1880: I preached oute on the quay at 12 m and bey the monument in Augest Street at 4 p m as they came oute of Sunday Schoole and slapt at the fauglon with David Dan 

Oct 25 1880 Llsvin y fillter fach: I roate a lattear to Charls Wright to Utah and a card to Joseph R. Mathey to 24 Mary Street Twin y Rodin Marthur and slapt hear at J Jones 

Oct 26 1880 Llin y fillter fach: I read the trew repantanc and it raind all day and I slapt at John Jones 

(p. 91) Oct 27 1880 llywin y filltir fach: it was raineing againe to day so that I could not leve so I read the nesitey of Mirecals (Necessity of Miracles) and slapt at John and Martha Jones 

Oct 28 1880 Cad y binon: I walked hear distans 10 mill and it weas reaineing all Day and I slapt at John Williams 

Llanelly Oct 29 1880: wealked hear distanc 6 mils and visetad the saints and slapt at Mrs Mary Bowen 

Llanelly Oct 30: went to visit the Saints and slapt at Mrs Mary Bowean 

(p. 92) Llandlly Oct 31 1880: Meat at the ould furness in John John*s house in the capacity of a saintes meeting and peartoock of the Sacrament and bore our tastemoni to the work of God reveald in the last days My Salf and broather harmon John Evans and John John and had a vear good meating and I slapt at Mrs Mary Bowen 

Cyidwali Nov 1 1880: Eadwin harmen and my salf lafte llanelly came thru pen bery porte and distrebuted tracks and stops at Ralph Phishear (Fisher) 

Minky Nov 2 1880: Stopt at broather William Thomas 

Nov 3 1880 Landilo: Came throo landarog and called at Josaph Gee and slapt at the White Lion 

(p. 93) Llanybea Nov 4 1880: Slapt at Richar Thomas 

Near llangadog Nov 5 1880: We distrebuted tracks in landilo and slapt at James Jones at the above place 

Cwmaman Nov 6 1880: we laft Llangadog and came hear ovear the black mountain distans 16 mils and slapt at Edward Jones 

Cwmaman Nove 7 1880: we preach out in the open are (air) at 4 p m as the peopel came out of Sunday scollol (school) and we slapt at Edward Jones 

Manardilo near llangadog Nov 8 1880: we laft Cwmamaman came hear ovear the black Mountain distanc 16 mils and slapt at James Jones 

(p. 94) Llanylea Nov 9 1880: we laft llangado and came hear distans 10 mills and slapt at the Red lion inn 

Nov 10 1880 Llwinyfillter fach near Carmarthen: we laftllanylea and came hear distans 20 mils and slapt at broather and Sister . . . . 

Haein Baglam Nov 11 1880: we lafte llwinfillter fach and came hear distans 10 mill and slapt at Isea (Isaiah) Haighs (Hayes) 

Llanelly Nov 12 1880: we came hear throo penbery porte and pick our trackes that we had layed out about a weack (week) ago and chinge (change) some of them and slapt at John Evans 

(p. 96) Swansea Nov 13 1880: broathear lawis my salf and John M bowen Benjiman Harman and Edwin Harman twoock the train to Lanelly at half past one p m and arived hear at two and Moroni Thomas met us at the Station and saw Willian D Williams in the eving and slapt at William D Williams 

Swansea Nov 16 1880: we met in counsel at 11 a m and in Saintes meating at 2 p m and in the eving at half past six 6 and we hed veary good meating and I slapt at William Williams 

Swansea Nov 15 1880: I roat a lattear to my wife to Utah and met (p. 97) with the Saintes in the eving spoke on the law of tithing and slapt at Williams 

Swansea Nov 16 1880: I roate a lattear to my uncle Daniel to Cil Cwm and slapt at Williams and viseted cusen (cousin) Margrat Philipes William Rees s neese and the wife of Joseph Edwards 

Llanelly Nov 17 1880: broathear William De Williams and my salph left Swansea bey traine to loughoe and wealk from theare to llanelly and slapt at Mrs Mary Bowen 

Llanelly Nov 18 1880: broathers Edwin Harman & Benjiman Harman my salph an William D Williams went throo the copear (copper) and led and silvear workes and slapt at Mrs Mary Bowean 

(p. 98) llwin y filltir fach farm Near Carmarthen town Nov 19 1880: we laft llanelly and came hear bey the way of Minkly or fan galch and ordained William Thomas to the office of an Elder My salph W D Williams and Edwin harmon and I weas mouth and we slapt at broather and sistear Jones 

Carmarthen town Nov 20 1880: W D Williams Edwin Harmon and my salph came heare and viseted the town and the Saints and eate in Sistear Ann Hews and slapt at Mrs Jones an oute sidear (outsider) 

Carmarthen Nov 21 1880: Williams Harman and my salph preach hear twise in the morning in porieary Street and bey thee town hall in the afternoon or 4 p m and stops at Mrs Jones and giv trackes away 

(p. 99) Saint Clare Nov 22 1880: we laft carmarthen and came hear and went to T Ridor the man that heas the town hall in charge to aske for the use of it to preach and wes refused and slapt at Margrat Williams the masons arms 

Stoperside (Nov) 23 1880: we laft Saint Clare and came hear and went to a mans house bey the name of Lloyd and tlaked much on the princepels of the gospel and asked one of the trustes of the schools for a place to preach and hes name is Richard Williams and we bor a feaithful testemony to him of the truth of the work of god and allso to a young minestear bey the name of Evans and we slapt at Umphra Watteas 

(p. 100) Weyland Nov 24 1880: we came hear and went to James Purser and eat thare supar and braefast theire and slapt at one of the naibears 

Havearford west Nov 25 1880: we came heare throo Milford with the intantion to go on bord of the great Esteurn but it was to starme then we continewead on hear throo Stantin and Saint John and Slapt at Mrs Sarah Oorgan Cartlett we leaft W D Williams at Millford Mountain hill near Naeberth Nov 26 1880: we came hear and slapt at broathear Scorly distans ten mills 

Nov 27 1880 Brychfa: we came hear wealke (walk) to wheat land distance 8 mills then toock the traine to Carmarthen distans 15 mills then wealked hear distans 12 mills and slapt at Sistear Ann Brown 

(p. 101) Brychfa (Nov) 28 1880: broathear Edwin Harman and mi salph went to broathear Morgans and eat dinar thare then went to the church of ingland then back and preach in broathear Morgans House to a house full of pepule and they listened veary atentefly and head a good meating in and slapt at Evan Morgans 

Nov 29 1880 pen y Warn Near llanybydar: we came from Brychfa hear ovear the mountin distans 10 mills and slapt at John Evans 

Clwt y fwrn Nov 30 1880: we came hear distans 5 mills and stoped ovear night at Ann Evans 

(p. 102) Hanpetear Dec 1 1880: we went to new court to looock for a place to preach eat dinear with the school teachear got a place to preach in Gryffid Jinkins a Blacksmith & for geave an apointement out for tomorow night and Sistear Thomas found place for us to sleep at the tempreance house 

New Corte Dec 2 1880: we came hear throo llanwgnen got a place to preach in John Jinkens s Blacksmiths Shop geave an apointment out to preach thear the next night went to Mr Jones llwin y gros one of the school trystees got hes permisho to have the School house and we give him a track the only trew propheat then went on to New courte and preach in griffith (p. 103) Jinkins s Blacksmith Shop at 8 p m to a full house it wease lighted up well with candles and the pepule helped to sing and lisened veary atentevly and slapt at David Jones Brin llefrith 

Lanpetear Dec 3 1880: we laft new corte came to llanwynen went into the School talked to the teachear he give the notice oute of our meating and at 8 p m we preach in John Jinkins s Blacksmith Shop to a full house of Peapule and the shop weas well filled with light and benshis (benches) and pepole and theay sang for us and we head a veary good meating and went to Lanpetear and slapt at the tempranc house 

(p. 104) Lanpetear Dec 4 1880: we stopt in Lanpetear and slapt at the temperanc house 

Lanpetear Dec 5 1880: we went to Clwt y fwrn and heald two meatins one at 11 a m and one at two p m and head good meatings and went to Lanpetear and slapt at the tempereance hoateall 

Manoridilo Dec 6 1880: we laft Lanpetear and came hear and wealked 20 mills and slapt at James James 

Cwmaman Dec 7 1880: we came hear throo landilo distans 12 mills and preach in Broathear Edward Jones and slapt at the Reven inn at Mrs Davis 

(p. 105) Lanelly Dec 8 1880: we came hear from cwm aman throo pont ar dylas distans about twenty 20 mills and we toock the traine at pontardylas and read in and i slapt at Mrs. Mary Bowen 

Lanelly Dec 10 1880: we went to visit the Saints and slapt at Mrs. Mary Bowen 

Swansea Dec 11 1880: went to Swansea distans 12 mills and slapt at William Williams 

(p. 106) Swansea Dec 12 1880: we met in counseal at 11 a m and in Saints meating at * 2 p m and in preaching meeting at * 6 p m and there weas quite a few straingears in the meating and Broathers Lewis Bowen Harman and my selph adrest the meating and head much of the powear of god apon us and i slapt at William Williams 

Swansea Dec 13 1880: i sent to veset my cusen Margaret Edwards and met with the Saintes in a prayear meating and slapt at William Williams 

Swansea Dec 14 1880: went to fox hole - preach in Broather Parckham hous broather E Lawis my salph and E Harman J N Bowen adrest the meating and slapt at William Williams 

(p. 107) Swansea 15, 1880: went to see David Thomas to Moris Town and preach in William Williams E Lewis my salph & E Harmon H N Bowen adreaste (addressed) the meating and we slapt at the above place 

Neath Dec 16 1880: we laft Swanse and came hear caled at broathears Lang and Eastman and John Williams and slapt at the Kingshead Hoat hell 

Neath Dec 17 1880: we wente to Kill Frew to John L Bowen wifes my naphew and he promest to let us preach in hes house on the twentey 22 then we went back to Neath and we head a meating in broathear Estman and slapt the the Kings Had Hoate hall 

(p. 108) Herwayn Dec 18 1880: we laft Neath this morning & cauld at Thomas D Bowen and Eat dinar there then wealked to glen Neath and toock the traine up to hirwain and slapt at James Witteiar 

hirwain Dec 19 1880: My salph and E Harman & Thomas Rees went to Morgan Evans to dinar and then to meeting then to Rees Price to Eate then back to meating at Thos Jones is and slapt at Rees Price 

Tid furn Deal Dec 20 180: we laft hirwain and crost the mountans to this place and cauld at the Warde at Philipe Price then went to this place and slapt at a raleteve of broather harmon bey the name of Daniel Williams 

(p. 109) Trayorkey Dec 21 1880: we leaft furndeal and came hear and atend a funaral a grand child of Rodrick Davis and I preached on the ocation (occasion) in the cemetery chirtch and slapt at broather john lloyd 

Kill frew Dec 22 1880: we leafte treayorkey and came ovear the mountain to glyn corwg calde at O Lawis road down to Neath with the caule (coal) traine met broather Lawis and bowen and went to kill frew and prech thare in John L Bowen and slapt at the abive place and it weas a veary wet and stormy day 

Glyn Corwg Dec 23 1880: we laft Kill frew and came hear and road up on the cole traine and (p. 110) and I preached the first princiepels of the gospeal to them that wear in the car as the trayen (train) stot and preached in the evening at D Lawis and slapt at the same place

Trayorkey Dec 25 1880: we laft glin corwg and came heare ovear the mountain and mat at William Thomas and we enjoyed our salves in singing and othear amusment and theare weas one re babtise into the church and we slapt at John Loyed 

Glen carwg Dec 24 1880: we stops hear all day and slapt hear at David Lawis 

Trayorkey Dec 26 1880: we met with the Saintes at 11 a m and at 2 p m and at Six p m and I spoke at each one and slapt at John lloyede 

(p. 111) Trahorkey Dec 27 1880: we went to Blain y Cwm and preach thare at 6 p m and it weas raining harde all day and slapt at John Loyede 

llwin y Piia Dec 28 1880: we calde at Saveral placeis on the way and came hear and slapt at David Londen an oulde frend of myne 

Penrewfer Dec 29 1880: we laft llwinypeah and cauld at John Thomas Clydach veale and came hear and stopt at Johnnah Evans is sistear Hannah Philipes and it rainde hard and the distans is aboute two 2 mills 

Gilveach goch Dec 30 1880: we preach and slapt at Thomas Edwards and the distans 2 mills 

(p. 112) Ynyes Owen, Dec 31 1880: we leaft y Gilfach goch and came hear and slapt at gorge Oweans and we came throo pont y pred distans aboute 15 mills and the wathear weas a little frostey 

Marthyr, January the first 1881: I lefte ynes wen and came to Marthyr in company with Edwin Harmon and Thomas Rees and went to 24 Merry Street twin y rain and met broather josaph R Mathews and Burgame harman, Grenway Pary, Morony Thomas, Enoc Lewis, John M Bowen and slap tat my broather Richeard Evans 

(p. 113) Marthyr, January 2 1881: went to the counseal meating at the raileway inn long roome and wease caulde apon to speake met againe at 2 p m and at 6 p m and wease calde apon to speke and Wm E Lawis, Thomas D Rees and Davide R Davis and my broather Richard wear thare and hes little son Joshua and I slapt at my broathear Richard Evans 

Marthyr, Jan 3 1881: Met with the Saints in a littele conceart in the Railway inn Hoatel Hall and injoyde oursalves veary much in singen and reiciting I sang difrin y Myngelord and the farmers Boy and slapt at Richeard Evans 

(p. 114) Abarcaned Jan 4 1881: Atend a meating in Broathear John Jones and I slapt theare 

Abercaned, January 5 1881: Broathear T D Rees and I wint to Merthur cauld at 24 went to bey some thinges pantes and vest and colars they cost 21 shilinges then went to veiset at David Rees Gothin and slapt at John Jones 

Merthyr Jan 6 1881: I went in company with thomas D Rees to visite the house that hees fathear lived in and othears frendes and relations and slapt at my broathers Richard Evans 

Merthyr Jan 7 1881: I weas wrighting a lattear to my wife and famely and slapt at Richard Evans 

(p. 115) Merthyr Jan 8 1881: I send the lattear away and four 4 news papears and went up to 24 Mary Street then went up to dowleis to visite Miss Philipes the Chandlear and allso my uncle David and talked and explaind the gospeal to them and slapt at my broather Richard Evans 

Merthyr Jan 9 1881: I met with the Saints in Merthyr Branch at the Raileway inn long rome heald meting at 2 pm and at 6 p m and Preach on the on the falilng a way (falling away) and the rastoration of the gospeal throo the prophet Joseph Smiths and slapt at my broathr Richard Evans wether feasy  

Noyad wan Jan 11 1881: I laft Merthur to go to Noyad wen cwmdwr Traeastel distans 25 mills and slapt at my brothre in law Rees Davis frosty wethear 

(p.116) Noiad Wen Jan 11 1881: I stopt in the house to read the news and broathear Prat sermon and slapt at my broathear in Law Rees Davis and the snow fell deuring the night to the depth of tean inches 

Noyaswen Jan 12 1881: beaing that the snow weas so deape I start hear today and roate a latear to my wife and famely and slapt at Rees Davis 

WCl Cwm Jan 13 1881: I laft noya swen and came hear distans 10 mils to see my uncle Daniel my fathears Broather in ---- to get some geniologes of my relations but I did not Sucseade (succeed) much in geting them and I slapt at the Noyad arms Houte all and it frose the water in my bedroom hard 

(p. 117) Cil Wwm Jan 14 1881: I went to jacobe Rees of the inn near ppenhyuhenleisic to try to get some genealeges of my relations but I did not sjcsed in geting them then welked Back to Kill Cwm Distans 2 mills and it weas freezing hard and slapt at Daniel Williams Noyad Fawr Arms and it frose the watear in my bedroom hard 

Landovry Jan 15 1881: I went this morning to the church yard to get the Date of the death of my grandfathear and grandmothear on my mothear side and visetede the chaine Bridge and crost it then down on the othear side so far as nant yr ogfan then crost on the railroad Bridg at Lwin Jack then up to town and slapt at W Price Black Ox 

(p. 118) Lancovry Jan 16 1881: in the morning I went to visit Danial Evans an ould frend of mine and I preach as the pepole came out of the chapeal at 11 a m and thar weas nine inshes of snow on the ground and it weas frezing hard and veary cauld and I slapt at William Price Black Ox and it frose the watear hard in my bedroome 

Noyad Wan Cwm dwr Jan 17 1881: I laft Landovery this morning vewing the fare and difrant placis in town and the ould castil and mery seans (scenes) of my childhould and bid them farewell and came hear distans 6 mill and the wind Blowing rathear hard ahd the snow deep and slapt at my broathear in law Rees Davis 

(p. 119) Noyad Wan Wamdwer Lleweal Trcastel Bracon Shire: Jan 18 1881: it bleu veary hard all day andaknight and weas oblige to stay in the house all day and it drifftad the snow and filled up the roades in sum places 6 or 8 fear depe and I slapt at Rees Davis 

Noyadwen Jan 19 1881: I stayed hear againe to day on acount of the wether beaing Bad and the snow deepe and the roadeas not backe and slapt at Rees Daves 

Bracon Town Jan 20 1881: I laft noyadwen this morning and wealked hear distansx 15 mills and the snow wes deep and freezeing hard and the traines weas blockeaded and stlpt at the Caffe House 

(p. 120) Bracon Town January 21 1881: I weant to viset the wedow of my cuson William Williams and gatheared up some names and dates of my relations and then the wathear is veary could and I slapt at the Coffee tavarn 

Llanamlach Jan 22 1881: I laft Bracon this morning and came hear to visit my cuson Mary Jones and to gathear some dates and neames of my relations and I slapt hear & wathear could 

llanamlach Jan 23 1881: I stopt hear all day and knight and the wethear weas veary could 

Tal y Bont Jan 24 1881: I lafte llanamlach this morning and came hear and slapt at john jones and it weas could wathear 

(p.121) llangors Braconshire Jan 25 1881: I lafte tallybont this morning and came hear to visit my cuson Mary Prichard and get some genealeges of my relations and stopt there ovear knight and it weas freezing veary hard and wear veary could and the snow weas in the roades three feet deepe and the pepeal head to cut throo it 

Bracon town Jan 26 1881: k lafte langorse this morning and came hear to viset my cuson Cathrine James and stopt allnknight and the wethear wear modearating 

Bracon town Jan 21 1881: I went to viset cuson William Williams*s wedow and daughtear and talkede to them on the princepels of the gospeal and leaft with them a track the Comprehansiv Salvation and slapt at the coffee tavarn 

(p. 122) No 24 Mary Street Jan 28 1881: I leaft Bracon Town this morning and Came hear wealked to Tal y Bont distans aboute six or 8 mills and it weas thawing fast and I gat my feete wet toock the traine to the cafen called at my broather Richard and hes little girl weas veary sick and I slapt at 24 with Broathear Josaph R Mathews 

Marthyr No 24 Jan 29 1881: Stapt hear to read the Star and the papears and went oute for a wealke with broathear Mathews to prepare for the arival of apostle Albeare Corington from Levearpool to atend our Confrans on the 6 Day of Feb and I slapt at my Brothear Richard Evans and the wathear weas milde and thawing 

(p. 123) Marthyr Jan 30 1881: I met in counceal with the brathrean at the rayelway inn the useueal place of worship at 11 a m and at 2 and 6 p m Broathear John G Gould my salph and Broathear Mathews adressed the meating and I slapt at No 24 with J R Mathews and the state of the wathear is milde and thawing now But prevouse to this last 2 or 3 dayes for aboute two 2 weakes the weather have bine the couldeaste and froase harder than it did in the same lengeth of time since eany one knows living can remembear and owing to this the Rayle Roades weare Blockeadead with snow for two 2 or 3 Dayes and all the iron workes head to stope & cauld not get watear nor matearial to the workes and many lives ware loste and frose to Death and I slapt at 24 Mary Street with J R Mathews 

(p. 124) Marthyr Jan 31:1881 I sta[t at 24 Mary Street and weas wrighting and slapt at No 24 

Marthyr Feb 1:1881 I stopt at No 24 Mary Street and thare came 80 pounds of trackes (tracts) from Leveirpool and I slapt at my broathear 

Marthyr feb 2 1881: went to my sistear Marys and Route a lattear to Bishope Burte to Youtah and slapt at my broathears 

Marthyr Febrew 3 1881: went to gorge tawn to visit my cusan Elizabeth weatearman and got some names of my relations and slapt at my Broathears No 3 Chapeal Street Pant Tywill 

(p. 125) Marthyr feb 11 1881: I went to Cafn to visit my cuson Margrat Williams and to geathear the names of my relations and I cauld all so (could also) at my Cousen Ann Evans and slapt at my broathears 

Marthyr feb 5 1881: I went down to 24 Mary Street and in compeany with broathear Mathews went to Bawrow fanshis for Conference and met Broather Carington at the station at twenty meinetes to Eaight p m and went jp to 24 and slapt at my broathears 

Marthyr feb 6 1881: Met in Confrance at the Raileway inn and wease cauld apon to speake at (p. 126) 6 p m and broathear D R David and apostle Alberte Carington Fawlowed and slapt at my Broather and it snowed and raind all Day 

Marthyr Feb 7 1881: Met in Concearte with the Saints at the raillway inn at 8 p m and head a veary interasting time and slapt at my Broathear 

Marthyr feb 8 1881: Met at 24 Mary street with the Brathear and wease apointed to travil with william D. Williams at or in the District of Cardiff and slapt at My Broathear 

(p. 127) Colyl feb 9 1881: Broathear William D. Williams and my salph leaft Marthyr and came hear and it weas raineing and we slapt at Hannah Lewis wealked about 5 mills 

feb 10 1881 Coly farm: we came heare and weas veary much welcome and stopt ovear knight at Mrs. Margrat Thomas and the weathear weas veary rainene 

feb 11 1881 galli gaear: we came hear from thejColy and went round the vealag (village) with tractes and publish a meating and inveited the pepeal to it and heald a meating at Edward Lewis and we slapt at the same place 

Pont y Peid feb12 1881: we lafte gaille gaer this morning and came hear distance aboute 8 millsand slapt at Robart Bishope  

Pont y pred feb 13 1881 went to Broathear Robeartes to Bracfast mat with the Saintes at 2 p m and at 6 p m at Broathear Bishops house and slapt ther 

Pon y Pred feb 14 1881: went to Robeartes to Bracfast and dinear and roate a lattear to my famely and preach at half past 7 p m at Thomas Giffis to aboute 12 outsidears and slapt at Broathear Bishop 

(p. 129) Gil fach gach feb 15 1881: we leaft pont y pread this morning and came hear distans aboute 8 mills and it weas raining and head bin (had been) far 2 Days and Knights and we stopt at Thomas Edwardes 

Ogmour Valy feb 16 1881: we leaft the gilfach goch this moring and came heare and viseted a famely bey the name of Willicox and anothear bey the name of Gorge Philipes the first one head bin in the chirch wealked aboute five mills ovear the mountain and we slapt at the place 

Tonyrafal feb 17 1881: we lefte ogmor valy and came hear ovear the mountain throo clydachvale and ton y pandy and pen y graig distans 5 mills (p. 130) and we preech hear in Wedow Morgans hous and we slapt at hannah Philipes Penrhy vear 

Lantrisaint feb 18 1881: we laft ton y Rafal and came hear and preach in Broathear David Morgans is (Morgan*s) house and we wealked about ten mills and we slapt at Richard Thomas tee Gwelem Cotage 

Cardiff feb 19 1881: we left Lantreesaint this morning and came hear distans aboute twalve mill and we slapt at Sistear Thomas No 21 Planet Street 

Cardiff feb 20 1881: we toock a wealke aute around the Dockes and Back and Met with the Saintes at 2 p m and at 6 p m and spoke at Both metinges and slapt at Sistear Thomas No 21 Planet Street 

Landraff feb 21 1881: we held a prayear meating at Broathear Blattun and we slapt at Broathear Thomas Rees 

Landraff feb 22 1881: I roate a lattear to my family and in Company with W D Williams and Matilda Rees viseted the Cathedrial of landraff and we slapt at Broathear and Sistear Rees 

Garth hill feb 23 1881: we laft Landaff this morning and came hear to see a man bey the name of Thomas Jinkens and slapt at his broathears widow whos names weas John Jinkins at the Coliars arms Distans a bout five mills 

(p. 132) Lantwit feb 24 1881: we left the garth hill this morning and came hear Distans aboute five mils we came bey laffs well and nant garw and llan y bad and rgad felln and slapt at the new inn and eat at broather Rees Jinkins 

Pont y Pred feb 25 1881: we lafte Lantwit this morning and came hear Distans five mills and slapt at Broathear Robearte and Burtha Bishop 

Pont y Pread feb 27 1881: we met at two p m at Robeart Bishops and peartaock of the Sacrament and (p. 133) we head three meatings in the evining in Differeant placis Broathear W D Williams to one & Granway Pary to the sacond and my salph and Broathear Huges to Sistear Evans and I spoke on the sacond chaptear of Danil and we head a veary good meating & slapt at Bishops 

Pont y Pred feb 26 1881 (Note: chronology out of order): went to visit the Saints and slapt at Robert Bishop  

Trayorkey feb 28/81: we met with the saints hear and we head a veary good meeting and wealked aboute twelve mills and slapt at Broathear W Davis 

(p. 134) Cwm aman March 1 1881: we laft Trayorky this morning & came heare ovear the mountain Distans aboute five mils and we slapt at broathear Thomas Pottar 

Galli Gar March 2 1881: we laft cwm aman this morning and came heare Distans aboute five mills and we stopt at broathear Edward Lewis 

Galli Gar March 3 1881: we stopt heare all day and it wear a very windy day and loocked veary much like snow and it snowed all knight and we slapt at Edweard Lewis and we heald a meating thare my selph and W D Williams preach 

(p. 135) Coly March 4 1881: we lefte galli gar today and came hear distans aboute five mils and it weas rayning veary hard all day and we head much Welcom and slept at Sistear Hannah Lewis 

Abearcanad March 5 1881: we laft the Coly today and came hear distans about fore mils 4 & it weas raineing all day and we slept at Ann Rees 

Abarcanad March 6 1881: we went to Marthyr and met with the Presthood in Counceal at 11 a m and in Saintes Meating at 2 p m and pertoock of the sacrament and Bergmen Alan and John Edwards

(p. 136) spake in tunges and intarpet them and thomas Evans prophisied and we met at 6 p m and I dismist the meating bey prayear and slapt at broathear John & Mary Jones 

Marthyr March 7 1881: we met at No 24 Mary Street with the Breathearn of the prestood and slapt at my brothear R Evans

Marthyr March 8 1881: we met at No 24 Mary Street with the Breathren of the prestood and Breathears W D Williams and Granway Pary left for Shaffeeld with the nine a clock traine and Broathear Mathews said to Marani Thomas the responcebility of thes Bookes will lay apon your Shouldears aftear I am relest and the pracdency apon you Broathear and slapt at R Evans/John Evans 

(p. 137) N 24 Mary Street Marthur March 9 1881: I met hear and roat a lettear to my famely and one to ----- and one to Carmarthen and slapt hear at Sistear harmon with Joseph R Mathews 

Dowlais March 10 1881: I went to see my unceal and then to Mistress Davis the choristar or Hannah S Philipes is Sistear and I slapt at hear plase 

Mountain ash March 11 1881: went to see David Evans Contractor(?) Then to pendaren caled to see Elizabeth Rees and Rachear Crumbs then al to Marthur, then of ovear the mountain to Cum Bach with Pracedant Mathews thense to Mountain Ash and slapt at Broathear Thomas Evans distans 5 mills 

(p. 138) Pont y pread March 12 1881: I left Mountain ash this morning and came hear distance aboute five mills distrebuted some trackes on the way to peopole and caled at Broathear John Huges and slapt at Broathear Robeart and Birtha Bishop 

Pont y pread March 13 1881: Mat with the Saintes at 2 p m and pertoock of the secrament aftear that I made up some diffeculety that excestead Betwen some of the Brethren then met at 6 p m in a preacheing meating and John Daniels wease theare and I slapt at Broathear Bishop and the abov difecalty weas betwene John Huges & Robert Bishop 

Pent y predd March 14 1881: I roate a lattear for Thomas Griffis (p. 139) and met with the Saintes in a prayear meating at John Huges and thare weas some half a dosun straingears prasant and I slapt at Broathear Robeart and Birtha Bishop 

Penrhiu fer March 15 1881: I left Pont y pread this morning and came hear distans aboute five mills the wathear weas fine and I slapt at Hannah Phillipes 

Gilfach Goch March 16 1881: I laftte penrhiu vear and ceme heare distans about two miles and the weathear weas veary fine & I came ovear the mountain & I slapt at Sistear Ruth Edwardes & Thomas Edwardes 

(p. 140) Lantresaint March 17 1881: I laft the gilfach gach this morning and came hear bey ton y refel way and slapt at Richard Thomas te gwilim cotage wealked aboute tean 10 mils and the weathear weas fine 

Llandaff March 18 1881: i lafte Llantresaint this mornign and came hear distans aboute ten mills and the wethear weas fine and I slapt at Broathear Thomas rees 

Cardiffe March 20 1881: I came hear met with the Saints ad two 2 p m and peartoock of the scrament and met at six 6 p m and I spok at each meating and slapt at Sistear Thomas Conerans(?) House at 21 Planet Street 

(p. 141) Cardiff March 21 1881: I went ovear to pen arth to vew the place and back againe the wathear beaing winde and could distanc aboute five mills from this place I weas abeal to see newporte and Bristoll & Weston & Ceveden in Sumerset Shire & I slept at 21 Planet Street 

Llandaff March 22 1881: wente from Cardiff & came heare called at Broathear Blaten and I preach hear in Broathear Thomas Rees is house and so did broathear Rees preach and thar weas tue oute sidears pracant and I slapt at Broathear Thomas Rees 

Llandaff March 23 1881: I remaine hear all day on accounte of havy raine & slapt at Broathear T Rees 

(p. 142) New Mill near Llantresaint March 24 1881: I met Broathears Enoch Lewis & John M Bowen hear and we preach ehar and thare weas no one came in to hear to heare (repetition) us But we did intrast each othear and we slapt at Richard Thomas and wealked aboute ten mills the wethear bing dry & windy 

Llantresaint March 25 1881: we lafte new mill this Aftear noon and came heare distans aboute 3 milles and we preach in David Morgan and thare weas one outesidear presant and slapt at a place about half a mile from town 

Pant y pred March 26 1881: we wente to vew the chirch and the ould castel in llantresaint (p. 143) ase we wase comeing away and and (repetition) thear wese two girls cleaneing out the chirch so my salph and Lewis & Bowen went inside and vewed it then came hear distans aboute four mils and slapt at broathear Robert Bishop 

Pont y pread March 27 1881: this beaing a Sunday and beaing a midling fare day my salph and Enoch Lewis & John M Bowel preach oute at 12 m & at quartear past five p m hence we head two aute doras meatings & two in doreas meatings the in doras meatings weas vary good and we slapt at broathear Robert Bishop 

(p. 144) Llantwit veardra March 28 1881: we came hear and preach in the raileway inn long room at 8 p m to a small congregation of pepole and theay lesoned veary atentevly & we head a veary good meating my salph & Enoch Lewis & John M Bowen Preach and we slapt at the new inn 

Garth hill near pen tirch March 29 1881: we came heare & went up on top of the garth mountain from this place we could see all the country all a round for meany mils & allso the Bristol chaneal & a cross it into Sumearset Shire & allso Cardiff & pen arth and hear we liftead up our voiseis to the allmity in prayear and in singin and we preach at (p. 145) the Coliars armes Long Room to a small congregation of pepole at 8 p m & theay leasund veary atentevly and a veary good meating my salph and E Lawis J M Bowen preach and we slapt at Thomas Jinkens 

Ton y Raveal March 30 1881: we came heare distans aboute 10 mills and preach at Charles Richeard s house to a small congregation of pepole and at 8 p m and we head a veary good meating and the wethear weas drie and could and we slapt at Charls Richardes house 

Furndale March 31 1881: Broathears Enoch Lewis & J M Bowen & my salph leaft ton y rafal this morning (p. 146) and came as far as llwin y pia to gathear and then partad thay went to trayorkey and I went ovear the mountan to furndal and I slapt at Broathear Loveday and the wathear beaing drie & could 

Galli Gar Aprial 1 1881: I lafte Furndale this morning & came hear ovear the mountain to Cwm an thens to Mountain ash thens ovear the cafen glas mountain bey the tunal thence from thare to quackears (Quakers) yardes and I vewed hear the depeast cole pitts in weals and theair dapth beaing from 700 & 50 to 800 hundrad yards deep and I walked som 10 or 15 mills and the wathear was veary driy & windy and could and I slapt at the house of broathear William Lewis 

(p. 147) Merthyr Aprial 2, 1881: I left Galli Gar today & came heare distans about 8 mills wente to the confrance house got sum lettears from home the wethear being dry windy & could and slapt at John Jones 

Marthyr Aprial 3 1881: We met in counsal at 11 m & went up to my Broathear Richard and eat diner with him and then went to see my sistear Mary & she weas veary sick and could scarsley speak and she died that knight aboute six p m from the Dropsey Complaint then I went to meating at 2 p m then went to visit my napew William Williams then met with the Saint at 6 p m & slapt at Broathear John Jones 

(p. 148) Marthyr Aprial 4 1881: Met at the Confrance house with the breathrean then went up to my broathear Richard to sleepe 

Marthyr Aprial 5 1881: Met at the Confrance house with the Bratheran then went up to Dowlai in Company with brouthear Enoch Lewis then called at my uncle David Evans No 33 Victoria Street then back to No 24 Mary Street to sleepe at the Confrance house with Joseph R Mathews 

Marthyr Wednesday Aprial 6 1881: I went to my sistears Funaral at the Coffyn Semetary whare she weas baryed and I slapt at my Broathear and the wathear beaing fine 

(p. 149) Marthyr Thirsday Aprial 7 1881: I went to see my naphew John Thomas My Dearest sistear son and Counseald him in the way that he should go then went to the Counceal house to meate Broathear Mathews then went to meating proacedant Mathews adressed the meateing and our numbeear weas about 12 the wathear weas drie and a little could and we slapt at Sistear Harman 

Marthyr frayday Aprial 8 1881: I roate a lattear to my daughter (p. 150) Mary Elizabeth and read the Star and slapt at No 24 Mary street 

Mountain ash Saturday Apriel 9 1881: leafte Marthyr at 12 m in company with J R Mathews to Abarcaned met Thos D Rees hear and et dinar at Sistear Ann Rees and then from thare past the gathin cole pites (Gathin coal pits) called at David Rees then near this place Broathear Mathews and us partead and he went back to Marthyr and T D Rees and my salph went ovear the mountain to Cwmbach called at Edward Morgan and wease provided with something to eate then went from hear to Mountain ash the distans in all beaing aboute 6 mills and the state of the wathear beaing dry and a little could & slapt at Thomas Evans 

(p. 152) Pont y pred Aprial Sunday 10 1881: thomas D Rees and my salph lafte Mountain ash on the traine this morning which cost 9 peance and the distans beaing about 9 mills and we had to chaing cars at the abeardar and Marthur junction and mead the trip in 20 minutes arived at this place aboute ten a m and Called at Broathear John Hughs and eat dinar with them then went to meating at 2 p m wich weas heald at Broathear Robeart Bishop and we pertoock of the Secrament and broathear Hughs Rees & my salph adressed the meating & most all the Saints bearing tastymony and head a good meating then at 4 p m met in the Branch Counceal broather Rees and my salph address the Counceal (p. 153) then we met againe at 6 p m and broathears Russal Richard Danial and T D Rees and my salph adrasd the meating and thare weas sum 8 or ten straingears pracant and with the saints and the childrean the house weas cram full and we head a veary good meating and aftear the clase of the meating one of the young men that weas pracant promest me to be Baptise on naxt Thirsday hence we had a veary good meating and some prospactes of an adishan (addition) to the chirch Bey baptisem and we head tee and supear and bed at Broathear Robeart Bishop 

Pont y predd Monday Aprial 11 1881: Broathear Rees and my salph weas invited out to Broathear & Sistear Robearts (p. 154) to brcfast then we weas wrighting the rest of the day and in the aftearnoon went to visit Sistear Evans and Cutlars famely and theen came back and atand a prayear meating at Broathear John Danial Broathear Rees and my salph adrassed the meting and we head a good meating and it weas raineing and we eat suppear and slapt at Broathear Robeart Bishop and I head a rathear a peceulaer dreem this night 

Hawl fach Aprial thirsday 12 1881: we lafte pont y preadd this morning and came hear distanc about 8 mills the wathear being fine we eat Bracfast at Broathear John Danials then called at Thomas Griffis haffad thence at the Hinas(?) at Phillpes Philippes house (p. 155) hoo head a daughatear that weas blilnd and head bin in school for 8 years in Bristol and weas well Eaducated in Reeding wrighting and music and all kindes of knitting and she shawed us hear slate whar with she dun hur wrighting and the slate head guides and gages and lines to go bey and she head a daske sumthing semelar to a printears dask to keepe the latears and a little peticon (partition) betwene each lattear so she could tall whare evry latear weas and when she did wright she toock the papear and layed it on the slate then put the lines or the gage on the papear then take the latears and stamp them on the papear and she head anothear way to wright with an all (awl) to punch little hols in the papear throo the frame (p. 156) and we talked to hur allso on the princepels of the gospell and I give ar a track bey the name of the latear day prophet and we toock dinar with them and thear did invite us to called againe then we called with Edmund Cary talked to him with regard to dett that he howes for bocks then we came to Broathear John Jones and head sumthing to eate then went to a prayear meating Broathear Rees and my salph adrased the meating then anoint sistear Thomas with oil and layed handes on her head and Prayed for hur I weas mouth in the anainteing and Rees in the laying on of handes and we eat supear and slapt at Broathear J Jones 

(p. 157) Trayorkey Wensday Aprial 13 1881: we came hear cauld at sistear thomas and Eate dinar thare and anointed hur with oil and layed handes on hur then we call at Broathear William Thomas and roate a lattear to David Boothe beaing that it weas a year ago to this day that I laft my home in Brigham City to Come on my mishan then we weant to meating wich weas heald at Rodrick Davis and Broathear Rees and my salph adresed the meating and we head a veary good meating and we eat supear thare and I slapt at Broathear william henry Davis raglan Street 

Pone y pridd thirsday Aprial 14 1881: we came heare called at Broathear thomas and Sistear Phillipes & Broathear Rees is (p. 158) ant at ton ye ystrad then at Sistear Thomas and she was improoveng in hur halth then went on againe and a carage drove up & the man asked us if we would have a ride and so we wente in the carage and road two mills or three and I gave him a track the latear day propheat and then wealked an eat at John huges then went to meating my salph and Broathear Rees and Bishop adressed the meating and I eat and slapt at Broathear Bishop and the distance weas about 10 mills and the wathear fine 

Handaff frayday Aprial 15 1881: we came hear distans aboute 12 mills and the wathear veary fine called at Evan Richards wife at llan y Bad then on to nant garw and baught some cackes (cakes) then on to ton gwenlass then to wich chirch then to the Bridg workes Raw and broathear (p. 159) Thomas D Rees weas quite sick and we weas well tretead Bey Broathear and Sistear Rees and eat and slapt thare and went to visit taffs well whare pepole gose to Bathe and it layes close bey the taff rivear and the watear in it is from three to four feet deep and the wattar bubels up in it a little and borded around the side and three curve stapes (steps) in it and about three or fore feet across and the watar taste a little like iron and it weas coveard inn with shete iron and seets all around it and we went apon our kneas and prayed to the Lord 

Cardiffe Saturday Aprial 16 1881: we came hear and cauld at Broathear Blaten and weas wrighten our gurnds and eat dinar theare then came hear to 21 Planat Street then went out to the (p. 160) town to bey some cardes and in the evening we roate these cardes and send them on a head of us and we slapt at No 21 planet Street at Sistear Thomas wealked aboute three mills and the wathear weas veary fine 

Cardiff Sunday Aprial 17, 1881: we stopt at 21 in the morning we weas reading at half past two in Saints meating my salph and T D Rees and Sameul Shapton adressed the meating and toock of the sacrament then we met at half past six againe and we adrased the meating againe and the wathear weas fine and we slapt at No 21 planet street at Sistear thomas 

(p. 161) landaff Monday Aprial 18th 1881: we laft Cardiff this morning and came hear distans 3 mills and the wathear beaing fine but a little windy called at Broathear Bladin and eat dinar thare then I wroate a lattear to Broathear Burg to Utah than we eat again then went to meating at Broathear Thomas Reed No 14 Bridge workes row and thare weas some half a duson straingears in and about the same numbear of saintes we head a veary good meating my salph and the two brothears Reesis adressed the meating and we eat and slapt hear at Broathear and Sistear Thomas and Helena Rees 

Garth hill April Tusday 19 1881: we laft landaff and came heare distans 4 mills the wathear beaing windy drie cloudy (p. 162) and coulde called at tan gwenlas at one broathear William Sumdecas and head somthing to eate thare and allso thre pence a pese in mony then we cauld at the GWCW the Don s sistear in law hes wife sistear who lived clos bey pentirch fortch iron workes then went on to Thomas Jinkines whare we weas much welcomed and furneched with food and lodgins and we bore our tastemony to them 

Ti Givelin Cotage near New Mill Wednesday Aprial 20 1881: we laft the Garth hill this morning and came hear distans 5 mills and the wathear beaing windy and could and showing a little and heare we had ----- welcom and furnished (p. 163) with frwood (firewood) and lodgins and held a meating heare and my salph & Broathear Rees adressed the meating and fealt much eaidad (aided) bey the Sprite of the lord and slapt at William thomas and Sistear thomas 

Llantresaint thyrsday Aprial 21 1881: we lafte ti gwil and came hear distans 3 mills and the wathear could and had bin snowing some roate a lattear to my famely with my likness in it and adrassed it to my Daughtear Mattie and posted it hear and heald meating in Broathear Thomas Williams my salph and broathear Rees adressed the meating and allso broathears Devid Margan & Williams Bore tastemony and slapt at Calafe Davis aboute half a mile below town  

(p. 164) (out of order chronologically, pp. 165-166 missing) 

(p. 168) ponte y Cymer Garw Valy frayday Aprial 22 1881: we lafte llantreesaint and came hear distans 10 mills the wathear windy cloudy and could called at the whit hall farm eat bread and milk theare then on throo llan haran vilage and lafte a track thare then turn up and ovear the mountain to falin Evan ddu vilage then ovear anothear mountain to garw valy then up to pont y cymar and weas well anteataind (entertained) with food and logins But awing to the scarsety of Beades (beds) we slapt on the Benshish and charse (benches and chairs) before the fire and in the morning we head some veary nis music with a Black Bird that thay head in the cege (cage) ant this weas at Fradrick Smith 

(p. 169) Wick Aprial Sattirnday 23 1881: we lafte garw valy and came hear Mis Smith gave us one shilling apeace then went ovear the mountain to Mas tag head prayears on the mountain went to see William Evans and Eat dinar with him then med (made) some inquiarmente of Jane loyed and she head mooved to traforast and I laft four 4 tracks in this place and lafte one at Mr Powll the poste mastear then went and called at Sistar Shribear and eat thare then wealked to tondu then toock the traine to Bridg end then walked hear Distans in all aboute 20 mills and we road about three mill the wathear windy and could and we slapt at Richard Williams 

(p. 170) Wick Sunday Aprial 24 1881: we went to Monk Nash and called William Richard went down to the sea shore to vew the sea and the cliffs and we could see Sumerset shir which distans would be about 20 mills across the wattear then went back and took cinar with Broathear Richards then went up to the Wick then went to the chirch of ingland for we head no place to hould a meating and it weas to could to preach out of dores then went down to Monk Nash and we eat hear againe and weas wrighting our jurnals this place is veary noted for its anshant loocks (ancient looks) and oulde castles and transhis (trenches) and wind mills and we slapt at Richard Williams 

(p. 171) Pont y predd Monday Aprial 25, 1881: we laft the Wick this morning and came hear distans about 20 mills it head bin raining in the knight we came thro llandw then Cawbridg then Brinsadlar and pont Clown caled (called) at Calab Davis and toock dinar with him which cost sixpans a pese we destrebutead some track along the road then we toock the traine at Llantreesaint to Traforast cost saven pens called at the park office and inquiread for one Jane Looyed and she weas thare and I laft a track for hur to give Mr Poweal then went up to hopkins town and head prayear meating at Broathear Bishop Broathear Rees and my salph adrassed the meating and slapt at Broathear Robeart Bishop 

(p. 172) Furndal Tusday Aprial 26 1881: we laft pont y pred and came hear distans 10 mills the wathear beaing windy and could came bey unis hir & pont y gwaith & Taylors Town called at Broathear Zlovdy and head somthing to eate and then called at Danial Williams and eat thare then visetad William Rees Davis Broathear T D Rees is cusean and wease treated with much kindness with these partes (parties) and slapt at Danial Williams No 10 South lake Street the above is a frand and we gave them some tracks 

Cwm aman Wednessday Aprial 27 1881: we laft furndale and came heare distans 3 mills the wethear beaing Cloudy and Mild Called at Jacob Jones No 22 Comershial Street Blan lleche Near Pony y pred (p. 173) then ovear the mountain to this place and we head food and lodgins and welcome at the House of Broathear Thomas Pottear 

Mountain Ash thirsday Aprial 28 1881: we came hear Called at Cop Coch at the house of Joseph Morton and eat two meals with them and they weas talling us aboute savearal sydean daths (sudden deaths) that and one little girl dide of crppo aftear 6 or 8 ouars (hours) sicness and a man fell down stars aboute mid night and busted hes had open and dide soone afftear then we went down head and head food and ladgins and welcom at Broathear Thomas Evans 

(p. 174) Galligar frayday Aprial 29 1881: we lafte Mountain Ash and came hear distans 8 mills & the wathear mild and fine we walked ovear the casfan Glas Mountain then bey quacears yard and we heald a meating hear and head food and lagins and walcom at Edward Lewis 

Marthur Saturnday Aprial 30 1881: we laft galligar and came hear distans 10 mills the wathear beaing mild and rineing a little we came past Craig y Bargad Chapeal and cross the mountain to Ttragd y rhyn then to Abarcanad and eat dinar at Sistear Ann Rees then called at Broathear John Jones weas invited to come to sleep hear then went (p. 175) up to the confranc house met Broathears Mathews and J M Bboun and soone in Came M J Thomas and E Lawis B harman E harman and I washed and chinged my clouths at Sistear harman and slapt at Broathear J Jones Abarcanad 

Marthyr Sunday May 1 1881: went to meating at 11 p m wich weas a counceal meating one young man bey the name of goold weas cut off the then and met at 2 p m in saints meating and the fallowing Brathen spoke in tungues and profisid Bangaman Allan William Lawia and Thomas Evans Broathears Lawis Rees my salph (p. 176) and Broathears Mathews adrassed the meating mostly then we mat againe at six p m broathears T Rees E Harmon and D R Davis weas the maine spekears and I dismissed the meating By Prayear then went up to the confranc house and on this acation (occasion) the folowing Brathen weas pracant Josaph R Mathews Enoch Lewis D R Davis my salph J M Bowen B Harman E Harman T D Rees and M J Thomas then my salph and M. J. Thomas wente dawn to Abar Vaned to sleep at Broathear John James and we eat suppear and bracfast with him and I blased David R Davis the son of Christmass and Maryann Davis and the distan from marthur hear is about six mills 6 

(p. 177) Marthur May 2 1881: we met at thecounsel house to sattle hup acountes and we held an oute dore meating in frunt of John G Goold 122 panewal Row twen y Radin my salph and Thomas D Rees and Moroni J Thomas preach thens Back to the confrance house thence to Cathring Williams to sleep and eat supear 

Marthur tu May 3 1888: we met at the Councel house to Contenew (continue) our labors my salph and Broathear Thomas went up to capant tywill to see my Broathear and hes uncle and I eat dinar at my cusan Ann Junkens then back to the Congranc house called at my cuseon D J Evans then we came Back to the Confranc house to Continew our labors then Broathears Harmans and T D Rees went to hould a meating at Abarcaned and my salph and M J Thomas and J R Mathews continewed our labors and I slapt at the Confranc house with Broathear Mathews at Sistear Harman 

Marthyr We May 4 1881: we continewed our labors to day againe and I roate a lattear to Thomas M Evans my son thence we went to see the Circase Procation of John Seangear thence went in to see the pearformanc which weas veary grand I saw in the procation 040 horseis 4 in a brast drove Before one caradg and 6 alephant danceing and waltzing inside and it is a veary good surcas then went (p. 179) to veset Richard Thomas and Jane Rees and eat Supear thear then went to the Saintes Meating my salph and Broathear Rees adrased the meting and the Saintes Saintes (repetition) bore their tastmony and Bangaman Alan and John Jones spake in tungues and prophesid and we head a veary good meating and our numbear weas about 12 I then went to the Counceal house and slapt at Sistear Harman with Broathear Joseph B Mathews 

Marthyr We (really Thursday) May 5 1881: we went up to the Caffyn to hould a meating Edwin Harman and Banjaman Harman M J Thomas and my salph Preach Benediction Bey T. D. Rees then went to my (p. 180) cuson Margret and head supear thare then Called at my cuson Ann Evans then went down to the Confranc and slapt us Sistear Harman with Broathear J R Mathews for the last time for then he went out of the presedense and I came in *John Evans 

Pant y gwaith fr 6 1881: we laft Marthur this morning caled at Lawis Thomas and eat dinar with him then we laft pantry Bach and called at the Diffrin at John Thomas glin mile and head sumthing to eat there then went on dawn to pont y gwaith to Broathear Gorge Ones (Owens?) and head prayear meating and head welcom and food and we slapt next Door to the Quacurs yard jungtion (junction)

(p. 181) Hoatl and thay payed for our logins that is Sistear Owens did 

Pone y predd S May 7 1881: we laft Pon y gwaith and came hear Distans 6 mills and the wathear weas veary fine and the coockhoo and othear burdes making fine music for us as we went along we called at sistear Evans and ehad sum food then we called at Broathear Cuttlear then up to Breoathear Robeart Bishop whare we did stop ovear night 

Pont y predd S May 8 1881: we met in Counceal at 11 a m at Broathear Bishop and satled a diffecalty that head bin betwene John Huges and Evan Jones (p. 182) then met at 2 * p m in Saintes Meating and peartoock of the Sacrament Broathear Bishop & Butlear adminesteard it and the Saints all bore tastemony of the church of Jusess Christ of latear Day Saints Beaing the trew church of God Met againe at 6 p m meating opened bey singen prayear bey John Huges Broathear Rees Jinkens Cuttlar T D Rees and my salph adrased the meting Benedicsn (benediction) bey Robeart Bishop we et dinar and tea at Broathear huges and supear at Bishop and slapt at R Bishop and we concecrate a bottle of oile 

Pony prdd M May 9 1881: we went to Broathear Huges to Bracfast (p. 183) then we sat down to write aur jurnal then eat dinar with them then we went to visit the Rocking Stone and is veary notad for Camp Meatinges place whar difrant sactes and creades (sects and creeds) meat to worshept espacaly the Bardes and Poeates and Dreweites (bards and poets and Druids) and those that is infedals and doo not beleve in eany god only in the god of nature and it is on the mountain and around the rocking Stone thear is some 25 othear rockes set up end wayes in the ground aboute two or three feat a part in a circul all around it and anothear surcle insid of that one and northe and south of this place or the Rockin Stone there*s two rowes of rockes set up endwayes in the ground resambling a snake and the head of a sun dial and somthing (p. 184) resembling this \|/ and the sun dial this (illustration) then (illustration) it resambels the above veary much only it should be a little more croocked then we went to viset Sistear Cuttlar and famely and head somthing to eat thar and then went to Sistear Evans to the prayear meating and thare weas some of us pracant and most of us toock part in th emeating then head supear at Sistear Evans and slapt at Broathear Bishop 

Garth Hill tu May 10 1881: we came hear from Pont y predd Distans about 6 mills and the wathear weas vary fine we called at Ann the wedow of John Millar and John Jinkens whoo have booth died in America one by a sun stroke (p. 185) and the othear one bey inflemmation and she made us sumthing to eat then we walked Down the Banke of the Camall then crost the taff rivear on the raileroad bridg and then up the hill and heald a meating in Thomas Jinkens and head a veary good meating and sould sum three penc 3 worth of trackes and opened two new placis to preach in and we head food and logins and welcom hear at Thomas Jinkens and his good wife 

Handoff w May 11 1881: we lafte the garth hill and came hear Distanc 4 mills and the wathear weas veary fine and the freute trees are all out in Bloom But thar head Binn quite a frost in the night and thar weas ise on the watear in the morning (p. 186) we came past the Pentich workes wich is going to be soulde the end of this or the bigening of the next month we called at John the Ballar Company Cole who weas marad (married) to the GWCW yr Dons wife s sistear and they head a datear sick then we walked down the canall bank pas the fal in griffith then down to the colage workes caled at ton gwenlass at Broathear William Sundears and eat dinar with him then came on down hear and head food and logins and welcam hear at Broathear Thomas Rees 

Lland aff th May 12 1881: we mained hear all day reading and wrighting an ite and head food and logins hear with Broathear Thomas & Halenaha Rees 

(p. 187) Lland aff fry May 13 1881: we remaind hear all day the wathear beaing fine in the day But could and frosty at night and to day we was ingage in puting the adrass on Broathear Rees is (Reese*s) Bax & sack for he leves for Uttah naxte weack and we heald a meating hear at 8 p m and the two Broathears Rees preach had a good meating and we head food and logins hear 

Lland aff S May 14 1881: we went to Cardiff called at 21 Planat Street and Sistear Thomas who have bin sick for many munths weas a boute the same only she seme to get wekear we then walked ovear to canton with the intantion to see Broathere wates and thus intending to see the papear (p. 188) mill but not finding him thare and us beaing straingears they did not let us go in then we came Back a gaine and it weas veary windy and could and Dusty and we went in to see the Sofia Gardin and it was a vary nice place with Shade trees and walkes and fine grass lanes and watear pond and swans on them and a nice fountains But it did not operate then and allso Banshis (benches) to sit down on every few rodes we then caled at 21 Planat Street and found some Clurgeman of the chirch of ingland thear coming to see Sis thomas we give him no 5 numbear of the Divine othenticity of the Bock of Marmon and head some talke with him on the gospeall we then adminestered to Sistear thomas (p. 189( and then went up to llandaff and slapt at Broathear Thomas and Halenaha Rees 

No 21 Planat Street Cardiff S May 15 1881: we went my salph and the two Broathears Rees went to wichchurch and called at one church yard to geat the age of some of hes hes (repetition) relations off from the head stones then went to broathear Blaten and eat Dinar thare then went up to Broathear Rees and heald meating thare at 2 p m and peartoock of the sacrament then we met againe at 6 p m Broathear wattes and John Olevear and the two Broathears Rees and Broathear Sameul Shaptons preach I my salph being veary horse having had could then we walked down to Cardiff in company (p. 190) with Broathear Shapton then went to 21 and adminestearde to Sistear thomas the laying on of handes and prayed for hur then we eat supear and slapt hear at No 21 or at Sistear Thomas 

Llantreesaint M May 16 1881: we laft Cardiff this morning and came hear Distans 10 mills and the wathear beain veary windy I baught my two sons each of them a tie and a Boock Mark for my Dughtear Ann with the intantion of seanding them to them with Broathear D R Davis who leves on th 21 of May then we called at Broatheare blatean and had Dinar theare then caled at Broatheare Rees then came hear and heald a meating hear(p. 191) my salph & Broathear & David Morgan and T D Rees Bore our tastemony and prayed and the two sistear thomas Bore tastymony and we prayed in Bhalf of a little nease of thairn (niece of theirs) that wease sick and we head food and logins hear at Richard and Elizabath Thomas 

lantwit Vardea tu May 17 1881: we lafte new mill to day and came hear distans about 5 mills and it wes raineng hard Called at Broathear Rees Jinkens and eat supear thare then we went and heald a meating at the Raileway in long room my salph and Broathear T D Rees addressed the meating and we slapt at the new in 

(p. 192) Pont y predd w May 18 1881: we laft lantwit to day and came hear Distans 6 mills came throo tra farast and called at Broathear Cutlear and had sumthing to eate then went and head a shave and we gave the Barbear a track the numbear one of the devine othenticity of the Boocke of Mormon then went to Robearte Bishop and we met Broathear David Evans thar who have just arived from Utah on hes mishan and we held a meating thare and all the Saints bore thair tastymony and my salph and D Evans and T D Rees Spake then went up to Broathear Huges and Eat Supear theare and recoved the Thithing mony and slapt at Bishops

(p. 193) Abargaveney th May 19 1881: my salph and Thomas D rees laft Pont y predd this morning on the traine and on the wich Weas Thomas Rees from Land aff on hes way to the valy and the wathear weas a little cloudy and could we met Broathears Enoch Lewis D R Davis and Josaph Re Mathews and othears of the Saints at the quackears yeard jungtion on their way home to Zion in utah north amarica and my salph and T D Rees parted at this place he went to Trayorky and I came hear bey Rumme Jungtion and pen pangam & Crymling Bridg and pont y pool Road & town and to this place Abeargaveany Junction and met Sistear Beazant and John Loyed (p. 194) Sistear Cornish and hur daughtear and Broathear Moroni j Thomas went to Sistear Cornish to Dinar thens we went to veu the ould Castle and thence to the acilam (asylum) and the kepear toock us all thro the house and arounde the oute side and he tould us that thay had sum five hundrad and fifty pepole thear which weas from thre difrant countys Bracnock Radnar and Monmoth Shirs then we went to the ould church the dore Being opened and a young man plaing on the organ wich he sad weas six hundrad years ould and we saw many veary anchant emeges (ancient images) one of them beaing Lord Hastings or Gorge De Cantelupe 2 Sir Silliam Hastings 3 Lawrence de Hastings No 4 Sir William ap Thomas and hes wife glatis layed bey side in lang six feet four inches of nice sculptur of alybastear in full armor and hes wife weas the daughter of David gam and thay weas the parents of William Herbert first Earl of Pembroke and the first of these effigies taken from a chronological poiont of vew belong to the 15th Century and are thos of Sir William ap Thomas and his wife gladys the intire langth of the intir toomb is 9 feet whilst the slabs bearing the figurs are only 6 ft 7 ins the lengath of the figure of the Knight 6 ft 4 ins from head to heel this monument standes out in the centre of the Herbert chapel (p. 196) then we went and head somthing to eat at Sistear Beazant and heald meating thar and the Saintes all Bor tastemony to the truth of the gospell reveald to Josaph Smith in our day and Breauthear Thomas & my salph adrass the meating and we slapt at sistear Beazant 

Blewfort f May 21 1881: we laft Abargaveany to day and Came hear distans 10 mills and the wathear beaing a little windy and cauld we cam throo Gofilan & gilwean & chaltnam or Clydach then black Rock then Brin Mawr and we caled in Broathear Jones and head somthing to eat then came on hear and we healde a meating hear and the (p. 197) Saints bore thair tasemones and we head aveary good meating and Broathear Thos and my salph ocupid som of the tim and then we head supar and slapt hear at Broathear Jorge Hareson 

Tredgear S May 21 1881: we laft Blewfort to day and came hear Distans two mills caled at Broathears Richardes and Greene Land then went to veiset my cuson Ann Evans and saw three of hur Daughtears and some of head grand Daughtears and Broathears M J thomas head the 15 volum of Stars (probably Millennial Stars) with hur then we went to visit My naphew Watkin Morgan in the first Ros No 14 Gorge town Tredegar and we head somthing to eat with them and tould us to cole againe (p. 198) and I wease mad prucant (present) of a Boock of Mormon bey a lady that lived with them then we went to Broathear Greeneland and had sumthing to eat with them we went to Mrs hodg to sleep 

Tredegar S May 22 1881: we went to Broathear Greaneland to brackfast then went to the councel heald at Gorge Richard and I re ordained Patrick Grimly to the offic of an Eldear acompaned bey Moroni J Thomas and Broath Greenland and ordained George Hareson to the office of a preast M J Thos being mouth and ordained Chalrls greeneland to the office of a preast Broathear Greenland being mouth (p. 199) and peace and good will prevailed among us and then met againe * 2 p m in the capacity of a Saints Meating and all the Brathren and Sistears bore tastemony of the truth of the gospeall reveald to Josaph Smith in this ganaration and my salph and M J Thos adreesed the meating and head a veary good meating then we head somthing to eate and Broathear greneland then went ut to Seerawhe and healde an oute dore meating in frunt of the Serawhe Hoteall and Broathears Gorge Hareson fore the first time in hes life stood up to adrass the meating then William Jones M J Thomas and my salph adrased the meating and we head a veary good (p. 200) fredom to talke then then (repetition) the brathren and Sistears of Abwvale and Rummy and us parted heare then we went to our useual place of worship at the house of Gorge Richard but no one came thare to lisen to us so we went and heald an out dore meating at 7 * p m at the Batom of dundy row and Morgan Street Broathears Gorge Richard & Greenland my salph and M J Thomas adrasssed the meating and thare weas a grate many pepole gatheard and lisend veary atantevely part of the time and part of the time theay ware much distrb bey a loose horse runing around among the pepole and thay ware fullfilled the scriptures bey turning from the truth to fabels and the beast exitment in the... (p. 201) semed to draw thaire mindes from the truth then we went with Broathear Greenland to have sumthing to eate then we went to Mr Hagge to sleep thus ending oure Sunday labors bey haveing foure meatings two indors and two oute Dors Meatings 

Rumme M May 23 1881: we weas wrighting in the morning and in the aftear noon went to veiset my causen Hanah Morgan at Salar ddu or garn near Tredegear gatheared some of theair genealages and we gave them some tracts and preach the gaspell to them then we went and heald a meating in tredegar at llynweling (Llewelyn) Williams and Cathring Williams Wich ahd bin (p. 202) sic in Bed for 12 years then brauthear Greenland M J thomas and my salph preach and we head a good meating then we went With Gorge Richard and head sumthing to eat the(n) wealked ovear and slapt at David Charls 

Rummy tu May 24 1881: we eat brcfast hear and dun sum wrigting then went to the house of Broathear Patrick Grimly and eat Dinar thare then we went to see Broathear Henry Jones who is sick and confined to hes bed for 12 weakes then went back to grimly and head somthing to eat then went Down to pent ttlatin and heald a meating on the Square (p. 203 skipped; p. 204 next) Broathear Barns mysalph and M J Thomas preach and head a veary good meating and at the close we gave some tractes away and I navear saw people so angshouse (anxious) ase theay weas to get them theay reached oute theair hands and sead give me one & etc etc (?) The wathear weas fine and we eat supear at Broathear Jarymiah Williams and slapt at Broathear Daved Charls 

Court y Balla argod w Mary 25 1881: we laft Rummy to day and came hear Distanc 5 mills and the wathear beaing fine Mead ingires (inquiries) found one Ann Evans head Bin a membear of the church But now a Jsaphite (Josephite) called at one Jones and one (p. 205) Jinkens that capt (kept) a large shoe Shopes (shops) and gave them tractes and preach the gaspel to them and this weas at new tredegear and tir phil then went Bey Cwm Sevuck then to the Gorge inn gust across the rivear in glanmorgan shire we called at an ould manbear of the chirch Bey the name of William Owen But is a Josephite now and head something to eat thar with Mistress Owen Did not see him then wen on to Bedwllty coled at one Morgan Rees and one Isaiah Thomas that head Bin in the chirch the above Rees is the fathear in law of Hanry Haris of the Shugear house ward and we head somthing to eat thare & we gave some tractes then we came hear (p. 206) then this place is the school that Belonges to this place and is called the Corte y Beala school and is Capt Bey Mistear and Mistress Manrow (Monroe) who have bin hear for 29 years and Mistress Manrow is Moroni J Thomas is ant hes fathers causen and we gave them tractes and preach to them the gaspeal of Juses Christ revealed in our Day and thay give us food and lagins and we visetat the school and weas veary kindly treated Bey them 




Evans, John

Davis/Davies, Elizabeth


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