Vincent, Katurah Vaughan Jones - Biography


Katurah Vincent was born on the fifteenth of October 1828 at the town of Easmarthere, Carmarthenshire, Wales. Her parents were John and Rachel (Daniels) Vaughan, her father being a farmer and also worked at the copper works in the neighborhood of the home. Her parents were of the State Church of England and did not become identified with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Her home life was without any particular occurrence; all was peace, quiet and happiness. She remained under the paternal roof until she attained the age of 21 years, with the exception of being at service with a neighboring squire's family - "Squire Saunders". This was an old and well-known family of considerable wealth and influence. There were six daughters and two sons. She remained with this family for about two years leading a pleasant life.

After this she lived as a girl with a Mr. Samuel Griffith, a farmer and then with a Mr. Edward Benbow who held an office under government as exciseman, and whose residence was about three miles from her parents' home. Here she met Mr. William Jones and first heard of Mormonism. It was noised about that there would be a meeting of the Mormons in a house nearby, and she, together with a few young companions, including William Jones, went to hear them. She listened to the doctrines and principles as expounded by the Elders which made quite an impression upon her, and upon having the gospel further explained, she was baptized sometime in September, 1848.

Her parents and relatives were much opposed to her joining the church; her six brothers and two sisters were all opposed to her action. (Two of her brothers are alive at this writing, 1909.) There were no Mormons in the neighborhood. After a short courtship she married Mr. William Jones on the 21st of November, 1848, soon after she was baptized.

The spirit of the gathering soon took possession of the hearts of the young couple and presently preparations were made for journeying to Zion. She remembers how one of her girl companions turned against her, after a long and affectionate acquaintance. When she became a Mormon this Maria Griffith became her enemy and was most bitter in reproaching her for joining the Church. Notwithstanding this feeling of opposition, quite a large number of the family journeyed down to Swansea to see the young people embark on the small steamer for Liverpool, and with sorrowful hearts they parted with their friends and native land.

Captain Dan Jones was one of the party of emigrants and took charge of the little company on the trip up the St. George Channel. This was a rough one and they were pleased to disembark at Liverpool.

On February 25, 1849, they embarked on the sailing ship "Buena Vista" with 249 Welsh saints on board under the direction of Dan Jones, and after a voyage of eight weeks across the mighty ocean, they landed at New Orleans. During the voyage two old ladies died and were buried at sea. Once they went through a terrible ordeal when the cry of fire was raised, consequent upon a cook spilling a large quantity of grease upon the fire. The sailors soon had the fire out and order restored, although there was quite a panic.

At New Orleans they took the river boat for Council Bluffs. The long, tedious trip up this wonderful river was trying on the travel-worn people. While on the Missouri the cholera broke out, and here came on the of the great trials of Katurah's life. Her young husband took the disease and died May 16, 1849, and was buried on the east bank of the Missouri. The tensions of the nerves and minds of the emigrating saints under the accumulated trials and hardships of travel, to some extent softened any one affliction, in meeting so many trials and privations daily encountered; still the hasty burial of her husband in a grave by the river's bank was a sore trial.

There were about ten relatives and close friends of her husband's family on board, and one of his aunts died at St. Louis. At Council Bluffs they found Apostle Benson in charge helping and instructing the Saints.

While here at the Bluffs her first child was born, September 16, 1849, not four months after the death of her husband. He was named William Daniel Jones, and died at the age of thirteen months and was buried at Council Bluffs; thus two of her dear ones have been laid away in unknown graves.

She lived at Council Bluffs three years, William Morgan presiding over the Welsh Saints. Apostle Orson Hyde was with them part of the time. The settlement was right in the river bottom and the consequence was that the chills and fever became prevalent. Here Katurah made the acquaintance of the Vincent family.

In 1852 she left Council Bluffs with a wagon train for Salt Lake City. William Morgan was captain of the division in which she traveled. The usual trials and episodes occurred on the march-buffalo were seen in great herds, some were killed and brought into camp. Indians visited them, were given presents and left in peace. At Laramie a great number of Indians were met, but all were peaceful. One little boy was run over and died from the effects of the injuries received.

On her arrival in Salt Lake City she went to live with a family by the name of McPherson, non-members of the Church-they were storekeepers. Here she had the mountain fever, so-called, and was very ill. During this sickness the McPhersons tended her with great care and kindness. Upon their leaving the territory for California they offered her every inducement to go with them, but her religious connections kept her with the Saints.

After the McPhersons left she lived at the home of Mr. Reese Jones of the 15th Ward, Salt Lake City, and making the acquaintance of Charles Vincent. She was married to him on May 9th, 1853, by Bishop Jenkins, and came with her husband to Provo where she has since resided on the same city plot to which her husband brought her on that occasion.

The Vincent family consisted of the old folks, one daughter and three sons, Charles, her husband, being the elder son. They acquired a large section of the best farming land west of Provo and by the skill as farmers raised large crops of wheat so that from the bins of the Vincent's, many were fed, and seed wheat supplied to many of the settlers in those early days.

Mr. Vincent's family is as follows:

Edward Vincent - born April 23, 1854

Charles Sidney Vincent - born August 14, 1856

Rachel Elizabeth Vincent Gillespie - born December 25, 1858 (deceased)

Harriet Maria Vincent Smith - born February 16, 1861

John George Vincent - born June 4, 1865

David John Vincent - born November 17, 1868

Mrs. Vincent in her earlier years attended to the duties of teacher in the Relief Society of the Second Ward, visiting in company with the deceased sister Louisa S. Park. At this writing (August 1909) she is in the enjoyment of fair health for her age, and together with her husband, living in comfort-the results of a life spent in helping to develop the resources of the state to which God led her from her native land in the days of her youth.

(Charles Vincent was a widower and had one child, our present well-known citizen, Thomas H. Vincent, who received the kind and motherly care of Sister Katurah.)



Vaughan, Katurah

Jones, William


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