Hodges, James - Patriarchal Blessing

James Hodges - Patriarchal Blessing

James Hodges - Patriarchal Blessing


Lewiston, Utah, December 17, 1889. A blessing given by O. N. Liljenquest, Patriarch, on the head of James Hodges, son of James Hodges and Rebecca Pask. Born April 20, 1851, at Lando Vana, Monmouthshire, England.

Brother James, in the name of Jesus Christ and of Virtue of the Holy Priesthood, I place my hands upon your head, and seal upon you a Father’s and a Patriarchal Blessing with the blessings of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and the blessings of the new and everlasting covenant and say be of good cheer, for the Lord loves thee, because of thine integrity and because of thine honest and upright heart. He called thee by the power of his Holy Spirit unto his gospel and thou knew the voice of the Good Shepherd, for you were chosen before you were born to become a laborer in the Lord’s vineyard, and to stand as a Savior in your Father’s House. Listen to the small voice, and you shall be full of testimony of Jesus, and grow in Faith and have power to do many mighty works in the name of the Lord; your tongue shall be loosened, and you shall preach the gospel of the Son of God, both loud and long, and help to gather scattered Israel from the masters of the Earth and have power over pestilence, sickness, and to heal the sick and raise up the dying and to rebuke the destroyer and he shall flee from before thee. You shall enjoy revelations of the Holy Spirit and understand the signs of the times, and be prepared for the coming of the Son of Man. Thou are of Ephraim and an heir to the fullness of the Holy Priesthood and to stand as a first born in the house of Israel forever, and become a mighty leader among your brethren; you shall enjoy the richness of hands in your fields and orchards and in your flocks and herds. And [you shall] have power to walk in the footsteps of your father and ancient Patriarch, that you may associate with them in the Kingdom of Heaven. God bless thee and [may] his Holy Angels protect thee until you have finished your great mission in mortality and shall stand with your Redeemer on Mount Zion, in the morning of the first resurrection and become a king and a priest unto the most high God.

These blessings are yours and I seal them upon [you] by virtue of my office through your faithfulness and seal you up unto Eternal life, in the name of Jesus, even so, Amen.



Hodges Jr, James


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